Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

263 Chapter 261 : : A Good Deceptive Human

Although Lerna didn't want to help but she wanted to repay Rex's favor so she couldn't refuse, just when she was about to speak up she suddenly received a telepathic message from Rex.

When she heard the content of the message, the anger on her face disappeared and got replaced by the joy that was shown in her glittering eyes.

She then stood up and stared at the two brothers intensely.

"Do anything for me? what can you two do with your meager strength? you two are already just near your death," Lerna said in a mocking tone.

The two looked at each other somewhat embarrassed. They started to think of a way to convince her to help them.

Their eyes lit up if it was the strength they clearly knew that they weren't of any help to a Calamity Lord beast, but now that Rex said it they remembered that there were also other ways for them to please Lerna, they had gained many treasures throughout their life until now that can make other Core Breaking stage experts salivate by just thinking of them.

Rex didn't ask them to surrender or join his sect because it will be very suspicions and there was a high chance for them to refuse, they were already helping Frozen Flame in expanding its territory according to the deal so there was no need to force them into submissions for apparently no reason, if Rex does this and the news gets out then the other organizations will likely maintain their distance from him in the future.

The two brothers had a quick chat with each other before speaking up.

"Lady Lerna, I have the token to enter the hidden ruins under the territory of Lightning Fist Sect, I want to give it to Lady Lerna as a meeting gift, unfortunately, I didn't bring it with me so I will send it to Lady Lerna after going back to the Sect," Sung Suyin respectfully bowed then said.

Lerna kept staring at them without any change in her expression.

"Lady Lerna, I had once fought against a Monster Venerable early-stage beast from Monster Race and got the 1000 Vitality stone from his storage pouch, I want to offer them as a gift, I think they will be of much better use in Lady Lerna's hands," Sung Huang said.

Vitality Stones are usually used by the people of Monster Race or Beastman to permanently strengthen their body or slightly recover their blood essence but they are not of much use to humans, because unlike other races humans are not able to fully absorb them and only able to absorb a small part of them, so if they try to absorb them then it would be just like wasting precious resources.

Of course, humans have their own advantages their ability to absorb spiritual Qi from spirit stones is way higher than other non-human races, just like their base cultivation talent.

Lerna was still unmoved.

The two brothers were surprised by her unmoved expression because Vitality Stones are very beneficial for beasts because their cultivations speed decreases after reaching the Calamity Lord stage so they need a lot of resources to further breakthrough at a fast pace, seeing Lerna unfazed they suddenly thought of something and bitterly smiled.

Frozen Flame was able to cultivate a beast to Calamity Lord stage so how could they not have something as important as Vitality Stones… or so they thought but how could the poor brothers know that Lerna has no knowledge of things like Vitality Stones whatsoever.

The resources she used to reach this stage were acquired by herself from the Misty Maze Forest, the Misty Maze Forest was full of dangers but dangerous situations are mostly accompanied by opportunity and benefits, even the precious rare herbs outside were growing in large quantities like grass in the forest.

"Lady Lerna, I have this Blue Netheril Jade neckless here it is capable of hiding one's Qi to some extent," Sung Suyin said.

"Lady Lerna, I have this Pink Cherry Lipstick-Golden Edition, one of my friends gifted me this treasure, it's capable of moistening lips and giving them a magical pink glow," Sung Huang said.

5 people "…"

Rex was speechless.

'Why the hell did someone gifted this old man a lipstick and why is he defining its effect like its some kind of godly artifact,' Rex thought.

"Lady Lerna, I have the map of Purple Laguana Pond in Purple Wood Forest, The Purple Laguana Lotus there will likely bloom in the next two years….."

"Lady Lerna, I have this Bloody Moon Saber…."

"Lady Lerna, how about this Rainbow Thread….."

Both the brothers kept gifting one after another treasure to Lerna for saving their lives.

'Only after one can see the death not too far away from them, only then can they fully master the \u003cArt Of Giving\u003e,' Rex nodded in satisfaction after he saw that the donator hidden inside the two brothers has finally awakened.

Sung Lee was looking at both of the Sect Ancestors who were gifting sect treasures one after another, he was wondering if they would need to sell off their sect properties and start from scratch after today.

After a while, the speed at which the Sung Brothers presented gifts decreased exponentially, when Rex saw it he knew it was time.

"Ahem! Lady Lerna why act so cold in front of these Fellow Daoist, they might not be of much use to you with their strength or financial situations but they have their own specialty which is their intelligence network," The honest and kind nature of Rex didn't allow him to sit by and see these two brothers suffering like that.

Lerna intrigued looked at Rex, she was touched by his acting skills.

If she knew about the actor profession then she would have recommended Rex to stop being a cultivator and start being an actor.

"Oh," Lerna looked at the two brothers with interest.

