Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

369 Chapter 362 : : The Disappearance Of The Tomb - 2

Aside from these two, there was also the third category which was hiding their faces in embarrassment because of being thrown out in the middle of grinding levels in their flesh slapping game.

Alas, the laws of the tomb were equal for everyone, the tomb doesn't differentiate between men-women, old-young, and single-couple-harem.

When Shaun saw the tomb disappearing, his heart skipped a beat. He dashed at his fastest speed but he wasn't even allowed to cross the light barrier till now so how could he stop it from being teleported, he was only able to grab the air while the tomb disappeared without a trace.

Shaun frowned deeply, the tomb disappeared in front of him but he wasn't able to do anything, the situation was out of his expectations. The tomb couldn't make such a decision on its own so the only explanation was that it followed the inheritance pattern of Middle Realm Inheritance Grounds, it got a new master but there was another problem, no one should be able to conquer a tomb that fast especially when the challengers were from the Middle Realm.

He was angry, he stopped thinking about how someone conquered it instead focused on who did it. Shaun knew that the person who conquered it should be related to one of the forces present in the vicinity. He was troubled thinking what to do, he couldn't just grab everyone and start his investigation from scratch.

Just like him, everyone was in shock, especially those Calamity Lords who were dreaming of getting the rumoured Treasure Artifact. They were just about to explode in anger when a certain individual did it before them.

"Whatt! Noo… My Tomb, Dammiiittt All!" Rex ran to the empty area where the island was floating a while ago, he ignored his injured state as he screamed on top of his lungs, his eyes were red, his voice was full of agony and despair.

"Who did it! Just who the fukk did it? If you have the guts come out and fight with me for three hundred rounds, I promise that I will make you regret being born in this world. Coward, Evil Thing, Something x Something! I'm giving you one last chance to handover the tomb peacefully or I swear in the name of Beast God that I Rex Andrews, will chase you down to the ends of hell until you die," Rex said in an angry tone as he scanned through the crowd, the people who saw the madness in his eyes, avoided eye contact with him.

Lerna rolled her eyes.

Her man was truly shameless!

As for the Calamity Lords and beastman mixed in the crowd, they were inwardly cursing at him, losing a tomb was one thing but what does their holy Beast God had to do with it? Why was he being dragged into this matter completely unrelated to him?

Lerna walked to him and held his hand, gently consoling him.

When the single men species saw this scene, they felt extremely jealous, although the veil hid her face, her figure alone could make them salivate but the fact that she was a Calamity Lord made them unable to muster a single bad thought.

Lerna calmed him down and left the crime scene with him, Shaun didn't stop them after seeing how flared up Rex was a moment ago.

They were just about to leave when Rex's steps halted, an incredible expression appeared on his face, he seemed like he had figured out the solution to a problem that has been bothering him for centuries, he turned and looked at the faces of Calamity Lords that entered the tomb with him.

"Wait! Fairy Xue, Fairy Nera, Spirit Mountain Monarch, and the powerhouse from Relion Family, except you all four wasn't there one more Sky Body Formation Expert that entered the tomb at the same time as us?" Rex said in a low tone.

But his low tone was clearly audible in the ears of every Sky Body Formation expert present.

Everyone reacted, they looked around, and indeed the black-cloaked man wasn't in the vicinity. Until now there wasn't a single Calamity Lord that died inside the tomb, cultivators at their level were extremely shrewd but patient, they will without a doubt be the last one to die if everyone was trapped inside the tomb. This thing made him the most suspicious person to have conquered the tomb.

The true devil path cultivator was the only one that never came out of the tomb, and how could he come out when Rex himself ordered Luna to trap him and send the Leech to communicate with him.

Rex's words caught the attention of everyone, they also looked around and started whispering among themselves.

Shaun's eyes lit up, he already got a clue.

Normally, if it was someone else he would have already taken them and left, asking aside doing soul search to confirm the doubt wasn't a problem, because the matter of the tomb was urgent, if it got in the hands of the wrong person then the situation would become dire.

Shaun nodded. He turned to the crowd.

"Everyone, if someone can give me the information about that person then he or she would be heavily rewarded by me," Shaun said.

His voice was heard by all, and they looked at him in doubt.

