Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

295 Chapter 290 : : First Day Of Training

At the moment, Rex was hugging her from behind, embracing her in his arm. She had a tired but satisfied look on her face.

He had decided to never provoke this tigres- no snake girl in bed… at least until his stamina was at 100%.

Rex sighed, then thinking of something his eyes shines, he secretly took out a small cuboid-shaped device from Inventory. He then kissed on her cheek from behind as he spoke.

"Little Green, I loovvee you!" Rex whispered in her ear.

"Hehe…it's something you should have said before dragging me here," Ria said in a low voice with closed eyes.

"That's not what I want to hear right now," Rex said as he lightly pinched her waist.

"I love you too okay, in the future I will take your responsibility!" Ria said in an assuring tone.

"…" (Rex)

Rex was happy when he heard the first half of the sentence but the latter half made his lips twitch.

Taking responsibility? Shouldn't it be my line? Aha, it's not easy dealing with a Wild Ria I guess… he thought.

He then quietly placed back the device in his inventory.

"I didn't think my first time would be with a demi-human," Rex muttered while closing his eyes.

"I too never thought that my first time would be with a pure-blooded human," Ria also said in a low tone.

"Hehe… a human? as I said before you don't know anything about me," Rex muttered in her ear in a very low tone.

"Huh? what do you mean by that, aren't you a human?" Ria said but even after waiting for a while, she didn't get any reply.

When she turned around she saw the sleeping face of Rex.

Ria sighed, she was curious but didn't wish to disturb him, she gave him a short kiss on his lips then snuggled in his arms before going into a deep sleep.

At Noon....

Rex rubbed his eyes while stretching his body like a sloth, he then opened his and checked his surrounding, he was still sleeping on the king-size bed in the Ri- twin snake sister's room.

'Huh… what's this,' Rex noticed that he was wearing both his clothes and a blanket was covering him, he could also smell a light perfume from it.

[Good Noon]

'Noon, just how long I slept for? that aside I am sure last night wasn't a dream then this….' Rex thought.

[Just Ria erasing some evidence,]

'Heh… couldn't she just wake me up?' He smiled wryly.

[She did try that, but yesterday because of the duel and the activities at night you were completely exhausted resulting in a deep sleep, that's why when Ria tried to wake you up early in the morning before Mia you didn't wake up. Instead of using some extreme means, she used this way, what a waste to put so much efforts if I was her I would pour some cold water to wake you up or would have just dragged you out of the room,]

[Zakiya did ask you to go meet her early in the morning for training and it's already noon,]

'What! you should have said that sooner,' Rex used instant transmission to directly go to the bathroom.

After a quick bath he rushed to the already discussed location, this location this time was near the place Zakiya was staying these days. Earlier when Rex fainted because of bloodthirsty state, Zakiya brought his to this same location that's why he knew where this place was.

Rex was wondering if she was angry because of him being late, the problem was she couldn't contact him using Friend List if he was genuinely sleeping.

When Rex arrived at the location, he saw that Zakiya was lying on a couch under the sun, a bid umbrella was shadowing the couch preventing the sunlight from going into her eyes.

Rex was surprised by her dress, it was a two-piece dress but wasn't too revealing, it was like a sports dress. The upper wear was a sleeveless top only revealing her waist while the lower was just like a jeans but looked more comfortable, the color was same as usual.. black with a red outline, she was also wearing black sun goggle made from some strange fiber.

[So some cultivators from earth were thrown here in the past or something,]

'I don't think so, I do have a theory though. Although I won't say that someone born here obtained their past memories like use but there may be strong souls who carried some memory fragments with them at the time of establishing a connection with the new vessels or bodies, making the people retain a part of their personality from before- like someone like a flashy dress, while other like short wear..etc or those memory fragments might have influenced their dreams giving them the idea to make such things or maybe humans are just prone to make these things when in need' Rex thought.

"You seriously took your time in coming here, don't you?" Zakiya said as she stood up from and looked at him.

"Sorry about that, I overslept last night," Rex said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Whatever, I will let it slide because it's your first day, in return all we have to do is extend the training period until midnight and the problem's solved," Zakiya said.

Rex's lips twitched, but he didn't refute.

'It's good that you understand now change into this, last night I adjusted one of my spare ones according to your size,' Zakiya said as she took out a black dress. The black dress was similar to the one she was wearing in the duel.

Rex took it and checked it, he felt like it was one of those dress gymnasts wear at the time of practice. He thought about refusing but when he looked at Zakiya he knew no was not an option, he disappeared then came after a few minutes after wearing the dress.

The cloth was so thin that his six-pack abs and well-toned muscles were clearly visible, he had to wear two shorts inside before he dared to wear this dress.

'How do I look?' Rex asked.

[A complete perv-]

'Fukk off' (Rex)

"Today's your first day, so we will start with some easy training. I will train you in an even-odd manner, which means you will train for one day then rest for the next day then train again the third day," Zakiya said with a smile.

"Easy training? don't need it, let's start with the hard version," Rex patted his chest and said.

Rex felt like Zakiya wasn't that serious and was taking him too lightly.

"No easy is fine for now," Zakiya said as she walked past him and patted his back.

The second she did, Rex felt the dress getting heavy then his eyes get wide in shock, he felt- no- he realized that his cultivation base was degrading rapidly… Core Forming stage… Heaven Venerable stage… Earth Venerable stage... Human Venerable stage it only stopped when he was just Human Venerable early stage.

"From yesterday's duel I realized your body is near perfect, your constitution is well balanced too and your stamina can easily surpass normal demi-humans but the problem is you are not able to utilize it in battle.

