Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

359 Chapter 353 : : Traps Under Traps

"Wifey~ Go use the door," Rex said.

Lerna didn't reply, then Rex went into thinking.

[Overdrive, is a good power booster but the consequences are dire, you won't be able to enter combat mode for quite a while once you used it, I would need quite some time to repair all the damage in your body, moreover you will continuously lose HP when Overdrive is active, if not for regeneration then even if I continuously heal you, you might not last for more than 10 seconds,]

'Hmm… I know but my plan will probably won't succeed without using it,' Rex thought.

[Hey, I just thought of something, why don't you push that Leech in the exit door and you two will be safe,]

'Huh? It's good that you can think that much now and reach a conclusion but your mentality is still limited, broaden your horizon a little. Do you think I haven't thought of such a thing? It's the riskiest idea, pushing the Leech in the door is not impossible but that's what the test probably wants us to do that is, if we don't sacrifice our comrade.

The test says, one of you can use the door to pass the test, and you thought of pushing out the Leech but tell me something, are you sure that Leech is counted, as one person?' Rex asked.

[You mean all those Leeches are counted as a different entity?]

'Likely, or else why would it had revealed its true form, in the beginning, the Leech could have been in its current form since the start and maybe we wouldn't have found out, it was probably a clue that challengers will miss when they are panic-stricken. Zakiya had said that the trials at the core region of a tomb are like traps under traps, you can never overestimate yourself. I'm not able to figure out a way to solve this test so we will use the simplest way to do it… Defeat the Leech,' Rex thought.

At Present…

Rex raised his head and looked at the incoming Leech, his eyes were red due to pain, his skin was in also a shade of red, steam was coming out of his body forming a membrane of steam around him.

Rex took a step forward and disappeared on the spot. He instantly appeared in front of Leech and punched it on the chest. When the punch drew closer to its chest, an afterimage if fist appeared parallels to it, soon a second one appeared then a third… Five afterimages appeared beside his fist.

'Mysterious Rakshasa Killing Fist - First Style - Endless Assault'

…Boom…Boom… x 3

The punches carried mountain shaking force behind them, a muffled sound echoed and the Leech was thrown backward like a cannonball, after the attack landed, it had six fist-sized holes on its chest.

Before the Leech could even land on the ground, Rex appeared behind it and held it by the neck with his left hand.


The Leech opened its big mouth and screeched at Rex, it was hard to tell if it a screech of anger or pain.

The glass tube was big, it was enclosing another glass tube inside, a third tube was enclosed inside the second tube, a tiny drop of dark red liquid was present inside the innermost tube. The red liquid resembled blood a little in appearance, but it was oozing out a faint black aura, it felt like it carried a highly lethal plosion inside it.

"Your DNA is complex like Zakiya so let's see if you can also withstand the same poison as her," Rex said with a sneer, he then forced the tube inside the big mouth of the screeching Lich, he then held the jaw and head of the Leech then pushed them against each other with a jolt.


The sound of glass breaking was heard from its mouth, Rex released it from the grasp then clenched both of his fists, positioned them vertically parallel to each other, and punched.

'Mysterious Rakshasa Killing Fist - Thirst Style - Internal Destruction'

Both the fist touched the back of Leech at the same time, there was no sound this time when the fists touched its back, a shockwave formed the touch and traveled through its whole body, it felt like its whole body got deformed and reformed at the same time.

Suddenly out of nowhere, the Leech was sent flying, making a huge arc in the air before ruthlessly falling to the ground.

The ground got scattered crazily, the force alone sent the Leech flying like an artillery shell, it traveled for an enormous distance before finally stopping.

Dust covered the Leech's body, making it hard to see its current condition.

Rex didn't move and just observed.

'The leeches are different entity but right now they are acting together as one, whenever the Leech is hit they make the force scatter to its whole body to divide the damage and making it less lethal, the poison that threw a Divine Being like Zakiya to the ground is the most dangerous weapon I had with me but it was also a part of my research, now I only have one drop left...

That aside, I don't know how effective the poison will be but it is mixed into the blood so the Leech would definitely not let it go, I have used the blood of Zakiya after she overcame that poison so I am resistant to it, Lerna is already outside so she is also safe but the problem is... The Leech now has absorbed the blood of a Divine Being, I need to make him move more and more so that the poison shows its effect faster or else... The Leech will drag me to its doom,' Rex thought.

[23 Seconds]


A deafening screech came from the dust cloud, then a figure jumped out from it, heading towards Rex.

When it came out, Rex saw its appearance.

The Leech's body was still humanoid but it was way different from before, it now had a fox-like head, three long black tails were fluttering behind its back, its hands had turned into claws while the structure of its legs was now similar to that of an animal, they looked ticker and stronger at the same time.

Rex countered it head-on.


A big amount of Qi and Psychic Energy was mobilized beside him with the instant decrease in HP.

Five clones with the appearance same as him appeared around him.

Rex backed off, while the clones executed the fist technique at full power, without carrying about their body.

'Mysterious Rakshasa Killing Fist - Second Style - Instant Kill'

Pitch black Qi swirled around their arms as they punched at the Leech without carrying about their own safety.

