Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

290 Chapter 286 : : The Duel Ends

"Heh, you are too late," Rex said, in the next second all the light orbs floating inside the water body shined brightly.

Their dazzling light was amplified by the lens and the whole arena was covered by a blinding pillar of light, completely blocking everyone's vision.

Zakiya expanded her Spiritual-Sense in every direction, but because she was only allowed to use the strength of the Core Forming stage she decreased its range accordingly, she locked onto Rex and his clones to keep every single of their movement in check.

Five Miles away from the arena…

One of Rex's clones was lying on an artificial slope made by Rex earlier, a three barreled Extinction Ray Cannon was standing on its mechanical legs behind him.

All three of its barrel had a golden ring drawn on them that is a symbol to show that it was a Light Ray Cannon.

The clone looked at the holographic screen showing the tiny figure of blood Zakiya 5 miles away.

'Good, put it on 100% output, I will make an opening,' Rex said.

The clone controlled the already active cannon, all three barrels emitted a golden glow from their opening showing that they are ready to be fired anytime.

On the other side, all of Rex's clones did a suicide attack on blood Zakiya showing that they were desperate.

Rex didn't order them to use binding techniques because it might give her a hint, and he was sure that with Core Forming peak stage cultivation base she won't be able to dodge it.

He also attacked fox Zakiya at this time to keep her occupied not letting her think much.

Fox Zakiya was sure that Rex was planning of doing something to her under the cover of a blinding pillar of light but she didn't know what would he do? Then she noticed that the blinding light of the pillar started to get dim.

'Did his plan failed? If not then what can he do now,' She thought but just at this time, the other blood Zakiya saw another blinding light coming front different directions due to her eyes being weak to bright light she wasn't able to see it and it was too fast for her to react.

In the next second, the Light Ray covered both the blood of Zakiya and Rex's clones grabbing her hands, feet… etc.

"Hahhahahahh….Yeeesssss it's a success," Rex laughed when he saw fox Zakiya retract from the close combat.

The ray disappeared in another second, and the blinding pillar of light also disappeared soon after.

Rex laugh came to an abrupt end when he saw that there was a cloud of dark black fog in place of blood Zakiya.

'Did I got the clone instead?' He thought but in the next second, he got dumb folded.

He saw that fox Zakiya smiled at him then also turned into a dark black cloud then merged with the other black cloud.

"What a shame, you should have targeted both at the same time," Zakiya said.

Rex's face was dark, he took a deep breath and raised his hands towards her.

'Calm Mind'

[You INT has increased by 420% temporarily, your other status will receive a debuff….]

His face was calm, the chaos in his heart disappeared, he sensed his familiarity with psychic energy increasing.

'Twin Dragon Strike'

A snake-like creature made of Scarlet Heavenly Flame appeared on his right side, a similar creature made of Nebula Hell's Flame appeared on his left then they started to swirl around him as their size increased rapidly.

After two rounds they were bigger than a python, both of them then soared towards the sky while coiling around each other, the higher they flew the bigger they got. When they reached the clouds their body shape had became more detailed right now they looked like two coiling dragons looking down on everyone.

Twin Dragon Strike - Rex's most powerful trump card that he can use by himself, the skill uses Scarlet Heavenly Flame, Nebula Hell's Flame, Pyrokinesis, and Cryokinesis's capabilities to the extreme. Rex needs to activate Calm Mind just to control the attack, the reason he didn't use it until now because it puts a lot of toll on his body and gives an immense amount of fatigue when using it that's why he can't use it more than once without sleeping.

Zakiya looked at the two eastern style dragons in the sky facing her.

Rex's condition wasn't good at the moment, he didn't have any serious-looking injury on the outside but was exhausted from the inside, it was the longest battle he had ever faced. The battle exhausted his mental strength, he had Qi left but wasn't in a condition to continue the battle for long.

He pointed his finger towards Zakiya, both flame dragons opened their mouth and leaped towards her from the sky, like before dragons didn't travel in a straight path but kept swirling around each other while closing distance towards Zakiya.

As the dragons rushed towards the ground, the temperature distorted sometimes it felt hot then in the next second it would feel cold.

When the dragons were just around a hundred meters away from the ground their head touched each other for the first time, then their whole body dived into each other making a distorted dragon made of red and blue flame.

Zakiya remains unfazed even when the unstable flame dragon was about to land on her, she didn't seem like she wanted to dodge either instead she looked at Rex and spoke.

