Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

283 Chapter 279 : : The Blood Clan

Zakiya read the \u003cA Look At The Ancient Races: 1st Edition\u003e of the three books wrapped in the silk cloth... \u003cA Look At The Ancient Artifacts: 2nd Edition\u003e, \u003cA Look At The Ancient Pills: 2nd Edition\u003e, \u003cA Look At The Ancient Races: 1st Edition\u003e.

But even after that she wasn't able to find any useful information because the races mentioned were quite different from Rex and a lot from humans, although the book was just the 1st edition so there will definitely be a lot of races that she haven't read about and Rex maybe be one of those or there was also a chance that he is the product of love between such an ancient race and a human.

It was good for Rex that Zakiya stopped her wild imagination in tracks and decided to ask him directly.

Rex was in a deep sleep, he was even having a dream… nightmare will be a more accurate word, inside the nightmare he was standing in a dark room as countless pair of red glowing eyes stared at him.

He abruptly opened his eyes and sat upon the bed, cold sweat slid down his forehead normally he could perceive this is a dream and relax but this time even when he knew it nothing changed.

When Rex opened his eyes, he saw the unfamiliar room in his sight. Rex suddenly inhaled a very alluring smell, he sniffed a few times then turned his head and stared towards Zakiya…or the glass filled with wine in her hand to be more precise.

"You woke up earlier than I thought," Zakiya said while slowly moving her glass in her hands.

"Hu.. yeah, just what happened to me, it felt like someone repeatedly struck my head with a hammer until I lost consciousness," Rex said with a pained expression as he rubbed the irregular surface of his head.

"Ahem... it's probably your imagination," Zakiya said with a serious face.

Rex raised his eyebrow towards her like asking why does my head looks beat up if it was just my imagination.

[Yes, it wasn't a hammer though, it was heavy fish head.. no Eel head or maybe monster head.. whatever, it was a heavy head,]

'What do you mean?' Rex asked.

[How much do you remember after drinking that wine?]

Rex slightly frowned, the question had deep meaning, he focused and tried to remember what happened earlier that led him here.

Because of good mental strength, Rex was able to easily recover a few pieces of the memory and began to realize what he did.

"Do you know what happened earlier," Zakiya asked directly.

"A little…" Rex said awkwardly.

"I will directly ask you directly, the characteristics you showed earlier are something that is only shown by my people so… did you got them because of my blood?" Zakiya asked.

Just he hurried to jump off the bed, he realized that a black belt made of shadow was binding his waist with the bead.

"Hehe… have I ever told you that I always keep my \u003cTruth Seeker\u003e active when talking to you?" Zakiya said with a smile.

The name of the skill was enough for Rex to determine which one was it.

'Looks like I am still not fully out from the effects from earlier,' Rex thought, he realized that he almost forgot about her ability, even if he was just joking with her it was too unusual, his thinking proficiency had decreased by a notch, as for seriously escaping from Zakiya it was impossible as long as he was connected to her by Friend List.

Seeing Rex like that Zakiya slightly smiled, seeing him like that makes her feel like acquiring an achievement for some reason.

"You know Rex, In Higher Realm, blood essence or abilities aside even if someone just gets a technique that is passed down in a clan and practices it then they will be held accountable and chased by the people from the clan their whole life until death so that the technique of their clan doesn't get leaked.

Of course, such a situation won't appear if a person from the clan willingly gifted that thing to them, and in your case, you got the characteristics of my clan's people so you should have likely gotten their innate trait Shadow \u0026 Darkness Affinity, and I don't think that someone willingly gifted them to you, nor are you a child from the people of the clan… now, here's the million spirit stone question - what should I do now that I see you, an outsider gaining the characteristics of my clan's people," Zakiya asked with a smile yet not a smile.

"Tch fine, indirectly your blood was the reason for it okay," Rex said with an annoyed look.

'It's just a word game as long as I am careful I can use it to my advantage giving a good answer but with wrong information about myself, this way she wouldn't keep doubting me in the future which will be good for the long term relationship,' Rex thought.

'He is finally willing to talk,' Zakiya smiled inwardly.

"So what is your race?" Zakiya asked.

This was the important question she wanted to ask all along, if Rex was from a strong lineage race then he would suit her taste more.

"My origin was as a human with a special bloodline but then my bloodline degraded, then things happened... a few adventures adding to me recklessly messing with my body to gain more abilities and grow fast, and here is the result," Rex stretched out his hand with his palm facing upwards.

Zakiya looked slightly confused when she started to think about it, the way she saw it was… Rex was a human born with a special bloodline then his bloodline started to degrade and due to some fortunate encounter, he went through mutation or got a technique that allowed him to change the flow of his degrading bloodline making him a variant, then after becoming a human variant he gained the ability similar to the Purple Star Devourer race that has a small chance of gaining their opponent's abilities after eating their body.

