Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

332 Chapter 326 : : Finally Arrived

Lerna fiercely stared at Rex, she then waved her hand and the attack disappeared.

She flickered her finger and several pearl-like water droplets appeared around her, hovering in midair, the drops were clear as crystals and were shining like pearls. Lerna pointed her finger at the whale.

All the water droplets gave a buzzing sound then shot towards the whale at an untraceable speed.

The whale had already sunk half of its body inside the sand but when the drops shot at it, it felt a deadly crisis approaching but knowing that didn't change anything, it got hit. The whale gave off a low scream before it lay motionless on the sand.

Lerna then made a grasping motion towards the dead whale, a fist-size core flew out of it and landed in her hand.

Everyone was dumbstruck, without minding their shocked expression, Lerna stared at Rex then left without giving anyone a second look.

"What a kill thief," Rex lightly snorted, he then flew down from the ship and observed the whale. On a careful look, he discovered several finger size holes on its head.

'I did hear that anything besides us can be a weapon but water droplets... Seriously?' Rex lacked the words to describe his emotion but he still didn't show it on his face.

He then took out a sword and executed the 12 Overlord's Slashes cutting down the whale in multiple segments.

Rex couldn't store such big things directly inside his inventory, hence he needed to shorten their size.

Under 12 Overlord's Slashes coupled with a spirit sword, the dead whale's body seemed soft as butter when it made contact with the sword edge.

After storing the dissected whale in the inventory, Rex flew back to the ship and looked at Ji Baozhai.

"Didn't you people mention something about the short and safe path? Don't tell me you all are already strong enough to take a wild Monster Venerable in the non-dangerous category?" Rex asked in a polite but sarcastic tone.

There might be many Monster Venerable in Misty Maze Forest but such beasts were highly rare in other places, special in locations such as this where there were almost no resources to cultivate except other beast's core.

His words brought everyone back to reality.

Ji Baozhai lacked the words to explain the situation, instead of her, Ji Biyu explained.

"Master Rex, Desert Killer Whale is not easy to discover, they keep sleeping in a random location for years without minding their surrounding, it's hard to discover their aura when they are sleeping, it might have been awakened because we were passing through this route. Who knows for how long was it lying here? It was just a coincidence, we would naturally like to avoid such disasters if possible, but we had no idea about this one," Ji Biyu said.

Rex gave her a long look before speaking.

Ji Biyu and others sighed in relief.

Rex didn't speak more and left for his room. Jiang Qing, who remained quiet until now amongst the big shots around her, quickly moved her thin legs and followed Rex like a little dear following its parent.

When they encountered the beast, Sung Lee and Ji Biyu had ordered their elders to restrict the dock area and take the disciples inside the ship so they don't cause any ruckus.

Sung Huang slightly narrowed his eyes at Rex's back.

{Didn't Sung Lee guessed that the relation between Master Rex and Lady Lerna is not that great? At first look, it seems like Lady Lerna just helped him take care of the beast but if we see things from a different angle, I mean… From Master Rex's perspective than didn't Lady Lerna came out of nowhere and stole his kill? If we look at things like that then everything makes sense, Master Rex called it an ingredient that was actually to annoy Lade Lerna, Lady Lerna too seemed dissatisfied but she didn't directly say anything.

Sung Suyin and Sung Lee doubtfully looked at each other then slightly nodded towards him.

As for Ji Biyu and Ji Baozhai, they remained silent and flew towards their ship.

Ji Baozhai had already realized that Lerna really was a Calamity Lord and hence had no dissatisfaction against her. As for Rex, from the talk and behavior, he didn't look any weaker than her but his overall strength was still unknown.

Rex came back to his room, like always, Mr. Black was standing outside the door.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Lerna sitting on his bed with a book in her hand.

Rex sighed then moved to the bed and led beside her, he then looked at her from the corner of his eyes, after confirming that she wasn't responding he quietly raised his head and put it on her thigh while being completely 'unaware' of it.

Lerna stopped focusing on the book and looked at him with an expression that was screaming… The hell do you think, you're doing?

"What you are looking at? I am not eating your leg or anything, humph…" Rex said in an annoyed tone as he secretly hardened his skin to get ready for the upcoming hit.

"Oh, is it because that snake's thigh is not available anymore?" Lerna said with a poker face then refocused on the book, completely ignoring him.

A cold feeling ran down his spine.

[The cat is out of the basket.]

'Little Rose…' Rex said.

[I'm air~ I'm air~ I'm air~]

'Bastard! Did you....' (Rex)

[Nah, no, never, I can't even think about coming in contact with anyone else without you knowing, so I can't spill the beans,]

Rex ran his gears at full speed, he thought of all the possibilities that could lead to this outcome. Now he fully knew why she was acting all cold these days, she knew everything about it, what 'game' he was playing with Ria all this time.

'Only me and Ria knows about these things, she was the one who asked to keep the relationship secret right? So she definitely won't tell anyone about it and I didn't do it either then who… wait there is one more person who should know about it, Mia? But she never came in contact with Lerna the person she talks to most these days except Ria is… Little Aru? Hmmm... he won't understand such a thing wait… Even if he doesn't understand such things he could still tell what he had heard from her.