Your way of fighting is brute and straight forwards that is if we remove all the tricks you used in battle and those strange abilities and I have to give it a grading then it was… pathetic. You might look strong from a normal person's perspective… meaning when I take a normal person as a reference but when I think what you could have been, I can only call it pathetic," Zakiya said with a serious expression.

Rex's face was stiff, he was already depressed because of his cultivation base getting suppressed all of a sudden and now he was also insulted and the most bitter part was that she was…right, his battle experience was really close to none, Ye Tian had a good battle experience but it was for an Organ Tempering stage cultivators perspective and now he was already Core Forming stage expert but most of the enemies he met were either ignorant, short-sighted or too weak compared to him.

Seeing him not refuting, Zakiya nodded in satisfaction and continued.

"It feels like your strength has increased too fast and you haven't managed learn how to fully utilize it because of almost to none battle experience and the bad thing is there is no medicine that can raise your battle experience in one day but there is one trick for that," Zakiya said with a smile.

[It doesn't just feel like it, his strength really increased rapidly,]

"What trick?" Rex's eyes shined.

He could use Mind Arts and copy anyone's life experience about something like.. sword-wielding or spear-wielding, but when he copies experience about the same thing from two different people it becomes hard to merge that experience so in the end the part that isn't that common are deleted by Rose to don't throw his mind in confusion but even after all that it wasn't easy to make foreign experience his own without some real practice.

In simple words, his mind had that experience but his body hasn't really experienced it.

Zakiya smiled at him.

"The trick is… fighting life and death battles, simply put you just have to fight a battle with your life on the line and you will gain rich battle experience in a short period," Zakiya said as she snapped her fingers and a gigantic cage made of shadows flew over from a distance and landed few hundred meters away from them.

Rex already had a bad feeling when he heard her words but when he saw three big black wolves hungrily staring at him, that bad feeling seems to come into existence.

"These three are male Night Hound Wolves at Monster Soldier stage, two of them are at a late stage and one is at peak stage, this is their mating season and I put strong pheromones similar to a female Night Wolf in your dress, I had tempered with that pheromones and increased it's seductive effect several times so if these wolves caught you at the moment… you understand right," Zakiya said with a smile yet not a smile.

Rex tightly grabbed the dress the moment he heard her words and tried to take it off but the cloth seems to stick to his skin, it didn't come off furthermore with his current strength he couldn't rip it off.

[Note: Do not take free things from Strangers/Divine Beings!]

"Teacher are you still angry about yesterday? they are three monster soldiers, even it was just one at peak stage, a cultivator of Human venerable peak stage would need a weapon to fight against it at equal terms but now there are two late-stage wolves too and on top of that I am just Human Venerable early stage," Rex said with teary eyes.

"Don't give me that, you are not a normal cultivator, are you? your current constitution is no less than any Human Venerable peak stage I was even wondering if you practiced some special kind of Body cultivation technique and which idiot recommended you to practice a soul cultivation technique instead of a body cultivation technique especially when you possess a defense-oriented special physique," Zakiya said.

Rex was quiet, it was really hard to hide something from her. After his cultivation base was suppressed his status was recalculated according to his base physique which was like that.

[Name: Rex Andrews

Qi Cultivation stage: Human Venerable early stage (Suppressed)

Soul Cultivation stage: Human Venerable early stage (Suppressed)






Status Points: 0 ]

Even if the strength he gained from the cultivation base was taken, the increase in his base physical status by status point was still there. Status like WIS, INT, SPT, and LUC remained unchanged.

'It's alright I am still a soul cultivator, these beast have no way to defend even against my clumsy self made soul techniques and couples with so many of my skills and abilities this doesn't look that hard,' Rex thought.

"No more excuses, all you have to do is stay alive until midnight. By the way, I forgot to tell you that this training uniform has many restrictions like you can forget about using anything related to your soul cultivation base, and you are not allowed to use any weapon if you did then you will receive a penalty… penalty, for example, we may have to extend today's session until tomorrow noon.

As for things like bloodline abilities or other special abilities you can use the ones you had at that time but if it's an ability you awakened later than your current body won't allow you to use them and if it did then their power will be decreased exponentially," Zakiya words poured a bucked of cold water on him.

[There goes your Instant Transmission and Bilocation,]

Rex blinked his eyes at her and quietly waited thinking that she would say 'I was just kidding' any second now.

"Don't give me that look, the Fake Pill you had taken yesterday is still in effect even if something unexpected happens as long as you don't die instantly I can save you," Zakiya said then without waiting for him to reply she snapped her finger and the cage imprisoning the wolves disappeared without a trace.

The second the cage disappeared, all three wolves mindlessly dashed towards Rex.

"Shit," Rex turned and ran with all his might.

[Today will be a long day,]

Frozen Flame City….

Castle Garden…

In the flowery part of the garden, Mia was lying on the slope with a flower in her hands.

Most of the leaves of the flower had already been plucked out, Mia carefully plucked one more leaf and sighed she then turned to Little Aru on the side with an expectant look, Little Aru who was earlier focusing on the butterfly flying some distance away from him quickly turned his heads towards her with seriousness flashing through his big round eyes like he was saying… I was listening!

"What do you think they did? would sister have really gone all the way with him?" Mia asked, her tone was not too fluent but the fact that she was able to speak a complete sentence without any oblivious pause was an achievement in itself.

Little Aru looked at her, at present he had a flowery tayra on top of his middle head which was made by the girl sitting beside him.

Little Aru was confused, he was intelligent but didn't understand about this kind of matters.

If he could speak and someone asked him what would a husband and wife do behind closed doors then the closest thought in his mind would be… they play together!

Little Aru thought about it for a moment then carefully nodded his head.

"You too, I won't… talkk with you," Mia snorted.

"…" (Little Aru)

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