Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

237 Chapter 236 : : Passing The Thunder Tribulation

'Telekinesis + Trasnsmutate' (Rex)

All the black metal box began to melt and transform into several long spears.

'I used a special Isotope of Graphite and combined it with the metal I obtained from recycling Alfred's Inheritance box which was made of… Krasiton, a kind of metal that is known for its hardness and durability. This alloy is an excellent conductor of electricity while being highly durable at the same time, I didn't think I will use it for something like that,' Rex thought then grabbed a spear near him.

Rex swung the spear and with his body in an arc then threw it using his full strength. Rex didn't use any Qi or Psychic energy to assist the throw because if he did that then it will be taken as direct participation in her thunder tribulation, interference in thunder tribulation of realm breakthrough gives way more dangerous result compared to the one at pill refining.


Although Rex only used physical strength but it's not something to be underestimated either, he has 'Intermediate Spear Mastery' passive skill and 'Weapon Master' title, both of them were more than enough to supplement for a Basic Spear Technique.

After Rex threw one spear, he picked another spear and threw it before the first one was only halfway to its destination.

Rex's aim was not the mother beast but the ground around her.

The 1st spear landed on the ground near mother beast, it was soon accompanied by several more spears. More than half of the bodies of these spears were below the ground while their back end facing the sky.

After receiving too many injuries on her wings mother beast found it hard to hold her position in the sky and thus landed on the ground.

..Crackle…Crakle… x 4

She didn't had time for a breather as another batch of thunder strikes was about to fall on her. Mother beast roared at the sky then a big sphere of green flame got condensed out of thin air above her head, it wasn't a good idea to use the flame to counter thunder tribulation but she didn't head much of a choice. Just when she was about to fire the ball, the thunder strikes coming towards her diverted and landed on the spears on the ground around her.

'As I thought, Graphite is a good conductor of electricity and Krasiton is highly durable so their alloy has obviously retained their properties but… the problem is how long can it hold its ground against the thunder tribulation,' Rex thought as he saw that a spear became slight red after receiving the thunder strike.

The mother beast gave a short glance to Rex before using this time to recover as much as possible. The mother beast closed her eyes and took a deep breath then suddenly faint wisps of green flame appeared and covered her whole body, under the baptism of the green flame her injuries began to heal but the speed was slower and some severe wounds didn't heal.

Mother beast also noticed it and stopped recovering, she prepared herself for the next batch of thunder strike, it was the last layer of trial but it was also the most dangerous one.

Under mother beast's control several water shields appeared above her, she also folded her wings to defend against the thunder strike.

This time there was only a single thunder strike but it was more than enough to make up for all the thunder strikes alone.


The huge both of thunder landed on the mother beast, it destroyed all the water shields like they were made of paper. it was so strong that Rex saw it easily making a big hole through her first wing in few seconds. The pressure was so high that mother beast was pushed to her knees

Suddenly Rex noticed that faint red smoke came out of the mother beast's body then her strength soared and she again stood back up against the thunder strike.

'She burned her blood essence… this is the second time she used her blood essence, does she want to die or something? ..sigh.. but this time she didn't have much of a choice either, ' Rex patted the head of the anxious beast baby and solemnly looked at the thunder striking at mother beast.

'If it gets out of hand, then I would have no choice but to interfere… with 'Diamond Shell', my huge amount of Qi and HP there is still a slight chance for me to survive that,' (Rex)

Rex had several reasons to go so far for the mother beast, whether it was the baby beast or the region where the Frozen Flame City is not located, it all once completely belonged to her so letting her dies in front of his eyes was too much for him, furthermore mother beast was a strong powerhouse and after she advances she will reach the highest realm of the middle realm and can become a strong backer for him.

Burning blood essence only provides the strength boost for a short period of time and the time limit for mother beast was almost over, Rex was just about to interfere but then he saw that the thunder strike began to shrink and dissipated in a few seconds, with this the thunder tribulation was over. The two once-mighty looking wings of the mother beast were now riddled with holes, she was barely standing after looking at the baby beast for a second she collapsed on the ground.

