Rex was standing in front of the swimming pool Wang Cang was also there she was meditating on the side

Wang Xiu Ying took out a torch to lighten the area but Rex stopped her

'Light Orb' (Rex)

suddenly a bright golden color ball made of light element formed on his hand and flew towards the ceiling it was too bring, bright enough to lighten the whole basement

"what's this" (Wang Xiu Ying)

"nothing special just a small trick i learned yesterday i formed a spherical boll using Yang Qi than i increased the concentration of light element in it and decreased the concentration of other element... that aside what did you wanted to show me" Rex asked

"about that …. look" Wang Xiu Ying said as she raised her hand towards the swimming pool

suddenly the water from the swimming pool flew upwards than moved towards Wang Xiu Ying and danced around her like it had life

"yesterday after those hidden impurities were removed from her body this Little girl got a new ability because of her special Physique" Wang Cang explained

Rex nodded

under Wang Xiu Ying's control the shape of water around her changed into a shape of a small snake and flew around her

than suddenly that water snake moved towards Rex and hissed at him

"hehe Rex looks like this little snake does not likes you.. but don't worry it won't hurt you" Wang Xiu Ying laughed towards him

"hehe hurt me you say" (Rex)

'Telekinesis' (Rex)

suddenly a lot of water rose from the pool than turned into the shape of a big anaconda

under Rex's control the water anaconda flew towards the water snake and swallowed it in one bite than it went back to the swimming pool

"see the problem is solved" Rex said with a smile

"dirty Rex, stinky Rex go die somewhere" Wang Xiu Ying shouted than left the basement in anger

"you should have at least let her enjoy her achievement" (Wang Cang)

"she was basically asking for it, by the way granny is there any news on Puppet Sect's recent movement" Rex asked

"no unexpectedly they are quite calm these days.. do you want to fight Puppet Sect right now" Wang Cang asked

"not now after questioning the Spirit King of Puppet Sect i found that their sect master is currently not in the Eastern Continent i want to finish it once and for all if i attack now than there is a high chance that he will escape and that's not a good news" Rex said with a serious expression

after talking for a while Rex returned to his room than started to work on the puppet again

few days passed…

in these days Rex only worked on his Qi control and modification of Mirror-Impersonating puppet art

although Rex could make different shapes with his attribute Qi now but he still was not able to gain enough control over it to make good attack skills from it

One day…..

"Rex i have a work for you" Wang Xiu Ying came to Rex's room with a smile

"not interested" Rex had a pencil in his hand which was specialy made by him

and in front of him were many white board's hanging on the wall

there were many design of different parts of puppet and the puppet itself

some puppet's design looked just like human body but their height measurement was two times of an average adult some of them even had four hand

Rex was trying to improve the puppet's working proficiency with the minimum energy input, he wanted these puppet to someday work on their own like robots who follow orders without any question and can work without getting tired

Rex named this project.. Project WB which means project working bots

"you what do you mean by that… and you are free all day too all you do is make these drawings and they are not even beautiful" Wang Xiu Ying snorted

'sigh.. how could a monkey know the taste of ginger' Rex shook his head and did not speak

"its may be about Puppet Sect" (Wang Xiu Ying)

Rex's movement halted for a second but than he started to draw again

"have you heard about black mountain bandits near blue lake town" Wang Xiu Ying continued

'sky pearl town… didn't Luo Ru said that her town is also near sky pearl lake, the names are too similar' (Rex)

"hmmm.." (Rex)

"in past years the strength of black mountain bandits is increasing at a rapid speed there are even rumors that a Spirit King has appeared in the black mountain bandits" (Wang Xiu Ying)

"let me guess.. that rumored Spirit King should have dark attribute Qi that's why you think he is from Puppet Sect but why do you want to deal with it" (Rex)

"correct.. as for why do we want to deal with it, its because that area comes in our territory in past years Puppet Sect have taken over many towns and villages that comes under our territory

and sky pearl town is a place for many merchants to trade goods it was a safe place until now because a Form Syntheses expert was overseeing it but it looks like he can't help it anymore so we need to do our duty and finish the black mountain bandits" (Wang Xiu Ying)

every sect have their territory which is one of the source of income they collect tax in the name of protection money even when those sects are the one the common people need protection from..

although they say protection fee but those sect doesn't actually protect them like if a disease is spread in a village than they won't cure it but will directly wipe out the whole village by burning it

its just like gangsters on earth but the only difference here is that common people did not even have someone to rely on like police or government

off course there are exception like White Moon Sect which actually fulfill their duty and only take enough money from those people that it won't have any bad effect on their lifestyle

'hmm if i go than the project WB will be delayed' (Rex)

[its better to go and have a look ..after all we didn't had a breakthrough in the project WB for a while now ..after destroying mountain bandits we will at least have more raw material to continue making new puppet's reference model]

"you know if i am correct that Form Synthesis expert is Luo Ru's grandfather" Wang Xiu Ying added

Rex looked outside the window it was still time until noon

"okay i will go" Rex agreed

"really than i will arrange a guide for you" (Wang Xiu Ying)

"no need Luo Ru wanted to go to her home too i will go with her" Rex said than he jumped out of the window and flew towards Luo Ru's courtyard

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