"but elder Ba Jangue why are you so interested in his unawakened physique" asked elder Ma Fe with doubtful expression

"hehe… as an old friend I should tell you that much … you see my son had found a blood transfusion technique that will let the user take some blood of the target in his body forcing it to merge although it wont give him diamond physique it will strengthen the defense of his body a little but the target will have a painful end" said elder Ba Jangue with a sneer

"that's a useful skill indeed"elder Ma Fe said with a look of greed in his eyes

"don't think that much anyone above soul strengthening stage can't use it"said elder Ba Jangue

"whatever so when should I send him to you" elder Ma Fe showed look of disappointment

"don't worry my son Ba Jung 's plan is working perfectly that idiot will come to my house tomorrow because of my daughter's invitation at that time I will suppress him and if someone asked than i can just say that he forced my daughter in a relationship than asked for money from her after that even if i kill him no one will ask for his body at that time my son can easily perform Blood Transfusion art on him" said elder Ba Jangue with a prideful look

After listening to all these things Ye Tian knows that if he remain here for one more second than he won't be able to hold his anger anymore so he decided to escape first as he knows that he doesn't have much time for that

'you all wait in future this Ye Tian will definitely pay you back for all this and it will be 100 fold 'though Ye Tian while looking at the main door of Sky Clod sect

Next day Ba Jing visited Ye Tian 's courtyard but when she didn't found him anywhere she became anxious because in her view whenever she came Ye Tian will come to her like a dog waging his tail so she told her father and brother, her father didn't thought much about it and told her to relax in his view how could Ye Tian know their plan but even after a day when he didn't find Ye Tian he begin to doubt, but than he thought that background aside Ye Tian does not even have a family to rely on so where can he escape to therefore after thinking about it for a while he gave this problem to his son

Ba Jung send some of his lackie's to go and catch him alive because if Rex died than he wouldn't be of any use to him after all Blood Transfusion art can only be performed on living people

After continuously running for almost 2 days Ye Tian arrived in an unknown jungle but after he rested for a night he soon found some familiar looking faces looking at him with an evil grin on their faces

"brother Ye what are you doing here in this dangerous forest moreover when it is near the border of Eastern Continent, it's a very dangerous place come with us quickly we will protect you "said one of them with an friendly smile

"ohh really thank you brother for your help I was really lost here when i was completing my task"said Ye Tian while slowly walking towards them

After hearing this everyone was dumbstruck they thought that did he really came here for a mission or he really is that dumb….. But before they could think more they got their answer

"yes brother don't wor...y…"before the man with friendly smile could complete his sentence he felt little cold in his chest when he looked down he saw a dagger was inserted in his chest which and this dagger was being held in Ye Tian's hand

although Rex had been completely fooled by that's girls innocent look before but he was an orphan who fought for food everyday to survive before he was brought to the sect he wasn't the type to fear death and the people looking at him don't had the guts to kill him because their task was to bring him back alive not dead

that's where the blood bath of Ye Tian began…..

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