Zhang Ming stepped forward breaking the silence she spoke

"Junior Sister its no good…leaving your little brother alone here…and being so carefree on top of that…don't you have a heart"Zhang Ming scolded

'huh.. my little brother?'(Luo Ru)

"Junior Sister Zhang is right if we bring someone with us than we have to take responsibility for them"Liu Wei said

'what..Senior Brother Liu too'(Luo Ru)

"disciple Luo i think this time this lazy disciple of mine is right you need to take good care of your little brother…even if he makes mistake you need to forgive them you are older than him"Elder Wu spoke like a wise old sage

Liu Wei and Zhang Ming nodded in agreement

'even Elder Wu…just what is happening here'(Luo Ru)

just when Luo Ru was trying to understand out what these people are saying

Rex ran towards her and hugged her

"Big Sister"looked in her eyes with teary eyes

when Luo Ru looked at Rex's said face she too felt hurt..but just at this moment she remembered….she remembered everything

all things became clear in her mind…she understood everything why the other people is looking at her like that it wasn't hard to think what had Rex told them

'this bastard is trying to ruin all my hard earned reputation over the years…..no i need to make everything clear'(Luo Ru)

Luo Ru was just about to open her mouth to speak but a voice interrupted her


Luo Ru was utterly shocked when she heard Rex's voice inside her head

'don't tell me….Spirit King Stage..no maybe its some other trick…but what did he mean by i remember…'(Luo Ru)

when Luo Ru heard Rex's question she remembered that Rex had warned her saying…'although i trust you but if you told someone about me than i will come to your courtyard at midnight than we will talk about life whole night'

after she remembered his words she closed her mouth with a slight blush on her cheeks

"now that the boy had found Luo Ru….both of you can go back to practice it better to leave them alone they probably have a lot to talk about"Elder Wu said

Liu Wei nodded…Zhang Ming although unwilling but she also nodded and left with Liu Wei…Elder Wu also left after them

"now what do you want"Luo Ru asked with some helplessness

"why are you looking at me like i am some kind of trouble"(Rex)

"because you are..no 'trouble' might be and understatement you are a disaster"she said directly

'is it my imagination or this girl had become more bold…maybe she was just being extra kind last time'(Rex)

"don't think too much..i just wanted to have a look around the Sect but i do not know anyone so i came for you…and about before.. i swear i didn't said anything they assumed everything on their on"Rex said with an honest look

"hehe off course…so you only want me to show you around right"she asked


"sigh..lets go"Luo Ru agreed

'we are still inside the sect so he won't try do any weird thing right?'Luo Ru maintained her distance from Rex while walking

soon they reached the martial arts hall…it was a three story building with two soul strength two guard standing outside and an elder managing it at the reception desk

"this is the martial arts… here you can find the Sect's best cultivation technique and martial arts here..the first and second floor is for sect's outer and inner disciples while the third floor is for core disciples and elder…we need contribution points to exchange for them"Luo Ru explained

"is there a movement technique here…even human rank is fine" Rex asked

"What…a movement technique and a human rank movement technique at that…you think you are an Emperor or something.. if we even had a yellow tier movement technique our sect would have already became a mutual enemy of the whole Eastern Continent"(Luo Ru)

'looks like i expected too much from this realm….but that arrogant mother of mine…she had gave me three top grade cultivation technique, a sword art and even a palm technique than why didn't she send me a single movement technique'(Rex)

[didn't you wanted to cut all your ties with Sura Clan]

'who cares about the clan but martial arts is a different thing… these poor things are innocent we can't blame them for someone else's sin'(Rex)

than Rex and Luo Ru went to arena

"this is arena…disciple use this to practice their martial arts by engaging in mock battles…and you can also bet here using contribution points"(Luo Ru)

Luo Ru said as she pointed at the two mans fighting in the center of the arena

'should i also fight….no i have no profit in fighting these weaklings and who would want to fight me after seeing my current appearance'(Rex)

"hey don't we have a place to buy weapons"(Rex)

"oh you mean weapon hall …come follow me"(Luo Ru)

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