Rex waved his hand the big light orange bubble divided itself in several small bubbles and moved towards the proclaim bottles

Rex filled all the potion in the bottles than picked up one of the bottles

the orange liquid in bottle was very was just about 25 ml


[Lowest Grade HP Potion:-

Type: Consumable

Grade: Common

Description: this potion instantly recovers 500 HP than keeps adding 2 HP per second for next 10 minutes, this potion also nurtures blood and hence capable of recovering lost blood and essence

a normal person can use at most 15 bottles a day using more than that will minimize the effect but after they for a day the potion will again became 100% effective on them]

'i see so if i use more than 15 bottles in one day it will became ineffective on me'(Rex)

[no not you that's only for normal people it will be effective on you even if you drink hundreds of them]


[Gamer's Body]

'i see..hmm we had crafted 50 bottles of HP potion in one go..hmm wait we we used 50 set of herbs and crafted 50 bottles of HP potion wasn't our success rate 100%…didn't those people from Sky cloud sect always said that the success rate of vitality pills are less than 7% hmm…. maybe those guys talent was that low….i will pretend i never heard that before

now the 50 set of of herbs are remaining which is for making Qi replenishing potion lets make them too '(Rex)

after half an hour later…..

Rex was holding a small proclaim bottle in his hand a light blue liquid was filling the bottle

[Lowest Grade QI Replenishing Potion:-

Type: Consumable

Grade: Common

Description: this potion instantly recovers 700 QI than keeps adding 3 Qi per second for next 10 minutes, this potion also nurtures Qi inside the body consuming it regularly can brought a quantitative change in Qi quality of a person

a normal person can use at most 15 bottles a day using more than that will minimize the effect but after they for a day the potion will again became 100% effective on them]

'good i am done with that now i can have a good night dream..wait..i still have 45 Status Point from the last 9 level ups from Soul Strengthening peak stage to Form Synthesis peak stage…Rose add all 45 to INT '(Rex)

[allocating status points]

Rex clenched his teeth and waited for the pain to come…but even after waiting for a while he did not felt any pain in his head

'hey why didn't i felt any pain'(Rex)

[because you did not reached the limit yet..last time you felt that much pain because you removed the limiter placed on your brain which was limiting you from possessing higher INT breaking the limiter resulted in slight mutation in brain which allowed you to posses high INT but don't worry you won't encounter the next limiter that easily

as they say..'the first step is always the hardest to take']

'who says that'(Rex)

[status points allocated ]

[ INT:1210\u003e\u003e\u003eINT:1255]

[due to having high INT and the presence of 'Mind Arts' you aquired the Psychic ability 'Telepathy']


Type: Psychic

Grade: Not Graded

Description: Telepathy is an ability that allows the purported vicarious transmission of information from one person to another without using any of the known human sensory channels or physical interaction]

'damn…doesn't it means that i can communicate with others even if i do not know the same language as them…its like directly talking with someone by using our thought and emotions instead of words

i heard that once someone reaches Spirit King stage they can send Qi messages to the one near them to communicate but that only applies if they are using same language…

good although i wanted an ability which help me in fight its not bad either wait…i have an idea.

.Rose can't you make Function like 'Friend list' to make friends like a a chatting app and i can communicate with them anytime….my half side is like a digital computer program itself so it should be possible right'(Rex)

[i can try.. you give me the logic behind it and SE Points… i will make it but the consumption for such thing will be high…if i am, right its prize should easily surpass 500 SE points]

'don't worry about the price start the operation i already thought of the logic just copy it from my memory'(Rex)

[Starting Operation...….remaining operation block.. One]

'for the other operation block i want to start operation for a Function like 'Mini-Map'... its not good to just use Spider-Sense all the time.. the details are not that clear.. i can't even tell the difference between ally and enemy using it'(Rex)

[i see Rex but if you create it using just Spider-Sense than it won't make much difference]

'who said i am just using it …'(Rex)

Rex opened Skill \u0026 Ability Shop than scrolled down than pointed at one ability

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