The other side of the door was the same as the stone corridor from before, the road ahead was empty. Although, it looked the same Rex knew it was actually a different place.

Rex sighed, it seemed like he had to walk again until the next trial.

"Senior the crystal above you has become green," Nera reminded when she came out.

Rex raised his head to look up and indeed, the Karmic Indicator had become pitch green in colour.

'Is it because I let Lerna and Nera freeload with me?' He thought.

He just nodded at her, showing a surprised look.

The Karmic Indicator becoming green wasn't a bad thing so he just ignored it and released his scouting bots to check the road in front, he facing the road ahead when he was teleported here which meant that the road in the back was leading outside.

Rex again released his combat bots to work as cannon fodders, combat bots weren't living beings so his Karmic Indicator remains unaffected by his actions.

After half an hour, the trio was again faced with a choice.

The road in front was divided into two.

Both the path on the left and right had a few words written on top of them.

The words written above the left path were 'Short But Hard' and the words written on the right path were 'Long But Easy'.

Without much thought, all three of them understood the meaning behind these words.

"The door on the left should be like a shortcut to reach the innermost part of the inheritance tomb but it would be hard to walk on, on the other hand, the right path should be opposite, it should be long but easy to walk on," Rex said he then looked at Nera.

"Fairy Nera, the one earlier was a team trial, the result of one person was meant to affect all but the way in front is different, there is two way which means they are here to give us choices. I won't ask you to come with us, please make your decision carefully.

If the test is hard them it's not necessary that everyone would pass moreover the penalties in the core area are heavier compared to the inner area, even if it was a righteous inheritance, it doesn't necessarily mean that death is not an option," Rex said with a serious expression.

Nera remained silent for a while.

"I and Lerna are choosing the first path, I don't know which one, Fairy Nera intends to choose?" Rex said.

She looked at the first door on the left then the second on the right.

"I thank Senior for his benevolence until now, Junior is not as capable as Senior so I will go on the second path," Nera said.

Rex nodded. He expected this answer, that's why he asked.

She parted ways with Rex then headed on the second path.

Rex went into the first patg with Lerna, after traveling for a while, he realized that surprisingly this path didn't have any traps, soon he saw light on the other side of the path, it looked like it was the end of the stone corridor.

When he left the path, the blinding light outside the stone corridor made him shut his eyes, it took some time for him to adjust himself to the light.

Lerna looked around and realized that they were standing in a big circular hall, the hole was bigger than a football stadium, the stone corridor they came from was nowhere to be found.

A black humanoid statue was standing in the center of the hall, the ceiling was more than 100 meters above the ground, several gleaming light orbs flying in mid-air were lighting the whole hall. Rather than the hall, it was more like an indoor arena.

Rex first observed the black status at the center. The statue was of the same size as an adult, its body was also similar but its face was black, there was no nose. eyes or mouth carved on it.

At this time, an unfamiliar voice reverberated in the hall.

"Welcome challengers, you met the condition and have accepted a special grade test,"

"Huh? Wait I don't remember ever seeing such a test much less accepting," Rex quickly retorted.

"Special grade test doesn't have the choice to decline,"

"Yeah, perfectly reasonable," Rex rolled his eyes.

"There are two ways to pass this quest and the first is, defeat the Leech,"

As soon as this way said, Rex noticed something strange, he looked at the statue and saw that its surface was now full of cracks.

Suddenly, the black statue began to shade off its skin, the black stone-like skin fell and revealed the shining black skin inside.

Rex's frowned, earlier he didn't sense any life signature from the status but now, he could feel faint lifeforce from it, and it was increasing every second.

He didn't waste any more time and attacked before the statue could complete its transformation.

'Thunder Ball'

A big sphere made of blue current appeared in front of him, Rex shot it at the transforming statue.


When the thunder ball struck the statue, an ear-piercing screech sound came from it.


In the next second, the thunder ball exploded with the statue.


A small dust cloud appeared in its place. When the dust settled down, a deformed pit was present in the place of the statue. Rex then noticed something, black worms like creature were scattered around the pit, they were struggling on the ground.

They were leech-like insects, their body was squishy like jelly, their movements stated that they were alive.

"What insect is this?" Rex observed the insects on the ground.

Suddenly, all the leeches moved and began to combine into each other, a big fat leech began to form under their fusion.

"Am I supposed to watch your entry? Humph," Rex snorted, he raise his hand, and a pitch blue flame danced between his fingers.

'Ice Coffin Burial'

The Nebula Blue Flame expended while moving towards the big leech, soon it turned into a big wave that covered a hundred-meter range around the leech, not leaving behind any way for it to escape.

In an instant, the whole place turned into a frozen sculpture, the leeches that tried to move and escape were all frozen inside, without letting even one of them escape.

[The name doesn't match the skill,]

'If you have the time to fool around, then help me figure out a way to kill it,' Rex said, although the flame froze the leeches inside the ice, there was no change in their life force meaning that they were still alive.

Furthermore, he checked and found no notification stating that he killed something.

[We don't have data on something like that, try touching one,]

'I have a feeling that touching them isn't a good idea or I would have already pulled out one,' Rex said.


"Huh?" Rex frowned, he saw that the tiny leeches inside broke the ice which was harder than spirit iron, with just sheer force, and were now moving freely inside, restarting their fusing process.

"Your flame can absorb vitality right? Try it," Rex said to Lerna standing on the side.

Lerna raised her eyebrow, she was just observing from the side, seeing that Rex finally needed her help she was inwardly delighted but didn't show it on her face, she lightly snorted then acted.

She raised her hand upwards, then suddenly a big green fireball appeared above her hand, she waved her hand and threw it towards the leech moving inside the ice.

When the flames appeared Rex realized that Vitality Flame was just on the boundary between the Monster Flames and Essence Flame. Its power was unquestionable.

Rex also made his move, he used Cryokinesis and broke the Ice into pieces before the flames touched it.


The ground which was frozen just a moment ago started burning in green flames.

Rex checked the condition of the leeches again and his pupils shrunk, instead of losing their vitality, they were sucking the vitality from the flames. He quickly told Lerna to retract her flames.

'Crap, just who in the world made such a pervert creature,' He thought inside.

Next, he tried different attribute attacks on the leeches to find their weakness but it all failed.

He tried to Atomize them but failed as atomizing such material was not within his capabilities. It was the same thing as trying to Atomize Zakiya.

He tried to operate them into smaller parts but then he discovered another frightening thing, these leeches can breakdown into so smaller parts than a normal human can't even see them. The smaller the things the more difficult it becomes to control them through Telekinesis.

Lerna frowned but didn't act, Rex had told her to save energy, for now, that's why she didn't do anything.


Rex solemnly looked at the big lump of leeches that managed to combine even after being bombarded with all kinds of attacks.

"Hey, didn't you say there was two way to pass the test, what is the second?" Rex shouted.

But there was no reply.

On the other hand, the big black lump of leech started to take shape of a muscular humanoid creature.

Rex finally saw its humanoid appearance.

It was twice as big as an adult, he felt like his attacks helped it grow instead of killing it.

The creature had hands legs like humans but its fingers were like the sharp nails of a predator, its skin was shining like a snake who just shed its skin.

Its mouth was big, it didn't have any hair. When the creature opened its mouth, its big dinosaur-like jaw opened and the row of sharp teeth was revealed, unlike its body colour, its teeth were milky white. When it opened its mouth, its long lizard-like tooth moved like a snake as it tasted the smell in the air.

The humanoid leech gave a great sense of danger to Rex.

'I promise, if I found the person who designed this trial then I will test 1000 types of the poison on it,' Rex thought.

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