Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

306 Chapter 300 : : Information On The Beast God Temple

"Eh... No, although he is crashing the ice ball into others, he isn't using any kind of attack and is also managing the speed to a non-serious-threat level, it's like he is just playing," Van said as she stared at the spinning ball, she was also attracted by this 'game' but she didn't have enough lives to play it.

"Do not worry, he is Little Ye's responsibility so he will definitely compensate you for this," Rex assured them then turned around to Sung Lee.

"I ask Sect Master Sung to wait for a few minutes, let me stop this little guy or I don't know how many casualties will occur as of late," Rex said.

Sung Lee nodded.

Rex flew in the direction of Little Aru, as Little Aru was not at his fastest he soon caught up to him.

Seeing Rex approaching, Little Aru thought that he also wanted to experience the game so Little Aru changed his direction of advancing and moved towards Rex.

Rex thoroughly knew about the transcended common sense of Little Aru so he didn't stop him and used his space law again, just like before the ice wall wasn't able to stop him. After passing through the ice wall Rex caught the surprised Little Aru, the ice sphere passed through both of them and landed on the ground, like before, it soon got covered in cracks then turned into powdered form and flew away with the wind.

Little Aru understood what happened and looked at Rex with teary eyes.

"Why are you getting all sad about, it was just a useless ball. I will make you a better one with several amazing features," Rex quickly said seeing that Little Aru was on the verge of shedding tears.

Lerna was already in bad moon these days, he didn't doubt that if Little Aru really cried he gonna seriously suffer in front of all the beastman spectators, thoroughly ruining his majestic image.

Fortunately, after hearing his words, Little Aru's teary eyes transformed into shining eyes as he thought about the amazing ice sphere Rex will make for him.

Seeing him like that, Rex inwardly sighed.

[Do you intend to start the Armored Vehicle Project early on?]

'Eh... I just said it in the spur of the moment, we will think about it later on. If things really comes to it then we can just make some prototypes for him to play,' Rex said.

He then released Little Aru to go play by himself and flew away to meet Sung Lee.

At the same time, Lerna who was flying above the clouds a few miles away from them sighed in relief.

When she saw Jiang Shuang and Litte Aru enclosed in that black ice spheres earlier she was nervous, she didn't want anything to do with King Of Forest. If it was her from before she would take Little Aru and escape to the outer zone of the forest but she wasn't her previous self so she deiced to trust Rex.

Lerna already guessed that Rex had friendly ties with King Of Forest or else Jiang Shuang won't be able to get away with such light punishment, unlike Azure Emperor who lost everyone he sent to get King Of Forest. Now that Lerna was sure about Little Aru's safety she relaxed and went towards Rex'- her room to continue reading the book she left off from.

After a few seconds, Rex came back to Sung Lee. By now Jiang Shuang has already left to take a bath and get a change of clothes.

Rex brought Sung Lee to the castle, this time he didn't bring him to the guest room but dining room.

Sung Lee was slightly confused but he didn't say anything, after all, he himself brought Reaper to his ordinary hut when meeting him so how could he question others.

Lucia was already waiting for him there, when she saw those two coming she greeted them and served the tea.

Sung Lee paused for a moment before advancing again.

'A Golden Core stage maid?' Sung Lee was at a loss for words, this had already crossed the bottom line of show off in his eyes.

It only took him a look to know Lucia's cultivation base as she just advanced a while ago, she wasn't that proficient in hiding her aura.

They both took a seat near the table. The reason Rex brought him to the Dining Room instead of the guest room was that he was seriously hungry at the moment.

Unlike Qi cultivators who don't eat over a long period, Body cultivators eat at shorter intervals and they eat a lot, the quality of food they eat affects their cultivation progress and cultivation base quality. They could also make it without eating but then they have to withstand their hunger and their cultivation speed will also slow down by a big margin. Eating is not the only thing, they also take medicinal baths and use other methods to forge their body, it is the reason that such a path requires the use of a large number of resources and efforts to succeed.

Blood cultivators are similar to Body cultivators so they also need to eat a lot. Rex was already used to eating to indirectly recover his mental strength and nurture it but with a higher cultivation base the need for eating declined and he would just occasionally eat fried meat in the intervals of two or three days but the hunger he felt now was different, it was on a whole different level, it was like he would faint if he continued to withstand the hunger for a few more hours.

"Miss Lucia, can you order some dishes from Corentis, Hmm... wait may I ask Miss Lucia if she knows how to cook?" Rex suddenly asked.

He only saw her making tea until now and although she was head maid her main work was managing the account, managing the salary of all the workers, and ordering all of them to do their work. So he didn't ask before because it was unusual for the head maid to cook, the chief was a different profession.

"My apologies, I don't know how to cook... but," Lucia spoke but hesitated a little thinking if she should complete her sentence but she was surprised to see that when the word BUT came out of her mouth Rex's eyes started to shine brightly so she continued.

"I do know how to make a herbal soup, it is a kind of delicacy that also helps in stimulating the blood and Qi, to help in stabilizing the unstable cultivation base," Lucia said.

It was something she learned because Madam Jiang was fond of it and because it was also helpful to previous Jiang Shuang who had an unstable cultivation base because of the excessive use of pills.

"Oh, really then make 10 sets of this for me, Sect Master Sung how about you?" Rex looked at Sung Lee.

"I will pass," Sung Lee rejected politely, he used to play poison tea game with his guests so how could he start to eat at their house later on.