Both Rex and baby beast rushed towards her, the baby beast rubbed her hears towards her neck to try to wake her up. Rex wanted to comfort him first but he didn't have the time to do that at the moment, he places his hand on her and analyzed her body.

[Her inner injuries are more severe compared to the ones on the outside, she burned her blood essence which also affected the natural healing power of her body, her inner organs are also affected by the thunder strik...]

'Area-Heal' (Rex)

While checking the analyzing report Rex also started to heal her, Area Heal does not have a fixed Qi consumption rate to caste it, it's effectiveness and range changes depending on the amount of Qi used to cast it.

[-500 Yang Qi]

A big golden sphere twice as big as a full-size basketball appeared above Rex's hands then flew above the unconscious mother beast.

The golden sphere continuously emitted golden rays of light kept healing her.

Fred also arrived at the location a while ago and but he didn't disturb Rex and just silently observed him.

While the golden sphere was healing her Rex used Telekinesis to carry her back to the Frozen Flame City.

'What do you think?' (Rex)

[It is just as you said, although she passed the thunder tribulation but with her current condition if her inner injuries are not cured and her blood essence didn't increase then she will become a cripple, at that time breaking through to the next realm aside it won't be shocking if her cultivation base degraded.]

'If my healing doesn't work then most of the spirit pills we could get at the moment won't have much effect on her either… what about 'Elixir Of Life' It should be able to cure her… but about the amount," (Rex)

[Well, it can indeed have a good effect on here, theoretically, it might do more than just curing her. As for the amount, it's better to use less than one-fourth of a potion.]

'Hmmm… directly using it all at once might overexert her body so how about diluting 1/4th of it with refined spirit water in large quantity before giving it to her, that way she doesn't need to consume it all at once,' (Rex)

[Good idea, it will decrease the strain on her body and this way it will become easier for her to absorb it wholly,]

Rex flew towards the castle with the mother beast, after he reached the castle Fred didn't follow him, with once glance he could see that the matter was serious and just following inside the castle without permission was no good so he stopped. The way Rex and baby beast treated mother beast left a deep impression in his head.

Fred now looked at Rex in a completely different light, before he knew Rex was strong but he didn't think that he was strong enough to have such a strong beast beside him, so he went to talk to Jiang Shuang to inquire about it.

Rex put the mother beast on the floor near the spirit pond. The spirit pond Rex made was very big, from the start he knew that mother beast uses it and the baby beast may also become big as her in the future so he built it considering their big size.

After healing her for a while and making her drink several Stamina potions using Telekinesis, mother beast finally opened her eyes.

Mother beast just stared at him but didn't reply.

[And you are busted.]

Rex averted his eyes and looked around for a while.

'No wonder this doting mother went to face the thunder tribulation without telling me about it, she has an ego problem' (Rex)

[Just like you]

'Keep quiet for a bit' (Rex)


'Someday if I could switch places with you then I would make sure to thoroughly irritate you with the best of my abilities,' (Rex)

[Good Luck]

After taking a deep breath, Rex told her the story from the start while only hiding the Enhance blood effect and Exp thing….and both of them by a Secret Blood Art and a Secret Qi Transfer Art respectively, according to what Rex told her both of these techniques were made by him and can only be used by him, many people were after him because of that so he chose to keep it a secret earlier.

Mother beast still kept staring at him.

[Was it necessary to say the last sentence.]

'It just slipped out,' (Rex)

Rex quickly hugged one head of the baby.

"Little guy, your mother doesn't like me, should I leave this place?" Rex looked at the baby beast with a sad expression.

The baby beast wrapped his neck around Rex then looked at mother beast.


He opened his mouth and spoke although he didn't have a language to communicate but the mother beast could guess his words without it.

She looked at Rex then sighed.

Black lines appeared on mother beast's face.

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