The three skyships didn't encounter an obstacle while heading back this time, the people of the three ships were quite happy as they were the only ones to now have Treasure Artifacts in the whole Golden Bird Continent.

But the same thing also became the reason of worry to Cold Heaven Sect, the news of the tomb and the people who obtained benefits like Treasure Artifact was going to spread sooner or later.

Meaning many forces in the Golden Bird Continent would eye their gains, while some may back off but were the forces working with Azure Emperor the same?

Cold Heaven Sect was like a rich fat sheep that can be butchered at any time.

Unlike them, Black Scorpion Sect was in a temporary alliance with Frozen Flame, many forces knew it so they obviously won't target them instead they would choose the weaker opponent that does not have the backing of a Calamity Lord.

But Black Scorpion Sect too only had a temporary alliance with Frozen Flame which slightly worried them, because after Cold Heaven Sect it was their turn, that's why Ji Biyu sent them a dinner invitation they chose to accept it.

They had already entered the boundary of Golden Bird Continent, the closer they get to their destination the more anxious they became so it was a given that they accept her invitation to discuss the problem.

After having a long discussion both parties decided to meet and have a chat with Rex the next day, meaning today.

Five figures flew out from the first and second ship and headed to the green skyship at the back.

Whether it was Ji Biyu or Sung Lee, they had reached a tactic understanding, they figured being neutral wasn't possible anymore they had to choose a side. If they choose the side of Azure Emperor they it was obvious that they had to give up all their gains as a gift and they still might get killed to remove the future threats. Especially Ji Biyu, she was pretty sure that to show her loyalty she had to marry in the Royal Family or even become part of his harem which was impossible for her.

As for Sung Lee, not many would like to have an assassin by their side who was already mature, because they can never truly gain his loyalty.

When they arrived closer to the ship they saw Rex and Lerna standing on the deck of the ship.

Rex's face looked slightly pale while Lerna was in an unusually good mood.

They all looked at each other with visible surprise in their eyes.

Unlike the trio who were chatting casually, Ji Biyu repeatedly reminded her master to not say something unnecessary and stop staring at Lady Lerna.

"Oh, how unusual, for everyone to visit together like this," Rex said as he waved his hand and a table and several chairs appeared on the empty deck. Mr. Black no.2 standing on the side also reacted, he took out teapot \u0026 cups then started arranging them on the table.

Now that it was confirmed that both Rex and Lerna were Calamity Lords then even if they don't have the arrogant nature of one, they still had to show their respect.

Rex let their Sect Ancestors sat was already giving them face.

He didn't pursue them to sit and just smiled.

'Hail to the God Of Fortune, they all came at the right time. For a second there, I could even see the blurry silhouettes of messengers of the underworld hovering around me,' Rex thought.

Everyone was silent until Mr. Black finished the tea, they were waiting for each other to speak. In the end, Ji Biyu took the lead.

"Master Rex, we want to form a long-term alliance and are willing to hand over a part of our gains as an initial investment," She said directly.

Her jade carved face was hidden under the cover of the veil, her cold temperament still made others vary and keep the distance from her but a hint of anxiousness was visible in her enchanting voice.

Rex took a sip of tea in his cup then looked at her. He thought for a few seconds and figured out why they want to ally all of a sudden.

Cold Heaven Sect may have connections in Myriad Beast Continent but those are useless in Golden Bird Continent, and the connections they have in Golden Bird Continent are weak they are just based on benefits that can break anytime.

"How straight forwards of you, but I apologize I can't agree with that," Rex rejected her with a serious expression.

Ji Biyu wasn't too shocked, instead, she asked again.

"What would Master Rex like in exchange, we can negotiate," She said.

"Wrong again, Miss Ji wants to ally with Frozen Flame and not me, so the gains should be something that can catch the eye of Shadow Lord and not me, the problem is I'm pretty sure that even if you hand over all the treasures you got from the tomb it might not catch his eyes.

I too got the Treasure Artifacts and know quite a bit about them, not all Treasure Artifacts are that good moreover they need to be nurtured which takes a lot of time and resources. Frozen Flame has weapons that could replace them. We had first formed a simple temporary alliance with Black Scorpion Sect but it was more like a deal we made, Lady Lerna cured their ancestors and in exchange, they helped us expand.

