Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 130 Death, Sacrifice and Secondary Events

Under the protection of two heavy armed helicopters, Song Shi and the Enlightened Ones boarded a transport shuttle that arrived late. After confirming that the former was on board, the other armed personnel of the Science Ethics Committee also entered the helicopter and rose into the sky together.

As the field of vision gradually rose, the messy First Research Institute, the Security Bureau special police who were about to drive away, and the Jade Pharmaceutical armed forces. All of these became blurred and turned into pixels.

Inside the shuttle.

The medical staff who had been prepared pushed a cart full of medicines and equipment, cleaned the wounds for everyone neatly, bandaged the injuries, and did emergency treatment for the seriously injured.

But when they saw several half-open pockets, they were startled at first, and then they were a little embarrassed.

The strong smell of blood, oil and coolant emanated from it. In the viscous fluid, there were obvious blocks squeezing the pockets, pressing out large shadows of varying depths.

——The pockets were full of corpses.

In other words, broken implants and broken limbs.

On the battlefield, because of the cyborgization, in order to ensure sufficient lethality, everyone will not hesitate to choose large-caliber firepower attacks. This also makes it difficult for them to keep a complete body when a cyborg with a high degree of transformation dies.


The Science Ethics Committee has not arrived yet. When withdrawing from the First Research Institute, the Enlightened Ones only had time to stuff their companions' bodies into large bags in a hurry-it was ugly, but they could only do this.

At least, they must not let them fall into the hands of Emerald Pharmaceuticals.

"Put it in the cold storage room first." Harold said, "We will be responsible for sorting it later."

A medical staff nodded, took the large bags with some effort, and dragged them into the cold storage box behind the shuttle.

He lowered his head, was silent for a while, and then raised his head again and looked at Leona beside him.

"How is old Alnan?"

The shuttle suddenly became silent, leaving only the sound of medical staff washing wounds and picking out shrapnel.

At this moment, the rest of the Enlightened members also raised their heads and cast their eyes on the woman.

"Arnan Blue contacted me before your 'Moth Operation' officially began, which is why I came here."

Before speaking, Leona raised her hand slightly, and the camera and recording equipment in the shuttle flickered and turned off.

"It's a pity." She said in a regretful and calm tone: "Seven minutes ago, the 26th, 27th, and 28th floors of the city hall building controlled by your commander were all declared lost, and most of the armed personnel who accompanied him died in the battle."

"At the last moment of the fall, he detonated the bomb implanted in his heart in advance, and died on the spot with Gladys and Dai Tai in the explosion."

"We have sent personnel to try to recover the bodies of Arnan Blue and others." Leona paused: "But with the intensity of the battle at the scene, the loss of bodies will be very high."

To the surprise of the others, hearing this news , Harold's expression did not change. He was silent for a while, then nodded: "I understand."

"Next, we will provide you with a safe house, and we hope you can stay for a while."

Leona looked around at everyone: "Please don't worry, this is what I agreed with Arnan, you will be free soon. But before that, the situation in Palose will be temporarily chaotic for a while, and it is not suitable for you to show up again during this period."

"Acceptable, but during this period we require freedom of communication, replacement and maintenance of prostheses, and retention of weapons."

Harold also stood up and looked at the other party.

Leona nodded: "It's a matter of course."

Just then, Song Shi's voice suddenly sounded.

After boarding the shuttle, he sat down in a corner without saying a word.

But when the voice was heard at this moment, when the others looked over, they found that the red-gold cracks that were originally all over the young man's body, like broken porcelain, had disappeared for the most part.

After spending some time to finally get rid of the "self-immolation" state and prevent himself from being completely burned out, Song Shi looked at Leona: "--What level is your ethics committee's internal assessment for this incident?"

"According to the rules, the entire 'Three-Phase Base Plan' is between level three and level two."

Leona carefully observed the young man in front of her, thought for a while, and said: "I think every mistake cannot be ignored."

Strive to be classified as a level two incident.

Song Shi thought.

Things like chemical plant leaks and explosions, illegal experiments in some small research institutes, companies going to disaster areas and conducting human experiments in the name of medical assistance, etc., unless the impact and scale are large enough, the [Science Ethics Committee] usually does not intervene directly.

In other words, it only stays at the "verbal" and "media" level of condemnation, and a small amount of humanitarian assistance.

-Because resources are limited.

Every corner of the corporate alliance is happening every day. If it is closely watched and invested at all times, no force can withstand such a huge consumption.

To a certain extent, what the Science Ethics Committee protects is just the "bottom line" of human society. They are only responsible for ensuring that the world does not get worse, but they have no energy or obligation to make the world better.

Unless it is a major event like the "Three-phase Base Project" involving hundreds of thousands of people, they will really intervene.

The Science Ethics Committee defines [Level 2 Events] as "regional major environmental and resource damage, technology abuse, ethical violations, loss of personnel and property".

[Level 1 Events] are regional, with a scope similar to the provinces, states, and even continents of the old times.

As for the [Level 0 Events] above it.

The last time the Science Ethics Committee sounded the "Doomsday Clock", announcing that the "Level 0 Event" that was one step closer to human extinction was the [Freedom Revolution] launched by artificial intelligence that swept across most of the world 22 years ago.

After getting the answer he wanted, Song Shi nodded slightly and leaned back in his chair.

He was indeed a little tired.

Even though his spirit was getting more and more relaxed, with the end of the fierce battle, his body finally couldn't support it and fell into an uncontrollable state of fatigue - the "self-immolation" of the Burning Blood was by no means without a price.

Even in theory, a psychic who had just obtained the "Burning Blood" and started "self-immolation" would have only one end, that is, like an avalanche, he couldn't even stop himself and burned himself out in one breath.

Of course, Song Shi has the memories and skills of his previous life, so it is not that bad.

Moreover, he did not just "burn himself" with [Burning Blood] not long ago, but combined it with [Forging Flame].

Song Shi could feel that he had some subtle changes - in his previous life, he only had "Burning Blood" but no "Forging Flame", and he could not tell the details for a while.

But at this moment, Song Shi was too lazy to think about it.

He closed his eyes, leaned back in the chair, and fell into a shallow sleep.

Sleep for a while.

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