"that scum has still did not give up…even after damaging our sect to this condition.. Master has suffered a lot because of him…..if it was just about me than i would not hesitate t sacrifice myself but than…as Master warned she will blindly go to attack the puppet sect..even if she have to sacrifice herself she won't let me get sacrificed like that

and as Master said there is no guarantee that someone like them will keep their words"(Wang Xiu Ying)

"Sect Master our sect might not have much Strength like other sect but our loyalty and unity is definitely above all of them…you shouldn't sacrifice yourself…we trust you we will rather fight to death with them rather than becoming their slaves"Elder Wu said with a serious face even thought he looked

Wang Xiu Ying nodded in satisfaction..the loyalty of her people is the pride of White Moon Sect after all although there are still some disloyal people like elder Bao…but those does not even have courage to present their opinion when majority of elders have that much trust in the sect

'this elder Wu…he sure have guts although his cultivation is only Form Synthesis 4th stage but his words have earned my respect…i will cultivate him later on when i have dealt with my current affairs'(Rex)

"is there anything else"(Wang Xiu Ying)

"yeah there is one more thing i got the news that the 4th grade medicine flower.. Beast Blood Flower is going to bloom in some time..near Coral Reef Mountain..Beast Blood Flower's main ability is to purify blood and remove the hidden impurities inside body and improves the the foundation

Sect Master although Ancestor have recovered her vitality but she have forced her breakthrough before which must have made her foundation somewhat unstable… i think if she wants to successfully breakthrough to Spirit King Realm than she will need to improve her foundation using it"Elder Wu said

"sigh.. i know that but this news should have already reached other sects including Puppet Sect … if i send our man there they will definitely kill our people using some lame excuse ..and even if we got that flower and Master Breakthrough…it will still not be enough to stand against them"(Wang Xiu Ying)

"i understand Sect Master but if Puppet Sect got it than it will mean we might have one more Spirit King joining our enemy…so what should we do"Elder Wu

"wait…we just need to wait trust me as long as we can buy him enough time…we won't need to fear them anymore"Wang Xiu Ying relied with a faint smile on her face

than smile did not escape elder Wu's eyes..and it made him confused but than a light flashed through his eyes

'is sect master talking about the mysterious Alchemist that made those miraculous potions'elder Wu thought

"that's all i have another maters you can leave"Wang Xiu Ying said

elder Wu nodded than he left

after Wang Xiu Ying was alone in the hall she stretched her arms than thinking of something she looked around

'didn't i threw that letter here..where is it..'(Wang Xiu Ying)


Rex came back to his room closed the door ..than he took out the crushed later..he pressed it properly to read its content

the content of letters were roughly like that

Wang girl this is my last warning you sect can't hold on for long…don't walk on that old woman's path she refused my proposal and now is suffering like that…now i am giving you a chance make you sect my Puppet Sect's subsidiary sect and serve me …your beauty is being wasted there..you place is in my bedroom trust me i will not treat your sect badly…this is the only way your sect can survive ….i gave the same offer to you master…once she was also a beauty like you but she refused and now see how she look..she will die sooner or later…but you know that my Puppet Sect has an Alchemist if you accept my offer and serve me than i might make an exception and give a vitality Pill to her so choose carefully

-by Puppet Sect's Sect Master

Sect Master Mo Mingzi


[Bloodlust(Lvl 2)\u003e\u003e\u003eBloodlust(Lvl 3)]

'i see….so its just a Death contract of Mo Mingzi he himself send it for me to sign'(Rex)

'i was thinking of dealing with Sky Cloud Sect first but..looks like it can wait.. for now i need to get that Blood Beast Flower than finish Puppet Sect

if i ask for permission or tell than i want to go to Coral Reef mountain both granny and Xiu Ying will object….hmmm what should i do….hm..yes mission hall..i just need to take on a mission which requires me to go to a place which is near Coral Reef Mountain

but that place is far and a mission that sends disciple far from sect cane not be done solo…and if i use the Sect Master Token to forcibly take it than Wang Xiu Ying will know she is pretty smart after all…so the best course of action will be accepting the mission in a group….and i know just the right peoples for it'(Rex)

'wait….its already evening..its dinner time…my Xiu Ying i am coming'Rex darted out his room and ran towards Wang Xiu Ying's courtyard

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