Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

320 Chapter 314 : : Four Gargoyles Refiner

Outside Zakiya's current residence…

Rex was sharing a table with Zakiya, he was holding an empty wine glass in his hands.

Zakiya would let him have the dilute wine once a week so he could maintain control over his bloodthirsty state, today was one of those days.

"So how is your inner world?" Zakiya asked while enjoying her wine.

She didn't ask, what is your inner world because she knew Rex might not trust her enough to reveal that much so easily, it takes time to nurture trust between each other.

"It's a short cubic room with every side 80 meters long," Rex said with a smile.

Zakiya's eyes flickered before she calmed down and spoke.

"Don't worry, the size of the inner world doesn't actually represent its true potential. Although it's rare there are ways to strengthen the inner world too. There is nothing certain in this world, you can't expect things to always go your way, we will make up for it in the future," Zakiya consoled him so he doesn't lose confidence, but she was also surprised she didn't know how someone who breakthrough on their own can have a small inner world.

After thinking, that no one is perfect and Rex has talent but he also has some defect she was relieved.

He too is a normal living being, heavens are somewhat fair after all... She thought.

But the second this thought appeared, Rex extinguished it with his cold words.

"But I got the inner world special ability," Rex said with a blooming smile.

He was observing Zakiya's expression and her tone, if she had reacted in a way that looked disappointed then he would have never even mentioned the special ability but she didn't so he decided to mention its presence.

Zakiya was taking a sip when she heard it and as a result, she emptied the whole glass before looking at Rex.

Heavens are unfair after all... She thought.

She didn't ask what ability he got, she knew Rex enough, if he wanted to tell what ability it was then he would have already started speaking. But he didn't, which only means he just wanted to let her know that his inner world is not weak.

"The cases like you are not impossible though," Zakiya sighed.

"Oh, there are cases like that?" Rex asked with interest.

"Exceptions are everywhere, I heard a centuries-old tale about a peerless genius of Ancient Sun Born Clan. According to the tale, even after he reached the Core Breaking stage he wasn't able to awaken his inner world, as a result, he had trouble in breakthrough and got stuck at Core Breaking stage. People started to laugh at him saying a genius became trash, he kept trying to advance for five decades but nothing happened but one day his inner world finally awakened.

Rex raised his eyebrow, the fact that a person didn't give up for five decades and still cultivated was in itself showed how strong his willpower was but to kill the Sky Body Formation stage and summoning the inner world into reality? Although he dare not say that he is invincible as the universe is filled with things that go beyond common sense but even he felt it was a little exaggerated.

Rex wasn't surprised that the genius was still at Core Breaking stage even after being in Higher Realm, Zakiya had told him that although people there can normally be born at Golden Core stage but some Ancient Clan's will use pills to degrade the cultivation of their geniuses so they could cultivate again while getting much more experience, a solid foundation and can understand the essence of cultivation before advancing to important stages that can strengthen their path to immortality. In fact, from what she said Rex knew that her father also did the same with her.

"Hehe... Would heavens even allow such existence? Even when we refine a spirit rank pill for the first time, we have to face a heavenly trail and he was able to get away with gaining a little sun-like inner world?" Rex said.

"Who said he was able to easily get away with it, just after two days he gained this inner world, he had to face Celestial Tribulation," Zakiya said.

"Celestial Tribulation? Was thunder tribulation not enough anymore?" Rex said.

"Celestial Tribulation is different from thunder tribulation, it occurs when someone does something that hasn't been done before while breaking the limit, in our world. The power of Celestial Tribulation depends on the person who activated it, when I comprehended Shadow Law for the first time I also experienced one after seven days, it's very dangerous but if you survive then the gift it gives you are also on a different level," Zakiya said in a prideful tone.

"Hmm... I see, teacher I was curious about it all this time, but how can you comprehend a law that hasn't existed before? I mean how can you sense a rule related to shadow when you didn't know if it existed," Rex asked.

Zakiya stared at him for a few seconds before she started laughing.

"Hahaha... Haven't existed? Sense rule related to shadow? You have comprehended so many laws but is still asking such a silly question. Let me guess you think Flame Law, Ice Law, Water Law, Shadow Law are all different rules right? Silly disciple they are all the same, it depends on you that in which way you learned to use it, see this," Zakiya pointed at the glass jug placed on the tabled, it was filled with water.

"Consider the water in the jug is the rule or we can say the laws in the world, it doesn't have any form or color, now if you drop red color in it then it will become red, if you drop blue color in it then it would become blue, if you drop green color in it then it will become green.

Law is just like this, if you comprehend it with the knowledge and experience related to fire then it will become Flame Law for you. If you comprehend it with the knowledge and experience related to water then it will become Water Law. It's the same with everything. There is no limit to what can become a law, remember Rex there was a person who comprehended Flame Law for the first time.

There was also a person who comprehended Water Law for the first time, just like me who comprehended Shadow Law for the first time. The first is the hardest but now there will obliviously be more people who would comprehend Shadow Law in the future it just if they have my knowledge it would become easier for them. It's not a surprise for a brat like you to not know it but after I saw just how many Law you have comprehended I thought you have already figured it out," Zakiya chuckled as she said.