The people that just came out were confused as to who he was? And does he think they were idiots who would tell him the address of golden egg-laying hen instead of catching it themselves?

But soon they received the messages from the people of their faction in the crowd and came to knew about the deeds of the man, they realized that his background wasn't simple. And who wouldn't want to get on the good side of someone who can easily take care of the people at the Sky Body Formation stage?

"I know," Someone from Green Mantis Sect quickly raised his hand.

Shaun smiled, he had already decided on whom should he use Soul Search tonight.

Just after the first man raised his hand, he was soon followed by others. After Shaun heard the information from them he had the urge to slice of their heads from their shoulders, the information they talked about was just circling around the fact that it was a man in a black cloak.

Rex stood there and quietly watched, but after a few minutes he shook his head and showed signs of weakness, Lerna pressured him and pulled him out of this place.

They went back to the stronghold of the Black Scorpion Sect.

Sung Lee and others were recovering from injuries while digesting their gains, they knew that gaining too much can attract the wolf from the cave so they properly healed themselves before every trip.

They also knew about the commotion the man in white created but chose to avoid him, they were afraid that he might ask to handover the things that they have acquired earlier.

But the news of the tomb disappearing just now made them dumbfounded, Sung Lee guessed that it might be a trap so instead of personally going out, he sent his trusted men but everyone gave him the same information.

As soon as Rex came in, he was greeted by Sung Lee personally.

After entering the secret room of the skyship, Rex's expression became serious, he waved his hand and something similar to a Mobile Transmission Array Platform came out and landed on the ground. He then flickered his fingers and the VIP card from Alfred appeared in his hand.

"Listen I want some of your men to go to the Davalon Kingdom with my Working Bots and use the authority of this card to buy a big mansion then place this platform inside the core part. The situation here is about to get messy, now that there is no tomb, the only way to earn treasures is by snatching them from others. We will first deal with Green Mantis Sect then leave..." Rex started to tell him his plan with a serious expression.

Sung Lee saw how serious was Rex and listened to each and every point attentively.


A while ago...

Misty Maze Forest.....

Outside Zakiya's residence.....

A beach chair was led in open ground under the sun, a graceful woman was leisurely lying on it. She wore a tight top and loose shorts, an umbrella on the side shadowed her face from the sunlight.

An assistant type bot with the appearance exactly similar to Mr. Black came walking to her, holding a tray in his hands with a juice glass on it.

Zakiya picked up the glass, took a sip, and inhaled deeply.

"Good taste, keep working like that and I may give you Elemental Spirit Stones instead of Spirit Stones," She said in a surprisingly gentle tone.

Today she was fully relaxed, it had been quite some days since Rex left and everything inside the forest was very peaceful since he left.

At first, she wanted to rest like this at the roof of the castle in Frozen Flame City because many things could entertain her at the castle but there was one thing even a supreme powerhouse like her couldn't take care of.

It was a five-headed annoying creature that kept pestering her in the hope of gaining another 'iceball' to play, from her.

Zakiya never felt that humiliated in her life before meeting him, it was no doubt that in the future whenever she would use her Ice Prison killer move, she would remember the face of that beast.

In the end, she had no choice but to retreat to her house, she could imprison Aru in a weakened version of the ice sphere again but this time, there was no one around to free him, and what about her pride? That was getting crushed under the influence of those 5 pairs of shiny big round eyes.

Zakiya was just drinking the juice when she felt that the sky turned dark and no sunlight fell on her side.

"Hmm... The weather was sunny a moment ago then... What the heck?" She had just curiously looked up to see what was happening when she saw a big island floating in the air... Rather than floating, it looked more like it was falling, but then she realized, it was really falling.

She grabbed the Assistant Bot and merged into the shadows.

The island descended on the ground.


Zakiya appeared in the distance with the Assistant Boat standing beside her, her mouth was left open, it was hard to tell if she was surprised because of the tomb or the fact that her self made house just got crushed in front of her eyes.

After the tomb landed, a light shot out from it and transformed into a familiar silhouette, it was Rex, Rex's clone to be precise.

"Teacherrr~ Did you miss me?" Rex excitedly waved his hand at her.

'This damn pair of father and son,' Zakiya crushed the juice glass in her hand.

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