
[operation completed…]

[blueprint added to Blueprint Shop]

"now both of you follow me i will show you something good" (Rex)

Rex said with a smile and walked back to the wooden cottage

Wang Cang and Wang Xiu Ying looked at each other then followed behind Rex

soon all three of them came to the wooden cottage

Rex flexed his muscles than he sat on one knee and placed both of his hands on the ground

Rex thsn used 35 points to install the blueprint in his memory ….than a very detailed 3D holographic model appeared in his sea of consciousness Rex closed his eyes and took a long breadth than exhaled


Rex slowly opened his eyes and looked at the wooden cottage in front

'Geokinesis' (Rex)

suddenly the ground beneath the wooden cottage trembled than it changes shape than a hill suddenly appeared out of the ground and penetrated the wooden house from below it got directly destroyed and thrown apart than the hill kept rising until it was tall enough to be even seen by the people in core disciple courtyard area and sect elder courtyard

at that time Elder Wu's Courtyard,,,,

Elder Wu was just having a tea with other elders as he was just bragging about the mysterious powerhouse who smashed the Spirit King of Puppet Sect

there were four people in the courtyard including Elder Wu three men and one woman were sitting on four side of the small square shaped wooden table

"Elder Wu are you sure it was not just a rumor" the middle aged woman on the right side of Elder Wu asked

"off course i had made sure its true i asked from different people and all of them had the same answer" Elder Wu said with confidence

"hmm if its true than won't it cause a conflict between that powerhouse and the Puppet Sect" a old man said as he rubbed his white beard with his hand

the middle aged man sitting in front of Elder Wu nodded in agreement to the old man sitting at his right

"its good if it causes a conflict i hope the powerhouse is very strong and he destroy the Puppet Sect than my White Moon Sect can finally rise" Elder Wu said as he drank the tea

"..it..it rose" the middle aged man widened his eyes in shock

"no no it will rise it hadn't rose yet" Elder Wu shook his head

"no that's.. not what i….just look there" the middle aged man pointed above Elder Wu's head

everyone looked in the direction where the middle aged man pointed only to doubt there eyes

a tall tower like hill appeared out of nowhere and not only that it was moving ..its shape was changing to form a building, with time not only its height increased but its breadth and width increased too resulting in the destruction of nearby houses

the blueprint was designed according to Rex's taste that's why the height of each room was more than normal height of a room and had a different structure and design on every floor resulting in making the overall height of the building to catch up to a 6 story building

"this.. Elder Wu you didn't mixed anything weird in the tea" the middle aged man asked in suspicion

the other two also stared at Elder Wu

"what are you saying and even if i had mixed something in it than why the hell would i drink it myself" Elder Wu shouted but he was still looking at the the hill which now had a shape similar to a building

the other three nodded

"this.. isn't it coming from the area where Sect Ancestor live" the old man suddenly spoke

when he said that the other three also noticed

"should we go check it" the middle aged man said

"don't joke around except sect master no one is allowed to go to that place" the woman said

"don't worry when i have the chance i will ask sect master about it for now lets just look and see what happens" Elder Wu said

on other side…..

under Rex's control the building's shape was constantly changing form inside and outside

although it was just made of mixture of soil and stones but under the effect of Geokinesis it became harder as rocks but Rex was not satisfied he not only made it more harder but also made beautiful design and pattern to decorate it

'now lets add the connection between the water tunnel and the swimming pool in basement and we are done' Rex thought than he wiped out the sweat on his forehead

after a few minutes he stood up and looked at the 4 story building in front

the whole building had light brown color because of the soil it was made of but if its color was ignored than it was really a top notch building it also had a beautiful pattern of many charming and exquisite women performing a folk dance together on the outer wall and it was very detailed even the jewels and curves on their body were visible

it was simply the work of an artist

'good ..to think you even copied the pattern in the photos of ancient Indian temples it really looks good.. buddy you definitely know my taste' (Rex)

Rex looked toward Wang Cang and Wang Xiu Ying for praise but their eyes were still glued on the building

"Granny" (Rex)

hearing Rex's voice Wang Cang and Wang Xiu Ying snapped out of their thoughts and looked towards Rex

than they looked at each other and sighed..

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