"Okay then, 10 serves for me," Rex said.

Lucia was somewhat shaken by his demand but she didn't show it on her face, she just nodded and left.

'Is he a body cultivator? Although his body is well toned but it didn't seem to be at that level, maybe it's a special type of technique,' Sung Lee thought. Most body cultivators especially humans would have an overly developed body before they even go on the body cultivation path because most body cultivation techniques mainly focused on gaining strength and defense, of course, this rule wasn't the least bit applicable to people of the higher realm who were way advanced in this system then the people of the middle realm.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Rex finally asked as he lifted the teacup and took a sip.

"Is it fine to talk here?" Sung Lee asked.

The meaning of his words was obvious, which was that if they talked here then the words might leak and this was the reason his master sent him to deliver the words personally, except that he also wanted to show respect and increase their friendliness with Frozen Flame.

"It's fine, every single person in the castle are loyal to Frozen Flame. No would dare betray us, just speak freely," Rex said casually.

"I see, then I will take you up on your words. The information I want to share is relater to Lady Lerna and Master Ye," Sung Lee stopped after saying that much.

Rex's eyes shined.

"Is the matter related to the Beast God Temple? Little Ye is busy in his research of some kind of Cosmetic Pill and Lady Lerna is..." Rex said.

"I am free...," Lerna said as she entered the dining room.

Lerna was just about head back to her room but when she thought that Sung Lee might come here for the matter related to Beast God Temple, she decided to take a detour.

Rex looked at Lerna who was staring back at him for not informing him about the matter.

Sung Lee looked at Lerna then at Rex, he guessed that the relation between those two are not good like between Ye Tian and Lerna so he kept silent. According to him, a normal person cannot afford to have bad relationships with a Calamity Grade expert and call her man Little Ye, in just a few seconds the image of Rex in his eyes reached at astonishing heights.

Sung Lee's network was not something to jest about, after he met Ye Tian last time, he had sent some agents in the disguise of rich merchants to Corentis who struck friendly relations with Adel the city Lord of Corentis, and became his drinking partners, slowly but surely getting some inside information from him, the ones he got from Jiang Shuang. The information like the full name of Lerna was Lerna Andrews same as Rex Andrews and Little Aru was her and Ye Tian's child.

What he didn't know was that Rex was the one who made Jiang Shuang leak this information to make others truly believe that Rex and Ye Tian are two different persons or else Jiang Shuang couldn't leak this information even by mistake because of the contract.

Lerna took a seat opposite to Rex and kept staring at him. Rex shrugged his shoulders, he didn't call Lerna because he wanted to suck out the maximum benefits from Sung Lee.. in the mind game between them. But if Lerna was here and hastily agreed to some condition then it would show here naive side which is not good, especially in front of someone who sells information.

"Well, you heard her. Now speak," Rex said.

Sung Lee nodded and spoke.

"Things are like that... I have got the information Lady Lerna might need about Beast God Temple. From ages, Beast God Temples have been regarded as the sacred place for every beastman, any beastman can enter the temples once in their life and they would get one random inheritance technique, treasure, pill..., etc depending on their cultivation base, subspecies, elemental affinity, temperament..., etc.

Although the beastman could get one inheritance but they would also need to leave something there, something that belongs to them and is not stolen. It's fine if it's gifted or traded as long as they have the right authority over that thing. It's like give and trade system but not a barter system as the thing that you leave and the thing that you get may have a vast difference in value.

If Lady Lerna goes there she can choose to leave anything with small value but what one leaves there also shows their temperament and nature, meaning selfishness and greed so I advise that it's better to leave something good. It doesn't matter if the thing has a high value, as long as you regard that it has high value it would have high value in the Temple's value system.

Anything gained from the temples cannot be passed down to others or the one who passed them and the one who received them will encounter a terrible heart demon soon which may result in imminent death shortly. The current generation of Relion Family oversees the Beast God Temple, they are regarded as the protectors of the temples and have it under their control but don't worry they won't.. or I should say they cannot stop anyone from entering the temple.

They are just there to protect it, as some people will try to claim it for their sect from time to time. One more thing Relion Family has close relations with both Supreme Sword Sect and Temple Of War who are two of the overlords of Myriad Beast Continent," Sung Lee said.

"You mentioned that she needs to leave something of high value I am confused about it. When you say high value, do you mean something precious to her or something she regards as high value? For example, if someone gave a normal pendant to her a long time ago then it would be regarded as something precious to her, as for high value we can say that if she has a high-grade pill that can make her breakthrough to the next sub-stage then it would have high value in her eyes. Then which one do you mean by high value?" Rex asked.

Lerna also looked at Sung Lee.

"It is said that the purpose of Beast God Temple is to raise the strength of beastman's and make them happy, so how could it snatch something precious from others making them sad? what I meant was later one. According to what I know, if it is something she cares about, has precious memories related to it, or the one she loves like her ..Child then it would come in the precious category and the temple will not demand it.

She needs to give something that she doesn't want to, like.. a treasure she obtained long ago, a pill that can strengthen her body, a pill that is very important to her child will also work. The temple takes these things to use as an inheritance material for future generation and like that, the cycle continues," Sung Lee explained.

'So this is how The Beast God Temple was able to provide an inheritance to all the beastman until now, everyone who takes inheritance also leaves one for others? If we go like that then the inheritance in it is inexhaustible. The one who made this was really smart, I wonder if I should make something like that in the future,' Rex thought.

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