Dammit! Little guy, you betrayed me? Actually.. even if he didn't say it Lerna keeps a watch on him all day so she could have eye dropped on his conversation with Mia easily, sigh… Why didn't I think of this possibility? I was so confident in the soundproof array that I ignored these things,' Rex thought.

[But isn't it good? Her reaction tells she is likely bothered by your relationship. According to my research on psychology until now, I'm 83% sure she is jealous, 15% sure she is embarrassed, 2% sure she hates Ria to the core.]

'No, it isn't... Huh? You are actually… right,' Rex stared at Lerna who seemed to be fully absorbed in the book. The corner of his lips slightly curled upwards.

[Courting Death Mode activated.]

'Shut up, and keep quiet,' (Rex)

"Hmm… So what? She was the one who proposed to me, she is also a nice, obedient, cute, kind, honest, and intelligent girl so how was I supposed to reject her?" Rex said in a helpless tone.

[You know although I can heal you even if she beats your face until it's unrecognizable but it is still not good to waste energy like that.]

He ignored the comment and continue to observe her.

"Hmm…" Lerna said while reading her book. Although there was no change in her expression Rex was pretty sure he noticed her grip on the book tightening.

'Hehe… She is too obvious,' (Rex)

"Eh... But why did you ask? Are you jealous? Hehe just kidding... I'm a little curious though as to why did you ask, I mean why would it matter to you? After all, Little Aru already had a father before he was born, so there is no way you would be interested in a humanoid male like me, speaking of his father, I wonder how does he look like?" Rex said with a thoughtful expression.

[Rex did you forget what I told you? She is a single parent and before the bloodline incident Little Aru didn't have a fath…]

'I know, but she doesn't know that I know, hehehe...,' (Rex)

"I… He looks good, way better than you... In humanoid form," Lerna said in a slightly louder tone as she looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Ohh," Rex nodded while making an 'O' shape with his mouth.

"He is stronger than you," Lerna frowned seeing his reaction then said.

"Hmm… Lucky you," Rex praised in admiration.

Lerna gritted her teeth as she looked at him.

Rex changed his position, sat beside her, and spoke.

"By the way, I am curious as to how the monster race in wild chose their partner?" Rex asked with a curious look.

Lerna held back her urge to slam his head on the wall and spoke.

"Everyone chooses a partner based on their strength and bloodline, to give birth to a stronger generation, It especially applies to the ones who live in groups, the stronger one dominates the weaker ones," Lerna said in a flat tone, from the way she said it, she wasn't even thinking of it when she spoke.

"Oh, so did my Lady dominate or get dominated?" Rex raised his eyebrow.

"Do you want me to show you with actions?" Lerna asked in an angry tone, Rex's carefree and non-caring attitude was making her angrier by every one second.

"Hehe… Why are you getting so worked up? That aside, from what you just said, doesn't it mean that the stronger one can dominate the weaker one? So if I got stronger then shouldn't my Lady be more careful from then on?" Rex said in a somewhat joking yet meaningful tone.

"Haaa? You dominating me? Dream on, you don't have such ability," Lerna snorted. This time her focus was not on the book whose cover she had already crushed instead she was angrily staring at Rex in the eyes.

Rex just smiled and led back on the bed with his head on her thighs.

'Ability, was it? We will see,' He thought then closed his eyes, went to sleep.

Days passed quickly, the rest of the trip was peaceful as predicted, and no unexpected event took place.

16 days after the trip started, the ship finally reached the outer region of Myriad Beast Continent where the civilization has taken roots.

Rex, Lerna, Jiang Qing, Tang Xuan, and others were standing together at the deck, this time even the grand elder of the Black Scorpion Sect was present.

The outer wall of a city was visible in the distance.

This city wall was different from the normal stone city walls, it was made of black wood and had sharp-pointed thorns all over the surface, the wall was at least three times as higher as the Corentis' outer wall, although it was made of some kind of wood but Rex could tell at first glance that this wood was stronger than the volcanic stones used to make Corentis' walls, furthermore, he also noticed that it had several hidden arrays engraved in it.

"Master Rex, we cannot use the skyship from this point on, so we plan on taking a roundabout way from here on but that way will make it longer for you to go to Beast God Temple. If you go from here you can take the shortest route and reach your destination in a short period, with your strength you won't face any problems on the way," Sung Lee said.

Rex nodded.

Although they all traveled together, but all three parties had different motives for coming to Myriad Beast Continent.

Black Scorpion Sect came to settle their score with Green Mantis Sect, Cold Heaven Sect came for doing friendly mocking battles with their allies to prepare for the InterContinental Fighting Tournament, as for Rex, he came to stea- learn from other's technology, do some shopping and let Lerna acquire her inheritance from Beast God Temple.

Rex could choose to travel to a better city with Cold Heaven Sect's ship but he preferred to act independently so he bid farewell to them and left the ship with his team, heading to the city wall in distance.

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