"Is it your last struggle?" She asked.

Rex didn't reply and concentrated on controlling the dragons.

"You know Rex, when someone fully masters a law and reaches Return To Nature state mastery level in it they become capable of making their own Law Doman and execute their unique law ability, if their enemy doesn't have a way to counter them then they become sitting ducks waiting to be butchered," Zakiya said with a smile.

Rex slightly frowned, he was sure that he still had a chance to win if the attack hits but now he had a bad premonition.

Zakiya's smile disappeared in the next second she slightly stomped her foot on the ground.

'Shadow Domain,' She muttered in low voice.

Suddenly her shadow expanded in all directions covering the whole arena in a fraction of a second, before Rex reacted everything disappeared from his vision… whether it was the sky, Zakiya, land, or the twin dragons, they all disappeared.

Rex subconsciously shouted but no voice came out from his mouth, he also discovered he lost the connection with the twin flame dragons.

He tried to use Mini-Map but its screen had become blank, Echolocation, Spiritual-Sense, Spider-Sense didn't work either.

He couldn't see anything, he couldn't hear anything… he couldn't even speak anything.

'Little Rose any idea?' Rex asked. He summoned few Cursed Spears then fired them in all directions in hope of finding out something but it was useless.

[Get an idea, it's your job,]

Rex thought about it and flew in a straight line but even after flying aimlessly for quite a while, he didn't found anything.

Rex stopped but didn't say anything.

Rex suddenly felt extreme pain from his left arm, when he touched with his right hand he realized that there was a finger size hole on his wrist before the would heal, Rex felt the same pain coming from his right leg, right chest, shoulders, and several other places.

He fell on the ground, Zakiya didn't target his vitals but the places where it would hurt without giving serious damage, Rex wanted to curse at her loudly but no voice came out of his mouth.

He was painting on the ground, Rose told him that the attack contained corrosive effect like before so it would take time to heal them.

[Would you like to become a eunuch: Yes/No]

"…" (Rex)

Rex clenched his fist.

'A man cannot bow but... if I don't bow would I even be a man?' He thought.

In the next second, just like a curtain that fell from the window, the dark senseless world retreated into Zakiya's shadow.

Rex looked at the ground below him that was now dyed red in his blood, he shifted and led on his back as he looked at the blue sky.

'So I was defeated?' Rex thought.


'Just shut up,' (Rex)

At this time, Zakiya walked to him. Rex looked at her while lying on the ground.

"So as long as you had used your Law Doman I would have lost, then why did you wait for so long," Rex grunted.

Zakiya looked at him with a smile then she took out a green pill and stuffed it in his mouth.

Rex wanted to resist but he couldn't.

When the pill entered his throat, Rex felt his whole body getting warm, then all the wounds from earlier healed at a speed visible to the naked eyes.

"You think you would have won if I haven't used Shadow Domain?" Zakiya asked.

Rex didn't reply.

Understanding what he was thinking she raised her hand then suddenly a blood-red flame appeared above her hand.

The flame didn't have any impact on temperature but it gave immense pressure to Rex, the very feeling it gave was above what an Essence Flame was capable of.

'Karmic Flame?' Rex looked at the flame with wide eyes

Normally, if a Karmic flame appears without any proper restraint then it would have already burned the forest in tens of miles around it within a brief second, but it looked like the flame was not only in good control but was also in a suppressed state.

Rex didn't know if it was an Inborn flame or Acquired but he could guess that the flame is in a weakened state because its user is also in a weakened state under the middle realm's suppression.

"Rex any Nine-Tailed Fox that has managed to reach the full-fledged form can posses nine divine abilities, I am not a proper divine beast like them… but my variant race also follows the same rule, so do you think I had used nine divine abilities in battles, when I used Body Split it was already to show how much I value you but I didn't wish to prolong the battle anymore and hence decided to finish it," Zakiya said then snapped her fingers and the flame disappeared.

She then extended her hand towards him.

"If you force me to answer something I seriously don't want to, I will leave," Rex said while averting his eyes.

"Done," Zakiya replied without a second thought.

Rex sighed then took her hand and stood up.

"From today onwards you are my... Zakiya's disciple, so from now you need to address me as a teacher," Zakiya said with a faint smile.

"Hehe…Teacher, happy now?" Rex asked with a hollow laugh.

Zakiya nodded then took out a wooden scroll and gave it to him.

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