Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 127 The End of the Killing

First Institute, ground part.

Since the attack began, researchers and administrative staff immediately activated the emergency plan. After a brief chaos, they either drove away directly or hid in the safe house inside, leaving a large space for battle.

At this moment, the lobby area of ​​the First Institute was riddled with holes. In the smoke, there were broken glass and bullet holes everywhere. The concrete pillars collapsed and broke, and the alloy walls twisted and cracked. This place that once symbolized "knowledge and authority" has become a ruin.

The rain of bullets never stopped. From time to time, beams of lasers were lit up and ran through the lobby. Some people turned on the neural acceleration device, carrying melee weapons with connected prostheses and charged "hot melt blades", and kept shuttling and attacking.

But after losing the "fighters" as the main force on the front, and the subsequent company troops gradually reinforced, the Enlightened One has fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

As if they had received some instructions, they began to retreat outside the institute, but the company's armed forces led by "Ice Seed" also saw this and pressed forward without hesitation, determined to bite the former - this is the last chance.

The Enlightened One publicly slandered the "Old Industrial Zone Explosion", the First Institute was attacked, and the Marketing Manager was kidnapped.

If they don't want to be dismissed from their posts, thrown into the filling line troops, made into "puppets", or responsible for the [Abyss] diving and salvage in the furious purge from Jade Pharmaceuticals after today, they must hand in a result, at least to calm the anger of the company a little.

But then, the Enlightened One who was still exchanging fire and the company security led by the Ice Seed troops, they were both stunned.

From the self-perception, the ground suddenly trembled. No, there is no need to perceive it. The ground in the center of the front hall suddenly began to tremble slightly at a frequency visible to the naked eye.




On the ground, cracks began to spread like spider webs.

- Bang.

Just like a seed sprouting from the soil, the stone slabs kept rising, and in the friction, a dull and powerful sound was made.

Finally, it could no longer bear the load.

From the cracks, the dazzling red gold lit up inch by inch, but before it completely burst out, a terrifying force came from the bottom up, and completely shattered the shackles of matter-under the astonished gaze of everyone, the ground in the center of the front hall completely collapsed, and before that, two completely different, constantly colliding figures broke out of the ground!


The blood flames and bones collided again, and the air waves of the flying flames swept in all directions.

Song Shi vomited blood again, and the cracks on his entire right forearm suddenly expanded. Gabeyi's skin and carapace were cracked in large areas, and turned into flying ashes under the contamination of the flames that could no longer be completely suppressed.

But the two did not intend to retreat at all. They just stared at each other and launched an offensive again fiercely.

——As if, planning to "eat" the other party!

Looking at this scene in front of him, someone let out an unbelievable low cry.

He never thought that his boss, who thought he could easily suppress the enemy and was a one-man army, was now caught in a battle that was visible to the naked eye.

That was "Gaboyi Fell", the security director of Emerald Pharmaceuticals in Palose!

Thinking of the words not long ago, he subconsciously licked his lips, and his heart was alert and afraid. Did the sniper named "Curse Poison" have such a big impact?

And the database showed that the person who was colliding with Gaboyi at this moment. The psychic of the second ring Dayuan, the member of the Enlightened, "Song Shi"?

——Is this the second ring? !

Looking ahead, looking at the figure pouring flames in the collision and easily burning the building to ashes, he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

But the next moment, he suppressed this distracting thought instantly.

Because these two were heading in his direction, no, they were heading towards himself who was closest to him!

Then, all thoughts came to an abrupt end.

Before Gai Boyi's "Parasitic Pavilion" touched him, Song Shi clenched his five fingers fiercely, and the raging fire flow rushed over, completely engulfing the member of the Ice Force who was about to evade not far away!

"- Want to eat him?"

Song Shi raised the sword blade condensed by blood flames, slashed at Gai Boyi, and laughed: "Such cruelty, I won't allow it!"

Gai Boyi blocked with a backhand strike, and his body changed direction in the air and fell to the ground. He couldn't help but stumble a few steps before he regained his balance.

It was not that he was injured in the previous attack, but that his body function had dropped to a dangerous standard after fighting all the way here. His self-healing ability, reaction speed, spiritual power, and strength. These have all been significantly reduced.

The double contamination of "curse poison" and "embers" is eroding all the time.

Gai Boyi raised his head, and the only two remaining "fly eyes" were still operating faithfully, peeking at everything in the world.

The other party was also in a bad state.

The flames that were originally swirling around him and surging wildly obviously narrowed their range and dimmed a lot. Only when he needed to attack or defend would he be stimulated to the peak again, bursting out a dazzling red stream.

His long hair, which had turned light red-gold, was still slowly drifting, but among the cracks all over his body, several were already in a very dangerous state, as if they could completely collapse at any time.


The state has steadily declined. This was originally a man's advantage. The "Parasite Pavilion" can extract the material and spirituality of these people to restore itself. One of the tactical focuses of the biological reproductive equipment [Hundred-foot Pavilion] is protracted combat in complex environments. .

Just facing a second-level "Great Source", especially the person in front of him was unbelievable in terms of combat consciousness and spiritual control. Gaboy even had an inexplicable illusion. In terms of "combat" alone, maybe the entire [Emerald Pharmaceutical] There are not many people who can compare with each other.

When "Parasite Pavilion" captures and extracts the target, the opponent's flames will also come together, burning the former to ashes.

The man glanced around again.

Seeing the scene just now, the enlightened people and the company troops all avoided this place, and the latter's eyes were full of fear and withdrawal. After returning, they must bury a nerve center control device in everyone's cerebral cortex to disobey orders. People have no value in existence.

Do you want to retreat?

This is the safest tactical plan.

With his status and strength, no matter how punished he is, he will not be used as a disposable consumable. If he is thrown into a high-intensity battlefield or laboratory, he can still maintain a certain degree of freedom.

Gaboy thought to himself.

Then the man gave his answer.

——How can I, "Gaboy Fair", be inferior to the other person?

Even at this moment, when it comes to the path of psychic energy, I may really be inferior to the other person.

With an unchanging expression of indifference, the man stretched out his hand, dripping with blood, and grasped the sword edge made of white bones inch by inch.

The third ring, [Transcendence].

At this moment, Song Shi's face showed a smile from the bottom of his heart.

As if cheering for each other.

"This is the way of 'transcendence'" the young man sighed, raising the corner of his mouth slightly: "Although I don't like the way of 'transcendence' very much, I have to admit that among all the ways, you have the highest probability of having a good opponent. of."

Song Shi raised the Blood Flame Sword.

The second ring, [Dayuan].

Under the gaze of everyone who swallowed their saliva, the two figures stood, charged forward, and started fighting again.

No, it's not even a fight, but more like two beasts biting, gnawing and sucking each other's flesh!

Both sides gave up most of their defense at the same time, and blasted each other violently regardless of each other's killing power. The sword edges collided wildly, emitting an almost continuous sharp sound.

The sword edge of the previous blow grazed his shoulder, cutting open a piece of flesh and blood. The next moment, taking advantage of the gap between the blow, Song Shi advanced instead of retreating, laughing as he stabbed the opponent's heart with the same sword.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, over and over again.

Until a certain moment.

When the exciting music finally gradually became low, everything came to an end.

The two figures staggered and separated again, but this time, someone took a few steps back, and his whole body collapsed, half kneeling on the ground.

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