There was one more possibility which was he obtained the bloodline inheritance of an ancient powerhouse having a similar ability to Purple Star Devourer or Evil Spirit Race and became a human variant because of their bloodline fusing with his degrading bloodline and going through a mutation, resulting in him gaining the same ability as them.

At present, no one knows of any method of completely fusing two different bloodlines without any serious side effect but no one would dare say that such a method wouldn't have existed in ancient times either.

According to what the normal cultivator believes, the difference between the technology of Ancient Times and the one at preset was too much... just like comparing the technology of the cultivation world to the one on earth in the 90s.

Zakiya wasn't dissatisfied that Rex didn't give her a clear answer, she was satisfied with knowing that much. In fact, she liked that Rex replied in such a way that won't anger her or reveal everything either, if Rex would have spilled all the beans then she wouldn't have liked it too much the reason being… she didn't want a spineless disciple.

In this world, it was obvious that many would try to threaten him to reveal something if it caught their interest, if Rex really spilled everything about himself so easily then what was the guarantee that he wouldn't spill everything about his teacher when asked.

She had long formulated a training plan to toughen him, if he would have spilled everything then the chances of him surviving the training plan would have decreased again.

"I understand, I don't have anything else to ask but remember Rex don't do something that foolish again, especially showing this kind of abilities to other people so openly, now listen carefully I will tell you about what happened to you earlier," Zakiya said with a serious expression.

Rex nodded.

"The characteristics you are showing are the same as the people of my clan… The Blood Clan, actually your characteristics are a little different than them, your skin is not that white and your ears are normal," Zakiya said after some thinking.

Rex gave her a confused look.

Zakiya sighed then her appearance changed, her skin became white as jade, her pupils enlarged and her ears became slightly pointed, she then also removed the fan covering her lips and opened her mouth to show two sharp fangs sticking out a little.

"This is normally how they look like, in fact, their ears are more pointed and they can retract their sharp fangs whenever they want but because I am not the pure-blooded and one of my parents is of a different race, I don't have total control over these things so my fangs always stick out a little," Zakiya said while showing her short fangs.

Zakiya told Rex so much about her to compensate him for the interrogation from earlier so as not to leave any bad feeling in his heart towards her, or else she wouldn't have mentioned her fangs, the fact that she always carries a fan to hide them already tells how much she dislikes to mention it.

Rex also understood more or less of it and decided to go with the flow, Zakiya was more of a teacher-like then he had expected, she was already treating him as a student if it wasn't for his bad memories related to Elder Ma Fe he would have accepted her as a teacher long ago.

"And what about me losing my mind and attacking you earlier," Rex asked.

"That's the bloodthirsty nature of the Blood Race since old time blood race liked the blood of strong creatures more than anything because of its taste and it can also make them stronger, every blood has its own unique taste even if two people have the same bloodline the taste will vary, once someone from blood race starts to drink the blood of other creatures they become addicted and they can't stop doing that easily if they are not trained for it.

What you experienced is common for many young ones born in the clan, the stronger the bloodline is, the fearsome the effect, someone in a bloodthirsty state would not calm down until they had drunk enough blood but this was from old times, with time our clan has developed more sophisticated methods to control our urges," Zakiya said with a smile.

Rex's eyes shined, he was a little worried when he heard her words from before but after hearing that there was a solution he felt relieved.

"All we have to do is lock you inside a cell and make you practice a special meditation technique of my clan until you have reached Pinnacle mastery in it," Zakiya said with the corner of her lips stretcher upwards into a very kind smile.

PE: Entry\u003e\u003eSmall Accomplishment\u003e\u003eGreat Accomplishment\u003e\u003eFull Mastery\u003e\u003ePinnacle\u003e\u003eReturn To Nature.

[You have finally reached Pinnacle mastery in \u003cSupreme Court Death Scripture\u003e]

Rex's eyes started to tear up.

Seeing him like that Zakiya covered her face with her fan as she held back the urge to laugh until her stomach hurts.

"There is another way," Zakiya said after enjoying her self for quite a while.

"Really?" Rex asked with some expectations.

"You can use something else to control your urges to drink blood until you reach the Pinnacle mastery of the meditation technique," Zakiya said while raising the wine glass in hand showing the red wine inside it.

Zakiya then took out an empty glass filled it with water then added few drops of the red wine from the wine bottle in it.

Rex's lips twitched. He now realized how Little Aru had felt when he also added only a few drops of Elixir Of Life in his water-filled bowl.

But Rex didn't say anything, he could understand that the content of the wine may be too much for the current him to drink casually, it might be too alcoholic or.. it may be made in a way to only suit the bodies of people from blood race.

"Now that you have already suffered from the first wave of the bloodthirsty state, it wouldn't appear within a week but the next time it appears it will be stronger, so it's better to break the streak right now," Zakiya said while handing the wine glass to him.

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