Rex came near Niu Qi than placed his hand on Niu Qi's head and started the extraction…ahhhahhahha…

Niu Qi's mind was originally dizzy but when Rex started to extract the skill from his memories he felt intense pain in his head that woke him up, when he woke up he did not even had time to think about what was happening before the pain grew more intense that lead him to his death

[Congratulation due to the effect of 'Mind Arts' you obtained the skill 'Basic Blade Mastery']

[Basic Blade Mastery(Lvl 1)\u003e\u003e\u003eBasic Blade Mastery(Lvl 2)]

[Basic Blade Mastery(Lvl 2)\u003e\u003e\u003eBasic Blade Mastery(Lvl 3)]

after Basic Blade Mastery reached Lvl 3 Niu Qi died

after that Rex took out a water bottle from his inventory to clean his shoes and hand which were somewhat covered in blood

after a while….

'although i washed the blood on my clothes but there is still a faint odor of blood on me but only people who stepped in Form Synthesis stage should be able to smell it although i can change my clothes here right now but than those three would definitely think that i had gone to some brothel or something…

as a respected CEO of the future Andrews organisation i need to maintain a good image…yosh lets go'(Rex)

Rex went back to the inn

on the way..

[Rex shouldn't you worry about Sura Clan? they can come anytime]

'like hell they can…are they traveling to a nearby city? no they have to cross realms and that mother of mine, she said that she was in a higher realm and i am in lower realm so there should be a middle realm too right and didn't you heard what she said she is pregnant so my father himself won't come to take me back

and the way she talked it seemed like i have both brothers and sisters….hmmm one brother and one sister to be exact

and she also said if the news of me being alive goes out than a lot of good people would sent assassins to congratulate me and that's not good news for neither me nor her so according to my understanding they will wait until the enemy's guard is down before they choose to come here and even when they would come here they will take a detour to fend of the persuaders

and lets assume they came here how will they find me in the whole she would probably start from the location i choose to evolve..hmmm but its not like i have a GPS on me nor do they know my current appearance so they would probably take few months before they will find me so little Rose you don't need to remind me of these things i am more cautious than you think i am'(Rex)

after a while Rex reached the Inn

'because of using Mental strength that much i am completely exhausted right now a good night sleep is what i need most…hmm it is Liu Wei'(Rex)

the second he reached the Inn he saw Liu Wei standing outside the Inn

"eh Senior Brother what are you doing here"Rex asked in surprise

"junior brother you finally came you did not came back for a long time so i thought you were in some kind of trouble so i was just about to go to find you"Liu Wei said

"senior brother i apologize for making you worry about me but thank you"Rex said with in a polite tone

"umm.. now lets not talk any further you need to rest well tonight we will leave early in the morning"Liu Wei said

Rex nodded than he took the lead and entered the Inn

Liu Wei was following Rex but suddenly his steps halted he froze on the stop than he stared at Rex with wide eyes

'is it my imagination…no' (Liu Wei)

Rex felt his gaze so he turned around

"something wrong senior brother"Rex asked with a smile

" i just seem to be little tired from all that traveling..there is nothing to worry about"Liu Wei said

"eh ok"Rex nodded than left

'there's no mistake it's faint but i can tell its the smell of blood … he did not had that smell before but after he went after Niu Qi..don't tell me he…did he have any personal enmity with Niu Qi…but they were three did he take them on alone?..whatever its better to keep quiet for now'(Liu Wei)

normally as Rex said a cultivator of Soul Strengthening stage cannot smell that faint smell of blood but Liu Wei had a skill 'Lesser Physical Body Strengthening' which increases all his senses, strength and defense a little..

off course it wasn't enough to tell that that smell was of blood but he had another skill 'Focus' by using this skill he could increase the power of one of his senses by a huge margin temporarily

this skill works by concentrating all his attention on that sense and Liu Wei used 'Focus' on his sense of smell to confirm his guess and Liu Wei's 'Focus' was already at max Lvl so it wasn't hard for him to recognize the smell

Rex did not expected that because he did not appraise the 'Focus' skill

Liu Wei also entered the Inn than went to his room

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