Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

317 Chapter 311 : : Prizes

As for what it affects, Virtual World is closely related to your soul and body, the sea of conscious used to have its entrance on your head so I predict it's between your mind and soul to be more accurate that's why it isn't using just conscious mind or subconscious mind in particular but the whole mind,]

'The last question, although things here are not physically real but the memories and experience I can get here are very close to reality so what if I practice a skill, technique, or ability here? Will it progress in mastery?'

[Of course, it will, but the only skill. The best part is unlike Skill \u0026 Ability Trainer where you had limitations to the type of skills you can train, there is none here. The mind believes what it is told and so does the body, as long as your experience here has enough realism, it will be taken as reality by your mind and body, if you decrease the realism then it won't.

And if you don't mind, I want to connect Virtual World to Skill \u0026 Ability Trainer, that way, the limitation in it will be removed, and its progress speed can increase and decrease depending on the time flow ratio here,]

'Sure, now tell me how much Exp it needs to manage the time flow ratio?' Rex asked.

[Real World : Virtual World : : Exp/Day

1 : 1 : : 0

1 : 2 : : 100 P/Day

1 : 3 : : 200 P/Day

1 : 4 : : 300 P/Day

1 : 5 : : 400 P/Day

1 : 6 : : 500 P/Day

1 : 7 : : 600 P/Day

1 : 8 : : 700 P/Day

1 : 9 : : 800 P/Day

1 : 10 : : 900 P/Day]

'Sometimes I think, you just want to make a pure-hearted man like me a killer.' Rex snorted.

[Yeah, I am the devil,]

Rex knew that his current 100 P Exp was enough for a normal person to achieve a breakthrough from Core Breaking st stage to Core Breaking 2nd stage and here it can only change the time flow ratio from 1:1 to 1:2. If a normal person's inner world had got this type of special ability then it would be more of a curse for them than a boon but for Rex, it was a boon.

'It's good that I have so much Exp on my disposal, if somehow a normal guy got this then they would be done for,' Rex thought.

Rex wanted to head out but then he decided to wait for one hour and continue some of the research from before to see the effects of Virtual World in use, although it was one hour for the outer world, for Rex it was ten hours.

Rex didn't know that when he was still spending his sweet time here, his previous action had already caused a big ruckus into several big force in Golden Bird Continent.

He took his time to plan the terms \u0026 conditions, participation fees, and rewards of the competition.

When the notice first appeared, not many people paid any heed to it but the second their eyes landed on the first three prizes, it made them doubt their vision, some already considered that Shadow Lost either lost his mind or don't have much space in his treasury to store all the things.

Cold Heaven Sect….

White Lotus Pavilion, one of the buildings in the core area of the sect where only Core Elders, Grand Elder, Sect Master, and Ancestor can step into.

This pavilion once used to a quiet place to relax one's mind and enjoy the cold beauty of nature but right now it was filled with several chit-chatting women.

All women were sitting in pairs, facing each other, an ID Card with a spirit stone was placed between them, and a holographic window showing an ongoing chess game was floating above it.

A little far away from them, Ji Biyu and her Master Ji Baozhai were sharing a round table.

"Disciple, you need to win this competition. You will be representing our sect, don't let that treasur- no fame get taken by others," Ji Baozhai said without hiding the burning desire in her eyes.

Ji Biyu smiled bitterly.

The reason she said this to her was that since Ji Biyu learned to play chess, she didn't lose a single game.

"Teacher, isn't it better to prepare for InterContinental Competition, the rewards from this Online Chess Competition looks really good but maybe it's a trap after all who in the right mind would set such prizes?" Ji Biyu always felt something was suspicious about this competition.

"Yes, I know that but what if it isn't a trap and now that the news has traveled to so many people they can't back of even if they want to or their reputation would be thoroughly ruined and no one will believe them, their people won't trust them much either, degrading their loyalty in the process," Ji Baozhai said seriously.

Ji Biyu also understood that but the prizes were just too good for a competition where they didn't even need to take out their weapon and just use their brain.

She thought about it and took out her ID Card, she opened the News Feed to take a look at the two mails again.

[Chess Competition Event:-

Event Grade: B

Description: Frozen Flame is organizing a Global Chess Competition event for all the respective users, anyone regardless of card grade can participle in the competition. Participants need to pay a participation fee of 10,000 $$ to participate in the competition, the winners will be rewarded according to their ranks. For more details about the upcoming competitions and to participate in it please download the FF Chess application from App Store.

Requirements: FF Chess app, 10,000$$ fee]

[Prizes For Winners:-

1st Prize: An Equipment ~ Spirit rank High grade + Smart Band + Cosmetic Pill.

2nd Prize: An Equipment ~ Spirit rank Mid grade + Smart Band + 1L Millennium Spirit Water.

3rd Prize: An Equipment ~ Spirit rank Low grade + Smart Band.

4th Price: A 50% Discount Voucher ~ 3 Years Expiry Date.

5th Price: A 20% Discount Voucher ~ 2 Years Expiry Date.]

Ji Biyu wasn't able to think what Shadow Lord was thinking, even if the rewards were true just doing such competition will trigger the greed of many people, although not everyone will pounce like a fool but they will still keep an eye on Frozen Flame like hungry wolves. After all, a person who could easily give out so many treasures, how many of them would he really have?

Rex, of course, knew all that but this was exactly why he did it, he was making full use of Zakiya without her knowing it.

Do you want to attack Frozen Flame? Come to Inner Zone, if you have the guts… was what he thought.

