Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

252 Chapter 250 : : Lerna's Humanoid Form

When the guards were still surrounding and saw that Rex didn't show any sign of resisting they looked at each other and reached a tactic understanding. One guard who was in the position behind Rex raised his sword and rushed towards Rex from behind.

"Idiot" Rex muttered when he sensed the guard rushing at him from behind. He then swung his hand backward.

'Cursed Sword' (Rex)

A black sword made of Yin Qi got condensed in his hand as he swung it.


The guards head rolled down from his shoulder while his body still took a few steps before it fell to the ground for eternity.

..Pu tong….

Impure black blood started to gush out from the cut made by the Yin Qi sword and dyed the ground.

Normally such a Qi sword can't be used to cut the head of a person if their cultivation base was same as Rex but the guard was merely at Human Venerable early-stage furthermore Rex's Qi quality was very high because he cultivates using Exp… a very pure form of life energy, unlike others who refine impure Qi or low-quality Qi from the atmosphere to nurture their body and breakthrough.

All the guards halted in their steps and looked at the headless corpse on the ground.

'Shit! I killed him by habit,' Rex thought as he looked at the corpse.

"You… you dare resist," The old man who commanded the guards earlier was furious as he looked at Rex. He then showed his cultivation strength of Human Venerable late stage as he rushed towards Rex

'How can a human with such low INT exist in nature?' Rex thought as he looked at the old man. He killed the man just using a sword made of Qi this much was more than enough to tell the level difference but after seeing this instead of escaping or surrendering the old man actually attacked

[Universe is filled with all kind of strange things and creatures]

Seeing the old man rushing towards himself, Rex just raised his right leg and kicked him in the chest without using any special technique or martial arts.


When the old man was kicked he flew backward and rolled down on the ground a few times before stopping, when he stopped his clothes had become dirty, his left hand and leg were bent into an angle which was not usually possible for a normal human being.

'He should be alive….probably,' (Rex)

The other two old men kept looking at the headless corpse of a while before they slowly turned to look at Rex, the long lost fear began to surface in their heart, the curtain of greed covering their eyes finally fell as they looked at the man in mask who doesn't seem to care about their status at all.

"You… do you know who we work for? do you have any idea who is Sir Kebel?" The bald old man standing at the left of Rex said while trying to toughen his tone but his trembling legs gave away his tough act.

'Do they think I am Goggle? why are they asking me questions even at the time like that… what morons,' (Rex)

[Maybe they have 'Amnesia' or 'Short Term Memory Loss' brain defect]

'You can't be serious… right?' (Rex)


Rex sighed then focused on the lab ra..cough… enemies.

'Cursed Vine Summon' (Rex)

Suddenly a lot of black vines emerged from the ground beside Rex and shot towards the guards, the vines quickly circles around all the guards and apprehended all the guards like they were shackles with consciousness.

The vines were made of Rex's Yin Qi and because the skill level was high they were strong, the guards tried to cut them but they weren't able to, there were few who managed to cut them but the time they spent to cut one was enough for three more vines to circle around their body.

The specialty of this skill was that it didn't have any cost limit which means as long as Rex has enough Yin Qi they can keep growing as the target tries to resist, while the guards were hastily trying to resist it just at this moment countless needles like spikes came out of the surface of the vines and penetrated their skin.

There were few whose skin was thick enough to resist most of them and stopping them from entering their flesh but even the slightest cut was more than enough for the spikes to insert Yin Qi in their body.

The effect of Yin Qi was eroding their body and Qi from the inside, it was like a strong debuff effect for those guards.

Soon all the guards felt their body growing cold, some of them directly lost consciousness while the other was conscious but lost their will to resist.

'These people are a disappointment. Ria, Kaira Daniel, Derek, Coco they all resisted more than them when fighting that beast tamer, these people only know how to make others suffer and take joy in it but when it's their turn they can't even last 5 minutes,' Rex thought as he looked at the unconscious guards.

Now only the two old men, one bald and the other white-haired one were standing with trembling legs.

"Your Lord, does he also comes in Azure Empire" Aeneas's hoarse voice came from behind.

His face was gloomy but others couldn't see it because he was looking down.

When the white-haired old man heard it he saw a ray of hope, he quickly reacted and shouted.

"Yes, indirectly he also works under Azure Emperor and my Lord's Territory is a part of Azure Empire," The white-haired old man said.

The Empire made by Azure Emperor is famous by the name Azure Emperor and all the land he added into his territory by any means also said to be the land of Azure Empire.


In the next second Aeneas body blurred and he appeared in front of the old man while creating several afterimages on his way. Several changes took place in his body when he was rushing towards the old man, bright yellow fur with a reddish touch just like his hair covered his body and his size increased but even when his size increased it didn't hinder his speed instead his speed increased.