The Leech moved with extremely flexible and nimble movements, it avoided the first three clones and even managed to destroy two of them by ripping their throats with its two claws but the only thing that greeted it was Self-Destruction.

The remaining two clones landed their fist on its head at the same time.


The big head of the lich burst out like a watermelon but at the same time, the two hands of the clones were also got destroyed without leaving behind anything.

[18 Seconds]

The head of the leech started to reform as soon as it got destroyed but the Leech didn't wait for it to reform and dashed at Rex ignoring the clone at the back.

Rex retreated while making the clone behind it Self-Destruct after approaching it.

'This tag game is not enough, I need to trap it longer, I need something better,' Rex backed off then waved his hand.

Six black pillars made of unknown material appeared around him, several arrays like inscriptions were present on the surface of each of them which varied among each pillar.

Rex waved his hand and 6 more clones appeared around him and attacked the Leech.

Under Rex's control, the six pillars floated around Leech in a hexagonal formation then the pattern present on them started to shine.

'I was making it to win the mock battle against Zakiya, but it looks like I won't have this opportunity,' Rex thought.

'Six Pillars Of Imprisonment: Eternal Seal'

Suddenly the patterns on the pillar gave off a brilliant radiance then a light membrane started to form around them connecting them to each other, six edges and a ceiling made of light completely trapped the Leech.

By the time the seal activated, the Leech finished dealing with the six clones, it dashed towards the light membrane and slashed at it.

The light membrane slightly trembled but didn't break, the Leech ignored the results and started to madly attack it without any rest.

[12 Seconds]

'It wasn't my imagination, the power of the seal has been weakened by several times in this place, even this seal might not hold it for long,' Rex thought about it the waved his hand.

Three Predator Series Combat Bots appeared and surrounded the seal.

More than 100 Tank-Type and 100 Hunter-Type Combat Bots appeared and made a defense formation covering the Predator Series Combat Bots.

Mr. Black also appeared, he took out a Gatling-Ray-Gun and stood at the back of the formation.

A big metallic cube appeared and released more than a hundred Scouting Bots capable of Self Destruction.

50 Working Bots appeared and started to plant mines around the seal imprisoning the Leech.

4 Extinction Ray Cannon appeared and settled at a faraway place from the seal then locked onto the Leech.

Rex still felt that it might not be enough so he took out all the offense type array disks he had and arranged them around the seal.

He then used Instant Transmission to appear near the exit door, took out an empty bathtub, and filled it with the best Heath Potions he had made so far.

Rex then implanted all the defensive array disks he had in an arc formation around the exit door and his bathtub.

He then jumped into the tub, took out the pillow he had 'borrowed' from Luo Ru, and used it to support his head, Rex eventually relaxed his mind and looked at the rampaging Leech inside the seal.

'This is my all, heavens if I die then many innocent women will become widows and will curse you their entire life,' Rex thought.

[You will never learn,]

'I had done a nine-month diploma before being born, who are you to teach me. Show me the countdown,' Rex snorted.

[3 Seconds]

[2 Seconds]

[1 Second]

[Good Luck]

As soon as the countdown finished, the raging energy channeling inside his meridians disappeared, just after the energy disappeared, the pain disappeared along with it and gave off a warm feeling to his whole body. But Rex wasn't happy, he clenched his teeth and prepared himself for the upcoming storm after the calmness.

As expected, a wave of intense pain struck his body, the pain he was feeling wasn't from a single part but from the whole body, Rex lost the ability to think properly, he was in a condition where he completely forgot about the Leech.

He wanted to scream but even moving his throat resulted in pain, the pain continued to increase and at one point, Rex fainted but he was awakened soon after because of the next wave of pain.

This was the consequence of using Overdrive, in a way it was a forbidden skill he made when trying thousand of ideas using clones inside the inner world. Overdrive wasn't the only one, there were also other skills but their consequences were direr and they weren't powerup type.

On the other side, the more Leech struggled to get out, the more powerful it became.

It hadn't completely digested the effects of Zakiya's poisoned blood, so as time passed it kept becoming stronger, the creature wasn't intelligent enough to discover and remove the poison out of the body once it had indigested it. As all the leeches connected to it got a power boost they also got poisoned, it was just that the effects of the poison weren't visible at the moment.

After struggling for a while, a mutation occurred, its claws grew further, they became sharper, longer, and stronger. The Leech mobilized its strength and finally managed to pierce the light membrane of the seal, after the nails passed through it, the Leech tried to rip it apart, it managed to make a small hole and continued to expand it.

The second the hole appeared, a Predator Series Combat Bot raised its hand and shot at it, the light ray struck its head and destroyed a part of it but the Leech wasn't pushed back.

The bot fired again, but by this time, the Leech had already started to adapt to the light ray and the damage dealt was just 70% compared to the previous one, the next shot's damage was even worse.

The Lech opened its mouth and shot out its tongue to destroy the Predator Bot but the Combat Bots before it activated their energy shield and jumped between them to act as cannon fodders.

They managed to stop the attack, but during that time, the Leech transformed its body shape into that of a snake-like creature and leaped out of the hole.

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