Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

354 Chapter 348 : : Karmic Indicator

He was a tall man with slightly pointed ears, the man had long grey hair, his sharp yellowish eyes carried a hint of pride, he was carrying two long sabers behind his back, his cultivation base pressure was hidden but his body still emitted the aura of an experienced warrior. Since the time he appeared, the man didn't spare a glance to anyone around him.

Except for him, there were two other people, one of them was a man, he was wearing a black robe that covered his whole body. His aura was completely hidden, just like his identity, he wore a wooden mask that covered his face under the hood.

His identity was hidden but others could guess he was strong albeit none wish to fight right now as they had more important matter at hand.

Rex didn't use Appraisal because using it on people stronger than him increases the consumption rate, moreover, the more details he tried to probe the more will it tire him out, he was entering a tomb that forbids the display of full cultivation base so mental strength was his biggest plus point that he couldn't waste on opponents he might not even meet after entering.

The last was a woman standing beside Fairy Xue, she was the current sect master of Sky Pagoda Sect… Nera, a young woman with an equisetic face and stunning figure, her gentle eyes carried innocence and calmness, her temperament seemed to have peculiar energy to it making people around her compatible and less wary towards her.

The woman was respectful to both Rex and Lerna, she didn't even look in their eye for a long period and addressed them as seniors even though she too was a Sky Body Formation stage expert.

Sung Lee had told him a few things about her, Nera has only advanced to the Sky Body Formation stage a while ago that's why she was being very respectful to other experts and others didn't take her at the same level as them yet.

Except for the man in the black cloak and the one from Relion Family, every expert had a force behind them.

Sung Lee, Sung Suyin, and Sung Huang were standing behind Rex and Lerna with 100 best elite elders and disciples.

Their Grand Elder was left behind to take care of the base instead, Sung Lee could summon more fighters but Rex asked him to keep the group small because the higher the number the difficult it would be to take care of them.

Spirit Mountain Monarch slightly nodded towards Fairy Xue and Rex then headed inside the barrier, not stopping until he entered the eye symbol on top of the pyramid.

Rex waited till everyone left, only then did he proceed to the front of the eye symbol.

"Master Rex, the information we received says that the location of this gate teleport us to, resets every 5 minutes, moreover we cannot leave the inheritance ground for the next 24 hours after entering in any condition. After 24 hours we can use the transmission arrays arranged in different checkpoints to head out.

The most important thing is that after entering that the inheritance ground our cultivation base needs to remain sealed, there were a few people who tried to remove the seal and see if they could use their full strength inside as a result all the traps around them activated and killed them in one breath of time.

From the looks of it, we can only use our physicals strength, Qi, and Law power to the fullest, in this field I think Master Rex has the greatest accomplishment compared to others. At last, the mechanism of this inheritance is very strange yet advanced, it is something I never saw or heard of in my entire life so we should be careful when proceeding, there are many strange things inside I will explain after we enter," Sung Lee said.

Rex nodded, he then grabbed Lerna's hand and dived in the eye symbol.

Sung Lee was surprised by his actions but he then understood what Rex was doing, maybe he was just removing the slight possibility of them getting separated. But in his eyes there was no need for that, he trusted the information he obtained.

They then followed Rex and too dived into the pyramid.

When Rex passed through the invisible door, everything in his vision became dark for a moment, but soon the darkness was cleared by a warm light lighting the surrounding.

He opened his eyes and checked his surrounding, he was standing in the middle of a stone corridor, glowing crystal torches embedded in the walls on both sides to lighten the way, there was no sign of transmission array anywhere, it was like they appeared out of nowhere. He turned to his right and saw Lerna standing beside him, he felt relieved and released her hand.

Rex remained quiet for a few seconds, he was waiting for Sung Lee and others to appear but nothing happened.

'As expected, this tomb is sorting people,' Rex sighed.

Rex didn't doubt Sung Lee's information as he could already guess all those things but there are things that Sung Lee won't know because they haven't happened yet.

Zakiya had told him about some common things many tombs normally have, every tomb has a uniqueness but their maker sometimes copies some of the things they found interesting from other tombs, and sorting was one of those.

Even after the cultivation base is sealed, cultivators still have differences in their base strength, so it sorts them depending on their physicals strength, status balance, bone age, and Qi purity like factors. The physicals strength mentioned here is the base physical strength of a cultivator without using their Qi or Internal Force so even body cultivators don't have much advantage.

If the tomb gives the person a better score then it teleports them to a location closer to its core part compared to others. It's like giving privileges for their efforts so far.

Rex held her hand because it was like one of the cheats to remain together inside, he didn't use the same method with Sung Lee and others because it will then give birth to doubt in their mind, like... Does Rex know something about this inheritance ground?

They might not reveal it but they weren't the only onlookers.

Holding Lerna's hand was just cautious behaviour in their eyes. but if he did the same thing with everyone then the cautiousness will be termed as foreknowledge.