Before the old man could process his thoughts he saw a claw enlarging in his vision.


Aeneas's attack had contained so much destructive power that the head of the old man burst into a meat paste while his headless body still remained at the same place as before.

..Pu tong…

Aeneas then looked at the bald old man standing beside the corpse, when their eyes meet the old man lost the strength in his legs and fell to the ground, Aeneas wasn't bothered by it he still raised his hand to kill but suddenly he stopped, he felt like an invisible force had imprisoned his body from all sides.

"I let you have one head, isn't it enough? I can forgive one mistake but I am not too sure about the second one," Rex said in a low but cold tone.

Aeneas looked at him for a second but didn't argue and retreated to his original position.

When Rex was still looking at all the guards around Adal, the city lord of Corentis slowly approached him.

"Senior, you are not going to kill them right?" Adal nervously asked.

He was worried about Rex killing them all because it will bring trouble for Corentis, although now that two of the three old men have died the trouble was inevitable but he was still reluctant to kill all thinking that it might make it worse.

"Eh… so what if I am?" Rex asked in amusement.

"Senior, killing them all will bring trouble for Corentis and it will also affect your image, can senior give me some face and leave them alive?" Adal asked with some hesitation in his tone.

[Face? what type of thing is he talking about?… does he mean face mask, face cream or face wash?]

'Actually, even I am not quite sure either, I had read in some stories that this face is an invisible thing without any physical existence that is given from one useless person to another useless person for some unknown reason.

Yeah, one more thing, people also use it sometimes in the name of someone to escape from fights and trouble, what they basically mean is… please don't make trouble for me or beat me in front of everyone, you can do it under the table so others cannot blame you for doing it.

And if the other person agrees then it means he is saying…. okay I will do it without leaving behind evidence and if he didn't it means he is saying… the fukkk I care about that person's face, it has already reached the expiry date so I will do it here… you understand little Rose,' Rex honestly explained.

[Kind of]

Rex then gave him a deep look before replying.

"Even if I don't kill them now, you can forget about them leaving my territory alive," Rex said then walked past him.

Adal sighed but didn't say anything anymore.

Rex then ordered Aiden and others to apprehend all the guards and the old man.

No one had the spirit to resist so it took only a few minutes to restrain all of them.

After catching all the remaining guards around carriages Rex went back to Frozen Flame, when he reached the city he told Jiang Shuang where to put the prisoners for now and what to do with the new beastman, then he was about to head towards the castle but Fred suddenly blocked his way.

"May I know senior's name?" Fred asked in a slightly hesitating tone.

"Ask him he will tell you," Rex pointed at Jiang Shuang then left, before leaving he sent a message to Jiang Shuang telling him to make up a fake story with his 'Jack' name and tell them about it.

Rex was curious about Lerna's humanoid form appearance so he skipped other things and directly went to the castle, Lerna's current location was in his room so Rex didn't delay and excitedly headed to his room.

After arriving at the entrance door of the room, he took a deep breath before opening the door.

When the door was opened, the silhouette of a woman sitting near the balcony was revealed.

Rex's mouth was opened wide when he looked at her.

The woman looked to be in the same age category as that of Luo Niu, the one who played the role of Luo Ru's mother.

But Rex didn't judge her by age because when the spirit beast normally takes human form they remain in their prime age looks for the longest time, for example except someone who is too young or too old their age-look won't differ that much.

The woman had long green hair reaching her waist, her long eyelashes and emerald green eyes on her face were like gems embedded on the jewelry to highlight their beauty. She had a voluptuous figure and her two long legs were like icing on the cake.

Right now Lerna was wearing the same maid uniform as Lucia but the dress was clearly not capable of housing the two mountain peaks so it was sticking out a little… a little more, Lerna was sitting on a chair while focusing on the book 'Basics of Soul Arrays \u0026 Soul Seals' in her hands.

She would have looked really studious only... only if she wasn't holding the book upside down.

'So this is karma people talk about, I restored a small account and heavens gave me the whole bank,' (Rex)

[As they say, heavens are not fair]

'Oh please, you are just jealous' Rex said while peeking at the forbidden valley between the twin peaks.

[It's just some extra flesh usually resulting in stiff shoulders, why would I be jealous of it]

'What would you know about the hope of men-kind, go hook up with some female AI, will ya?' Rex snorted.


When Rex approached her, his footsteps caught her attention so she raised her head like an ostrich out of habit and looked at him.

"Looks like you succeeded," Rex said as his eyes kept scanning her whole body from top to bottom.

"hmm... I did.." She spoke in a human-like voice, her voice had an alluring charm to it but right now it sounded like she was speaking while chewing something in her mouth.

'She still needs some practice,' (Rex)

It isn't that unusual for someone of the monster race in the beast form to speak but it's when they grew up between people who can speak the main language of the continent.

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