Rex's eyes got wide in shock, he didn't focus on all her words but there was one line that was echoing in his head 'Anything can become a Law,'

'Anything can become a law right? Then my psychic powers too should be able to...' An idea struck his hard, a crazy idea to use his psychic power as a law. As he grew stronger he began to realize that his psychic power had limitations when fighting powerful opponents who could wield the power of laws. For example, when Zakiya used Shadow Domain, or the time when Fairy Ren used the power of her Illusion Law in her inheritance, he wasn't able to do anything with his psychic power but what if he could use a law related to psychic power? That way he won't only not lose his path but would also become stronger, he would become the only one to have the power of a Law others don't even understand similar to Zakiya.

Rex took deep breaths to calm himself down.

"You were able to condense an inner world with a special ability so I have a reward for you," Zakiya said with a smile.

Rex's eyes shined.

Zakiya waved her hand and a pot size cauldron appeared in the mid-air and landed on the ground, the cauldron was pitch black, it had eight legs and four gargoyles like creature were carved out of its surface, the bat-like wings of gargoyles had covered most of the surface of the cauldron while their crimson red eyes made others feel like the gargoyles are staring at them.

"Teacher, I do make potions but I don't use a cauldron," Rex said with a poker face, the cauldron had a majestic aura to it but for him it was useless.

"Ignorant disciple, it's not a cauldron, do I look like an Alchemist to you? Alchemists have a pill cauldron to refine pills just like it we also have a refiner to refine Treasure Artifacts. This is a 4 Star refiner named Four Gargoyles Refiner, you can use it to refine a Treasure Artifact ranging from 1 Star grade to 4 Star grade and if you are good enough then you can even refine a 5 Star Treasure Artifact.

I had used it in my early days but now I don't need it anymore, I had taken my ownership from it, so its grade dropped from 6 Star to initial grade 4 Star," Zakiya said.

'Was it the best name she could think of?' Rex nodded with a serious face.

Zakiya had told him about Treasure Artifacts before, Treasure Artifacts are growth type artifacts that would become stronger with their user and would consume food just like a living being, but not nutritious food like humans do.

The food can be anything, starting from a certain kind of Ore to Qi, if they are properly taken care of then their grade will increase if not, then it won't make any progress, the damage it receives won't heal and its grade can even decrease to its initial grade.

When the owner of the Treasure Artifact cut ties with it, their grade will rapidly decrease until it reaches the grade it had before the cultivator took its ownership.

The Four Gargoyles Refiner has similar characteristics to Treasure Artifact because in one way it too was a Treasure Artifact.

"Now quickly refine it, then I will show you how to use a refiner," Zakiya said.

Rex vigorously nodded. He was waiting to hear this for days, he quickly placed his hands on the cauldron then entered his Spiritual-Sense into it, the second he did, the four pair of red eyes on the refiner shined for a brief moment before they became normal again.

Rex suddenly felt a burning sensation on his left arm, he pulled up his sliver and saw a black tattoo resembling a gargoyle head with two fierce red eyes.

The tattoo was like a contract between him and the Refiner, now until he willed it no one can use it furthermore, if he dies without giving off the ownership of the Refiner then the refiner will self-destruct.

It was a special characteristic of a Treasure Artifact because of which the user doesn't need to worry about being killed for it.

Right now, he could feel a deep connection with the Refiner, Rex pointed his finger towards it, the Refiner turned into a black light and disappeared in his body.

Normally, it won't be easy to refine someone else's Treasure Artifact, but if its previous owner lets you do it willingly then the Treasure Artifact won't resist, it was the same case with the Refiner.

At this moment, Rex thought of something and looked at Zakiya.

"Teacher, you once said that the Sword Maniac stole your sword, I don't think that you were using a spirit weapon at that time and if it was a Treasure Artifact then why would he steal it, after all, he couldn't use it even if he succeeds," Rex asked out of nowhere.

When Zakiya heard it, her face was dark.

"Hehe... I also thought the same thing and didn't consider such a possibility and it was a mistake. He was known as a black horse in sword path, I ignored it and didn't focus on any information related to him. One day I encountered him on my way, he challenged me out of nowhere, his cultivation was lower than me. As for me, I had never lost a match on the same cultivation base till now. I thought he was a young man filled with inspiration, I guessed he wanted some pointers so I accepted his challenges.

He wanted to compare sword skills, although my main weapon was not a sword but it was related to a sword so I agreed to the conditions.

I have to say he had high innate talent in swordsmanship but the difference in power and experience was big, I won without much effort but he was stubborn and didn't admit defeat I got annoyed and thought he needed to be taught a lesson, I controlled my sword and targeted his stomach, my sword shot at him and pierced his stomach. Just at that time he shouted and admitted defeat, as a result, I stopped advancing my sword but at that time he grabbed the hilt of the sword that was still stuck in his stomach and said... I got defeated today, I don't want to forget this defeat so I am borrowing this sword for a reminder and motivate myself to train hard.

He said with a serious expression, I didn't understand his meaning at that moment, but that thief activated his Space Law at perfection mastery for the first time, and before I could recall my sword he disappeared in the portal below him. I didn't have time to chase him because my focus was on the Ancient Tomb I couldn't waste time on such matters, at that time one of my comrades told me about him.

The other nickname of that Sword Maniac was Sword Collector, he had 'borrowed' swords from many peoples, he doesn't 'borrow' a sword for using them but just for his collection. If I knew that his main law was Space Law then like hell would I let him escape, after I go back I will settle this score with him," Zakiya said with a smile yet not a smile.

Rex opened his mouth but no words came out, he didn't know what to say at this time.

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