Sung Suyin gave a grateful look to Rex, he never met such a kind and carefree Alchemist that is trying to help someone he had never even met before.

"It is as I said, I think they can also help you collect information on the Beast God Temple in Myriad Beast Continent… right?" Rex said the looked at the Sung Brothers for confirmation.

"Huh?… Yes, of course, our Intelligence network is our specialty, after the error in the information of our target last time we had strengthened our intelligence network and expended it to Myriad Beast Continent, we now have our active information agents stationed even in Myriad Beast Continent.

If Lady Lerna gives us some time then not only the information on Beast God Temple, we can even provide the information on current events and inside things going on there," Sung Huang hurriedly said, his wisdom light have long gone dim after imagining the painful death in the near future so he didn't even think properly before speaking.

"I see, so you do have some use," Lerna said with a thoughtful look.

Lerna was inwardly very excited but didn't show it on her face, this was what she was waiting for. She just did what Rex told her to do and the result they got was the same as he mentioned.

After acting to ponder for a while she agreed.

The Sung Brothers finally sighed in relief, they weren't sad about losing the treasures in their hand, after all, as long as they had their lives they could get more of them but once it is lost then the treasures will become useless to them anyway.

"Now let us not waste more time, you two sit cross-legged on the ground and prepare yourself,' Rex said. Now that he already got what he wanted, he didn't want to waste any more of his time.

He won't be so kind to help two old monsters who had lived for so long doing their assassination business for free, he won't go so far as to claim that he treats everyone in the world equally after all as a normal human with inborn selfishness he also cares more about the ones beside him than others, That's why he fully analyzes the situation and thinks before blindly helping others especially when they are someone in assassination business….

These things are of course only applicable when the others are not doing something that goes too against his principles, for example, if the Black Scorpion Sect were investing in Slavery Business then he would be the first to think of a good excuse to plunder their sect.

Sung Suyin and Sung Huang hurriedly sat cross-legged on the empty floor for fear of Lerna changing her mind, then Lerna moved behind then and placed her hands on their backs according to Rex's instructions.

"You two ready?" Rex asked.

Both the Sung Brothers looked at each other then at Rex and nodded.

Lerna began to channel her Monster Qi of Calamity Lord stage through their bodies.

Blue veins suddenly appeared on Sung Suyin's forehead, he felt like his body was a weak vessel which was now being used to house an unstoppable force, he clenched his teeth and persisted, Sung Huang was not much better either the portion of Monster Qi Lerna channeled in his body was more compared to Sung Suyin because of his higher cultivation stage.

Monster Qi is housed by the strong muscles and flesh of the beasts, it can empower the beasts with the ridiculously strong physique so it is naturally much more brute compared to normal fluent Qi used by humans.

It is just like how a motorbike uses petrol while a car works on diesel, if one were to put diesel in a normal motorbike then it won't be able to handle it.

Sung Huang's eyes became red, a drop of blood slid past the left corner of his lips.

Sung Lee became anxious.

"Don't worry this level of pain can not break them," Rex placed his hand on his shoulder and consoled.

Sung Lee hesitantly nodded.

When the Sung Brothers were just on the verge of collapsing Rex told Lerna to stop then checked their bodies.

"Good it was more effective then I thought, the parasites weren't able to withstand Monster Qi and died, your body will try to expel their remains on its own soon so you might feel like vomiting in the next few days, don't try to resist against it or worry about it, it's a natural thing and sign of you being cured," Rex said.

Sung Brothers weakly nodded.

Rex then told Jiang Shuang to take the trio to a guest house and let them rest as it won't look good to kick them out when they are in such condition.

"You are truly a good deceptive human," Lerna said with a blooming smile.

Her smile was like the first blooming flowed in the Autumn, a one of a kind smile.

Rex didn't know if he should laugh or cry at her words, her smile was truly heartwarming but her words were like piercing needles to his heart, he didn't know if she was praising or trolling him.

"Whatever you say, it is still better than I thought. Now we won't have to worry about finding intel on Beast God Temple, don't you think?" Rex said.

"Hmmm…" Lerna nodded. It was indeed a good harvest for her this time.

"So you admit, now come and give your hubby a good hug," Rex opened his arms and dashed toward her.

Lerna slightly tilted her body and dodged the incoming hug, she didn't seem bothered by it at all, it looked like it wasn't the first time that something like that was happening.

Rex crashed into the sofa in his way, the Jellinoid Sofa's shape was distorted for a brief moment because of the impact before it returned to normal.

'Aaaaaaa…. she can still dodge even after I used Dash, gotta need to think of something else,' Rex pondered while sitting on the sofa upside down.

Lerna didn't bother her time with Rex and left the room, she kept humming on her whole way until she reached the room where the baby beast was sleeping.

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