Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

303 Chapter 297 : : True Blood Saint Ascension Scripture

Under Rex's watch, Zakiya first took out three array disks and placed it in a triangular formation around him, he noticed that all three discs had a black symbol on them, the symbol resembled the head of a black fox with two red ruby-like eyes. It wasn't hard for him to guess that this was the insignia she goes with.

Whether it is an alchemist, array master, inscription master… etc if they are famous enough they start to use their brand mark on their products to let users know who made it. There are also other cases where those who are famous joins another organization and as a result, they sometimes have to trade fame for resources, meaning they will start to use the organization's symbol instead of their insignia from then on.

Rex's every product carries his symbol… the dark red-blue flame mask insignia of Frozen Flame.

After Zakiya positioned the three discs, she took out spirit stones like things that caught his attention.

Rex narrowed his eyes at those stones, although their shape and size were similar to precisely processed spirit stones but their color was black.

"Teacher, these are…." Rex said.

"Hmm… you don't know about these, do you? They are elemental spirit stones, take them as one grade higher than the top-grade spirit stones. Normal spirit stones carry attribute less spiritual Qi but elemental spirit stones carry attribute spiritual Qi.

The attribute Qi they carry defines them, these are Dark attribute spirit stones, there are also others with fire, wood, ice, water, earth... and many more types of attribute Qi, their price changes depending on the type of attribute they have, their average value is, 1 elemental spirit stone is equal to 10 top-grade spirit stone.

If a cultivator uses elemental spirit stones with the same attribute as their own then their cultivation speed will increase compared to the time when they use normal spirit stones, furthermore, these can also help in raising the quality of their Qi to some extent," Zakiya explained as she placed the black spirit stones in the straight lines connecting the three spirit discs.

It was like a ready-made array that doesn't require any skill or complex setup.

After all these things were in place, the three array disks gave out a faint white glow and a little dark but transparent barrier around Rex.

Zakis stepped inside the barrier without experiencing any resistance from it and stood in front of him.

"The array can manipulate the Qi in surrounding and decrease any Qi instability in its domain, it will help you control the excited Qi in your body while your body starts absorbing the effects of the pill," She said.

Rex nodded.

"No, blood cultivators don't have anything like that but…" Zakiya said then paused and looked at Rex's overly excited expression in slight confusion.

'See Rose it's the legendary BUT that can make good things bad and bad things good,' Rex thought.

[It's my first time seeing it in person,]

"But… when Blood cultivators are desperate and choose to burn their blood essence they can gain double the power boost with half the essence compared to others.

Blood essence has very high value especially for blood cultivators that's why they normally don't do it until they are desperate but unlike others my Blood Clan has three secret techniques passed down from generations to generations that can help people with our bloodline to regain our lost blood essence easily compare to others, that is as long as we haven't lost too much of it in a single time and because now you have the characteristics of my race you should also be able to use it," Zakiya said.

'I knew it… BUTs are awesome, now except Essence Devourer I would have another card,' Rex thought.

"Teacher is great, don't worry teacher you just need to give all three of them to me and I will master them as soon as possible," Rex said with a resolute expression.

Zakiya's lips twitched.

"You brat really don't know immense of heaven and earth, do you think I have opened a donation camp here? Those techniques belong to the clan, not me, one needs to pass the trails set by my ancestors to gain even a single one of them, you are my only disciple so with enough price I can provide you with a chance but it's up to you whether you fail or succeed.

Anyway, It's something you need to worry about in the future, for now just focus on increasing your strength. I have chosen a suitable cultivation technique to lay a good foundation for you," Zakiya said then pointed her finger at him, a white light shot out from the tip of her finger and struck him on his head.

Although Rex felt a slight headache, he didn't panic, he was already very familiar with the process.


[You have obtained the 'True Blood Saint Ascension Scripture',]

Rex was a little disappointed after hearing her words from earlier, but after getting the cultivation technique his happiness level was restored to 100%.

Zakiya didn't plan to make him a blood cultivator so early thinking that he needs to bring out the true potential of his body before becoming a blood cultivator which might take a year even with the method she was using to train him. But contrary to her expectations Rex progressed very fast because of his Limit-Break he didn't have to worry about body limiters like a normal person that much that's why she decided to let him walk on this path early on and spent the afternoon choosing a good cultivation technique for him.

Rex was very happy with the gains but soon after Zakiya again shot out a stream of light at him.