He gave out such rewards to cause a commotion, the bigger the commotion the faster will it spread the name of Frozen Flame and Shadow Lord throughout the continent, and if it was big enough then he won't be surprised if the rumors will travel to other continents too.

As for worrying about Corentis, there had already been two failed attacks since the news about the competition got out.

Ji Biyu was still thinking when she suddenly received a notification.

[You have been invited to join the \u003cPeerless \u0026 Majestic Sect Masters\u003e chat group]

[Do you want to accept the invite: Yes/No]

Ji Baozhai looked from the side.

"I heard about this group, some idiot copied the name of our \u003cMajestic Ancestors\u003e chat group and made this group. It mainly consists of sect masters of big sects who took an interest in this system and bought the ID Cards or received them as gifts," Ji Baozhai said.

Ji Biyu's eyebrow twitched but she still nodded and chose Yes. In the next second the active chatting window appeared in front of her.

[Misty Fairy has joined the chat]

((If you ask me, then I believe it's a trap,)) (Golden Lion Venerable)

((Even if it's a trap, it's still an opportunity that we can use to make a profit,)) (Black Crow Daoist)

((Eh… wait Misty Fairy? Who took her in?)) (Jade Mountain King)

((@Jade_Mountain_King, you have any problem with me?)) (Misty Fairy)

((I did it, don't show your private grudges here. @Misty_Fairy everyone knows that you have come in contact with The Miraculous Alchemist Ye Tian, so can you tell us if there is a chance that the competition rewards are real and would be fairly given out?)) (Dual Blade King)

When Ji Biyu read the message, there was an incredible expression on her face.

'Did all of them had eaten the wrong medicine today? They are calculating behind Frozen Flame using the same tools they bought from them,' She thought.

A while ago, all these people weren't even aware of the chatting group concept, that's why they didn't know that the tool they were using even have any connection with Frozen Flame after they had refined it, unlike them Ji Biyu had seen how the instruments in the Frozen Flame Branch in Snow Jade City works and has some knowledge about it, moreover, too many people chat every day so how could they keep an eye on our conversation was what they thought.

But still, in her eyes, they were being too reckless. She decided to reply in a way that does not offend or displease Frozen Flame, she doesn't want to make an enemy with them because she was fine with having a strong enemy but not an unknown enemy.

((I have only met one Guardian until now, and talked to another. From what I know they are extremely confident in their strength and are quite prideful, they don't actually care much about money or resources when trading so I believe there is a chance that they might really give out the mentioned rewards without playing dirty,)) Ji Biyu said. She gave only half of her evaluation or she would have also mentioned a lot more things than just that.

((I see, if I am right @The_Death's_Envoy you too had a deal with Frozen Flame so what are your thoughts?)) (Dual Blade King)

Sung Lee was a low key in normal people's eyes, but the big shots who had been in Golden Bird Continent and had done a lot of business in the underworld for years already knew some past of Black Scorpion Sect so they naturally added it's current Sect master to the group.

They also knew that Black Scorpion Sect was protecting the Myriad Auction Branch in their city so they might be allied but still they didn't hesitate to add him to the group the reason being… his sect's reputation.

Black Scorpion Sect gave huge priority to principles, they never sold out their client in hundred years of history, once they even had to go on an all-out war with other sects for such a thing but they still kept quiet this let them built a high reputation in the underworld. This was the reason they weren't worried about him selling them out.

((If you ask me, then I am 90% sure that they will really hand out those rewards,)) (The Death's Envoy)

((Huh? So sure, have you already submitted to them?)) (Jade Mountain King)

((I don't doubt the accuracy of your news but are you guessing it or have some base to prove that?)) (Black Crow)

Ji Biyu was also slightly surprised but quietly waited for his response.

If it was before Sung Lee might have doubted it but Rex had casually given him a Spirit rank High-grade level tailored made versatile weapon as a meeting gift, even if Rex was scheming this shows that they are domineering enough to use such things in scheming.

((If the rewards were at a level of Spirit rank Top grade then I might have some doubts but the reward is at the level of Spirit rank High grade so I believe that they can really give it out. If anyone wants proof, then we can strike a deal in private later on,)) (The Death's Envoy)

Everyone was silent. They had some doubt but they already started to believe in Frozen Flame's words after they heard what Sung Lee said.

Sung Lee wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't give out the proof for free.

((Hmm… If you say that then I believe that there is a high chance that they can give out the rewards, this concludes our meeting. by the way @Misty_Fairy @The_Death's_Envoy there was something I want to ask of you two,)) (Jade Mountain King)

((What is it?)) (The Death's Envoy)

((If it's not too much then I will consider it,)) (Misty Fairy)

((You see, until a few weeks ago I was in seclusion and my sect is quite far from Corentis so Shadow Lord might have forgotten about sending me a high-grade card, and I have no way of contacting him, I heard that a 5 Star Cardholder can contact them so….. Can you two put up a word for me,)) (Jade Mountain King)

((Can you two put up a word for me + 1)) (Dual Blade King)

((Can you two put up a word for me + 2)) (Black Crow)

((Can you two put up a word for me + 3)) (Great Sky Ruler)

((Can you two put up a word for me + 4)) (One Sword Immortal)

((Can you two put up a word for me + 5)) (Thunder Fist Monarch)

((Can you two put up a word….))

((…)) (Misty Fairy)

((…)) (The Death's Envoy)

Several fellow members of the group that were hidden in the shadows until now quickly popped up their heads out one by one, leaving those two speechless.

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