'If my guess is right, the same things should have happened with other Calamity Lords, sorting didn't happen until now because whether it was body cultivator or Qi cultivator the tomb didn't put the minor difference between them in its eyes but the difference in base status between Core Breaking stage cultivator and a Sky Body Formation Expert is something it could not ignore and the sorting happened,' Rex concluded.

Right now, in a way, he just took advantage of Lerna being a Calamity Lord to get a boost at the start, but it was still hard to say how big the advantage was, after all, some people had entered the tomb several days before him.

"What is this thing?" Lerna said while looking at the illusory glass crystal floating above her head, when she tried to touch it, her hand passed through it, she also saw a glass crystal floating above Rex's head.

Rex looked at the almost transparent glass crystal and his expression became strange.

"A Karmic Indicator? This inheritance isn't simple as I thought," Rex muttered to himself.

"You know it, tell me," Lerna said in a demanding tone, for some reason she wasn't the least bit surprised that Rex knew it, she had already labeled him as the king of strange things.

"It's called Karmic Indicator, it's both a good thing and a bad thing. It's transparent right now because we just entered the tom, it's condition and colour will change depending on our actions and health. If we take the initiative to kill someone and succeed then its colour will turn red, depending on the number of times we did it, the colour will become darker.

If we don't take the initiative and kill the enemy in defense then it will turn orange, if we help someone in need then it will turn green, if we help someone to kill, scheme against others or use others as cannon fodders then it will turn black.

The crystal can also have more than one colour, moreover, it represents our body's health condition, if you are injured then some cracks will appear on its surface depending on your injured state, meaning you cannot hide your weakened state in front of others. It's quite an annoying thing if you ask me," Rex said.

'Sung Lee didn't mention about Karmic Indicator which means it didn't appear in the outer area of the tomb but either inner or near core area,' He thought.

Tombs are non-living things but can function as one, they change their criteria for people depending on the place, if it had still used the criteria of the higher realm then maybe no one would have been able to enter the inner region at the start but now it had changed its measuring scale according to the people of Middle Realm.

"Hmm... So where should we go?" Lerna said after she lost her curiosity for the crystal.

There were two ways they could go on, one was in front while the other was in the back.

"Tombs are simply mazes from inside, if we walk on the wrong path then we will either see a dead end, stuck in a trap, or head outside instead of inside. Moreover, it's foolish to head outside to take a rest because the tomb will teleport us to a different place every single time we enter, the idiots outside are trying to make a map out of the interior of the tomb only because they had no idea that a tomb could reform itself after a specific period," Rex said.

When he entered, he had already decided to either get the inheritance in one go or leave and tell everything to Zakiya instead of wasting time alone.

Rex waved his hand and a big metallic cuboid appeared in front of him. He then activated the smart brand on his wrist.

"Release the Aerial Comb Force," He said with a faint smile.

Suddenly, the surface or the cube got divided into several small and showed the small hexagonal holes hidden beneath them, their pattern made them look akin to a honeycomb. A tiny red light flickered inside those holes, several round marble-like bots came out of each hole then flew towards either the front passage or the one in the back.

'After I saw the floating platform technology at the Bond Of Steel tower, I modified the tiny scouting bots into a slightly different product, now they don't need to use propellers to fly and the energy consumptions had been reduced by a big margin. I didn't have enough time or I would have done the same with combat bots sigh...' Rex thought.

Rex then took out two sofas, a round table, and a tea set, he set on one and started brewing tea.

"Don't you have the wine?" Lerna said after making herself comfortable on the other sofa.

"Oh, you liked its taste, I have a whole sat here" Rex took out his ten bottle wine collection and placed it on the table, then thinking of something he activated the smart band again to see their live moments.

From the data, 5 bots were already destroyed after activating a hidden trap on their way.

On the backside, the passage got divided into three different parts so the bots had to divide themselves too and fly accordingly.

After one hour Rex recalled the bots he made his decision.

"Two of the three passages in the backside are a dead end and the last one has dried traces of blood, meaning someone had entered this part so it's probably a path from inside to outside, we will follow the path in front," Rex said as he collected the things back in his inventory.

The tomb can change its infrastructure but the parts from outside will remain outside and the ones from inside will remain inside so the difficulty level of traps won't get mixed up.

Lerna followed without retorting, it was her first time entering an inheritance ground so she left the thinking to Rex.

Rex took out four working bots and made them walk in front, all of them were walking 100 meters apart from each other. From what he knew some traps might not activate when first-person passed by them but they may activate when another person does the same thing that's why he was now acting as the fifth person walking past them.

Lerna thought of flying but Rex stopped her, flying will waste a lot of Qi especially when their real cultivation base was sealed. He could use Telekinesis but he wished to save as much mental strength as possible for now.

After walking for half an hour, his steps halted.

"What happened?" Lerna asked.

"The first hurdle," He sighed and showed the holographic screen above the smart band to her.

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