[You obtained the 'Basic Knowledge About Blood Cultivation Techniques \u0026 Blood Cultivation']

"These are some basic things about blood cultivation and techniques, you weren't very familiar with blood cultivation before so I made these notes to help you to better understand them.

I will give you one hour to comprehends the basics of the cultivation technique and let your body get familiar with the routes, if you can't do it then you can forget about getting the second pill," Zakiya said as she walked back to the couch, sat on it and closed her eyes.

If it was someone else, she would have given them at least a week to comprehend the basics but after being with him for a while, the measuring scale Zakiya set for him was too high for ordinary people, it was high to a level that it would appear as a joke in their eyes.

Rex didn't refuse, he had already learned the technique but there was something else he wanted to do.

'Little Rose modify it,' (Rex)

[On it,]

Modifying a technique takes a short period, and modifying a technique for Rex's body takes further lesser time as Rose already has all the details on his Gamer's Body.

While waiting, Rex saw some minor details about the technique and was a little surprised because it required 2 times the experience to break through compared to a normal blood technique.

/* P.S.- The Exp here is not the Exp/Life Energy Rex uses to level up. It justs tells the amount of input needed to breakthrough.

One has to know that after Rex fused and modified his technique two times it takes about 3.5 times the experience a normal cultivator's technique would need for them to breakthrough. The reason why it does that is to lay a solid foundation that is already perfection in other's eyes.

The stronger the foundation a cultivator has, the easier it would be for them to reach a higher stage.

After about half an hour…


Rex opened his eyes and looked at Zakiya.

There was no need for words, she understood his meaning and came to him, she took out the pill with one white ring on it and gave it to him.

'Hmmm… I should have set the time limit to 20 minutes,' She thought.

Rex sniffed the pills, the pill didn't have an aroma to it, then under Zakiya's intense gaze he swallowed down the pill and started running the True Blood Saint Ascension Scripture.

[Reverse Engineering is activated]

Rose pushed the follow up notifications in the background so as not to distract him.

The instant the pill entered his throat it melted like wax on fire and got absorbed by the flesh walls before it could even reach down to his chest area.

Suddenly, the blood flowing speed in his body started to increase, a burning sensation rose from his heart and soon got transmitted to all over his body.

The skin on his neck suddenly became a little red then the same thing started to happen at other places on his body, the light red marks grew darker as they rapidly spread and soon covered his whole body.

All the skin on Rex's body was red, it looked like the blood can come out of it anytime. His eyes were closed but the expression on his face was not good, he was feeling like someone had made countless cuts all over his body then threw boiling spirit-lemon juice on him.

When Rex ran the cultivation technique, the pain didn't decrease but got increased as his skin became more sensitive.

Zakiya nodded in satisfaction at the sight, the changes on his body allowed her to see how much effect the pill was having on his body. She then placed her right hand behind his neck.

A faint layer of black ice appeared on the back of his neck then spread all over his body, Rex had no time to worry about it and kept his focus on the cultivation technique.

Soon his whole body was covered in a thin layer of black ice, Zakiya then retracted her hand.

Rex didn't reply and focused on cultivating, his full attention was on sucking out every last bit of benefits from the pill… although the pain was intense but it wasn't the first time that he was in such a situation.

He had long believed every successful body and blood cultivator in ancient times had a masochist hidden in them, as those cultivators are the only ones who made these cultivation techniques and derived these paths in the past.

While going through the intense burst of pain the pill and technique also started to show their effects.

[You have advanced to 'Blood Tempering 1st stage']

[Level Up]

[Level up]


Time passed slowly, one hour, two hours….

Rex thought it would only take a few hours to absorb the effects of the pill and he would be free but he was wrong. Zakiya long knew that even if he fails to absorb most of the effects of the pill, it would still take days but knowing his style she could guess he would ask for leave the second she would tell him so she didn't say anything on her violation.

Right now, she was there just in case something unexpected happens and he needs her help.

The night passed without any suspense, Rex was still absorbing the pill's effects, last night his blood cultivation base rose by leaps and bounds he was having a hard time believing it but he had no time to celebrate because he was still absorbing the pill's effects.

Zakiya was lazily sleeping on the couch in her fox form. Suddenly, her ears slightly twitched, she opened her eyes and looked at the main door.

The door automatically opened to the side and a figure walked in.

Today Jiang Shuang was finally able to finish all the stacked up work and came to take a bath- cultivate in the spirit tower, he got a message from Rex yesterday telling him not to enter the spirit tower at night but right now it was already morning so he came in.

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