Seeing him being quiet like that Zakiya slightly smiled, Rex's Calm Mind helped his hide most of the changes in his expression giving his temperament a wise sage touch but some little changes were unavoidable like the one right now, actually, Zakiya didn't tell him the whole truth, what she didn't mention was Rex would receive one warning before doing it but if he ignored it and proceeded only then would he would have suffered.

She did it so that he would act more cautious when facing such things and won't be overtaken by greed.

After Rex recovered from his shock she continued.

"Both the soul seals had their own unique pattern.. you can refer to it as seal maker's signature, I am not too familiar with this Fairy Ren's signature either I haven't come in close contact with her, she may be active in a faraway place or she may have appeared after I left the realm… there is also a chance that she wasn't strong enough to catch my attention," Zakiya said.

Just from the name Zakiya didn't conclude that she doesn't know her because not many powerhouses are known by their real name, they are usually known by their titled name, it was uncommon for a strong powerhouse to not use their titled name.

"I see, by the way, what's your real name?" Rex suddenly asked.

"Huh? didn't I tell you to call me Zakiya," She looked at him in slight confusion.

"Zakiya? your real name? pffff haha... Seriously? what kind of na… I mean what beautiful name it is, it sounds too melodies to ears, this name is highly famine and unique, furthermore, it has its own special charm I think only a genius and extremely beautiful woman like you can have this name," Rex was going to keep laughing at her name but when he saw her slightly dark expression he quickly changed the flow of his words.

Zakiya's lips twitched. She raised her hand and clenched her fist.

Rex gulped.


[- 48 HP]

Rex rubbed the slightly irregular bump on his forehead while staring at her.

"That felt much better," Zakiya nodded in satisfaction.

"Do everyone in higher realm bully weaker innocent people like this?" Rex asked as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"It doesn't seem like you got satisfied with just one," Zakiya pinched her fingers.

Rex immediately quitted down.

'Evil woman go away, shu~ shu~' (Rex)

"Now that I helped you remove the seal, become my disciple," Zakiya said with a straight face.

"What's that logic?" Rex's lips twitched.

"I helped you isn't it normal you repay me by becoming my disciple," Zakiya maintained her serious expression like she was stating a fact.

"Is everyone in the higher realm as shameless as you?" Rex asked in contempt.


[- 52 HP]

[So you are cursing her into becoming your wife?]

'I have noted it down too, you just wait till your good days end,' (Rex)

"You will not agree like that, would you? then how about placing a bet?" Zakiya said.

"A bet?" Rex looked at her.

"Yes a bet, how about we duel, if you win I will give you whatever you ask for… as long as it is within my capability and if you lose then all you have to do is become my disciple," Zakiya said in a tempting tone.

'Give me anything? then even if I ask for her whole treasure bag… no Rex don't get taken by greed and… isn't there something more important then the treasure bag standing in front of me,' Rex was really tempted by her offer but he didn't directly agree.

"By anything, do you really mean anything?" Rex doubtfully asked.

"Yes, anything I can do," Zakiya said without a second thought.

"Even if I ask you to marry me?" Rex asked again.


[I was wondering what happened to your primal instincts]

'You are still naïve and idiotic as ever,' (Rex)

[What do you mean?]

'You really think I ask it because of her beauty? little guy even Fairy Ren was extremely beautiful but beauty without a favorable character can only make me cautious,' (Rex)

[I seriously doubt that]

'Cough… let's come to the point, the reason I ask that is not that I intend to do anything to her after all I am not even capable of freely touching Lerna with my strength then having any bad thought about someone like her who probably stands on top of the food chain in the whole middle realm is like asking for death.

The thing I want is permanent backing, I never thought she would marry me just for keeping her words but I do think that she will agree to my request right now because at the moment she really underestimates my strength so she does not think that I can win, but… what will she do if I win?

She will definitely try to back off from her words… she will likely tell us to ask for anything except the marriage, at that time even if I ask her to give me her greatest treasure or to fight for me she won't be able to refuse,' Rex said.

Earlier when Rex made the recipe of the \u003cElixir of Life\u003e to cure her, Zakiya had told him that she will back him up in the future but it only meant she will protect him in case something happened, not to fight for him and Rex didn't believe that it was good to just depend on the words she said in excitement that's why he thought of this plan.

If he had directly asked for her protection then she might set conditions like… as long as the opponent is not too strong or as long as you don't provoke others on your own, I will help you… that's why he decided to do it like that.

[To think you were thinking that far but Rex isn't there a loophole in this plan? it will only succeed if you win]

Zakiya kept staring at Rex for a while before she covered her mouth with her left hand and started laughing while hiding her face with the black fan in her right hand.

"Pffftttt hahaha… you… sure about that?" Zakiya said while trying to hold back her laughter.

Rex raised his eyebrow, her reaction was out of his expectation.

"So you agree?" Rex said.