If you want to ally, both parties should have at least the same ratio of profit but Frozen Flame can't seem to gain much from this alliance. Furthermore, I am not trying to be rude but if we form an alliance and you two gets stronger then won't it be like raising a wild beast in my own house, it will only hinder our advancement in Golden Bird Continent," Rex said while looking at Sung Lee.

Sung Lee didn't speak, he remained quiet, the others were the same.

Sung Lee knew that Rex's words were right, he had seen how they treat spirit-rank high-grade equipment in Frozen Flame, at other places that can be treated like sect heirlooms but there, they were just gift items that are used to make good relations.

Rex scanned through their faces, after confirming that iron was hot, he struck it hard.

"But... Seeing that both Sect Master Sung and Sect Master Ji are the talent of the current era who can make the big name of themselves in the future, I have thought of an offer," Rex said.

All of them raised their heads and focused their attention on Rex, their heartbeat was rising they didn't celebrate it too early and waited for his next words.

"My offer is you can make a 500-year subordination contract, according to the contract you will be taken as subordinates of Frozen Flame, which means you need to work under Frozen Flame to a certain extent. Don't blow up that early, hear me out, this way Frozen Flame won't take a single one of the gains you made in the tomb," Rex said.

When they heard his words at the start of the sentence they almost lost all hope, becoming the subordinate wasn't much better than what they can get from Azure Emperor but his later words slightly relieved them and they decided to hear him at the very least.

Rex then continued.

"Although it's a subordinate contract, our subordinate contract is not the same as others, if we take something from you, we will exchange it for something else of approximately equal value. If we make you do something like fight a battle we will reward you accordingly for your efforts.

After 500 years, you can redeem the contract if you want and if someone from your sects advances to Sky Body Formation Stage then you can choose to nullify the contract or upgrade it into an alliance contract, the one you want.

After becoming our subordinate, you also need to follow the same system and make some changes in your current working system, for example, you need to add the Guild System. This little lass will explain it to you," Rex said as he pointed at Jiang Qing, coming towards them with a whiteboard and a marker in her hand.

He had sent her a message regarding the matter when Ji Biyu talked about the alliance, Rex was planning to start this system in Frozen Flame so she already knew about it.

Jiang Qing arranged the board and started explaining things about the Guild System.

They all focused their gazes on the board which made her quite nervous but she held on.

'If they accept it then I would make a big profit, I no longer have to pay twice to buy a meager amount of spirit cores, every sect monopolizes a large number of spirit cores, if my plan succeeds then I can buy it all from them and they can't refuse, the guild system would be the same, it would be like having a free force to collect resources for my research,' Rex thought.

He wasn't worried about what would happen after the 500 years because he knew that his technology and the system were addictive, they can't separate themselves from it once they catch its habit moreover how strong would Frozen Flame become in 500 years? Would it even need subordinates by then?

After Jiang Qing finished speaking they looked at each other but no one spoke, they were all thinking.

"You don't need to give me the answer right now, you can think about it until we reach Corentis," Rex said.

Ji Biyu and others nodded, then finished their tea and left. No one talked much during this time because they were all thinking of what to do, accept or not?

[Is it right to give them time?]

'Hehe... It's fine to give them time because... They never had a choice,' Rex thought.

He then looked at Lerna and smiled, he was in good mood.

Lerna didn't speak during the whole conversation, she had no interest in the matter whether they agree or not.

He was about to speak when he saw an alert notification on his smart band, he looked at Lerna and spoke.

"I stayed with you for so long, right? There is some stuff, I need to check on so I will see you later, you should focus on the cultivation technique during this time, it's no good to play around all day," He said then disappeared from the spot.

Lerna slightly nodded, she took out the scroll containing Brilliant Sun God Scripture and started reading.

On the other side...

Rex appeared in the room where he had refined the two clones before. Mr. Black no.1 had alerted him about the third step being completed.

Rex was stunned after seeing the sight in front of him.

The room was in a mess, several glass cases were broken, many rare plants were lying on the floor, and Mr. Black was standing near the entrance door with a flower pot placed upside down on his head like a cap.

Rex was about to swear when he saw two men fighting at one corner of the room. They both had feet length hair and mature body, they were adults but the way they were fighting was more like 5-year-old children, one was pulling the hair of his opponent while the other was biting on his leg.

The most hilarious part was that both of them were butt naked.

Rex looked at them and a big fukkk appeared in his head.

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