"If that's what you want then okay, it's been a long time since I heard something so funny, to think you would say something like that to me especially with your meager cultivation base," Zakiya said with her lips curled upward.

Rex snorted, he didn't bother himself to find the meaning behind her confident words.

'Hehe… this is going to become his dark past when he goes to the upper realm,' Zakiya laughed inwardly when she thought about it.

[Rex, her battle strength is unknown]

'I know what you mean…just wait and see,' (Rex)

"By the way, you aren't thinking of fighting me with your cultivation base, do you?" Rex asked.

"Of course not, I will use as same cultivation…no three sub-stages lower cultivation base than you to fight you," Zakiya said with a faint smile.

"You are not thinking of using an overpowered weapon and stuff," Rex asked again.

"I won't even use a weapon, how about that," Zakiya said without any change in expression.

"Anything that you got when you reached a higher cultivation base?" Rex said.

"No," Zakiya replied.

"Then, are you thinking of using those strong arrays against me?" Rex said.

"No, it will be too unfair to use array in the duel," Zakiya replied.

"Are you thinking of fighting in your beast form?" Rex asked.

"No," Zakiya said.

"Your Prison Ice?" Rex asked.

"I won't use it," Zakiya replied.

"High-Grade Techniques?" Rex asked.

"I won't use it either, now are you satisfied?" Zakiya kept her smile.

Rex remained silent for a few seconds.

"You are a Divine Beast so you should also have those Special Abilities," Rex said.

"You mean Divine Abilities? tell me something, do you even want me to use something to fight? if I won't even use my abilities and I can't use my high-grade techniques then how I am even supposed to fight?" Zakiya said with a helpless look.

Rex slightly nodded.

'Now she can only use her Divine Abilities and her Shadow Law, I never saw any Divine Ability so I am not sure how strong are they but my abilities should be able to counter them, as for Shadow Law I have already figured out a way to counter that.. but she may have other hidden cards too but I also have my own hidden cards.

After calculating all these factors I have more than 75% chance to win but then what is this feeling… why do I feel like I can't win, am I missing something? or it's so-called bloodline pressure that is giving me this illusion... but Calm Mind should have countered such thing… then is it Spider-Sense?' Rex started to lose confidence when he looked at her confident expression.

"Good I agree for the duel, we will duel after I finish an important work," Rex said.

"What do you mean by that? aren't we going to fight right now?" Zakiya gave him a suspicious look.

Rex pointed at the night sky then said.

"Do you take me as a fool, I have a feeling that you clearly have a big advantage at night with your strange Shadow Law, so why would I fight at night and I am not at my best right now… there is something I need to do before the duel," Rex said with a slightly annoyed expression.

[Rex don't we also have an advantage at night? with Twilight you can get a good strength boost just by standing under the night sky]

'It was just an excuse buddy, I think it's better to fight her after completing the evolution in that way I would have more chances of winning,' (Rex)

Zakiya nodded in understanding.

"Now that it is decided, can you give me the bodies of two beasts you promised me before," Rex said.

Zakiya nodded then she waved her hand.

..Plop…Plop… x 9

Suddenly several bodies of beast fell on the ground out of nowhere and a huge heap of different kinds of beasts was formed in just a few seconds.

Various kinds of beasts were present in that heap, some were bigger than a few elephants combines while there were also those who were just 1/10 of Rex's own size.

Most of the bodies were complete, Rex could guess that Zakiya had killed them in one strike to keep their bodies intact, but there were some damaged bodies mixed in the heap too, those bodies had a hole in their chest or head because their core was dug out, as for the remaining few their bodies were incomplete… they had a few of their body part missing or only a few body parts left, Rex guessed that these were the brave ones who successfully managed to annoy her.

Rex didn't waste time in talking and started to look through the heap of beasts to find the most suitable one for himself.

According to what Rose told him, the more material he would have for the extraction the higher the chances will be for successfully obtaining their trait but there was one more factor which was…. compatibility.

The trait possessed by the target may not be the same as the one gained by Rex, depending on the compatibility it can change.

For example, if the target had a trait that allowed it to change its skin into stone and make it hard, then the trait Rex obtain may be a mutated version that allows him to harden his skin making it tougher like a stone.

Furthermore, there was one more possibility which was trait fusion, when Rex chose two or more targets at the same time and some of their traits are highly compatible with each other then there is a small chance that they will fuse to make a brand new trait.

For example, if target A has a trait that allows it to change its skin into stone and target B has a trait that allows it to grow spikes on its body then if both the trait fuses then the resultant trait might allow one to grow stone spikes on its body.

Moreover, it's only one of the fusion results there are infinite possibilities when factors like mutation, variation, Atmospheric condition, the resultant trait possessor's race, etc are taken into account.

When searching through the bodies Rex touched every single one of them to extract their DNA signature, he also analyzed them to find the traits that suits him the best, he wasn't aiming for one particular good trait but the ones that could support each other or act as auxiliary traits to empower his present traits.

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