Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 103 Codename: Operation Moth

"——The entire three-phase base plan is essentially a macroscopic biological experiment using two-thirds of the deep moss area as a 'petri dish' to sell goods and obtain experimental data."

In front of the large display screen, Arnan looked serious.

"According to our intelligence, Jade Pharmaceuticals carried out fixed-point pre-experiments in several areas as early as a year ago. These huge data need to be summarized and placed in a 'host framework' for continuous calculation."

Following his words, the picture on the display screen changed, and the aerial view of Palother lit up a little, and then the aerial view suddenly expanded, and the field of view crashed into a location in the Rota District.

"The First Medical Research Institute of Palower is a comprehensive medical research institute wholly owned by Jade Pharmaceuticals. It contains the best doctors, researchers and equipment in Palower. A resume of working here is enough to exempt you from the exam. Pass the entry test at a medium-sized hospital and go directly to the interview. ”

The screen switched again, and pictures of interviews from when the institute was open to the public emerged. Most of the institute staff above were in a hurry, shuttling through the bright and tidy, almost honeycomb-like building.

"Yes, Hive."

Arnan nodded.

In the upper right corner of the display screen, two external cameras lit up with blue light at the same time, and a three-dimensional projection rose up. It was a honeycomb three-dimensional structure model of the entire institute - but the part of the institute placed underground was obviously blurry. stand up.

The man points to the ground.

"The mainframe computing array of the Three-Phase Base Project is located here."

In the living room at this moment, everyone is present, including the expressionless middle-aged man "Shovel", the "Fighter" wrapped in a heavy exoskeleton, "Bird Eyes" Juniper, and the machinery responsible for maintaining prosthetics and other equipment. Teacher, Tabitha.

Of course, these few people are not the only ones who enlightened Paloser.

It was just a serious blow a year ago - to be precise, a year ago due to the betrayal of a former core cadre, a large amount of intelligence and data were leaked, causing the enlightened people to suffer a serious blow, and they have not been able to fully recover to this day.

Commander "Cornelia Campbell" died in the battle alone to cover the members' departure.

At that time, as a former tactical analyst, Arnan, who urgently took over the position of "commander", issued an order for all personnel to go into hiding. In the days that followed, he slowly built a new secret contact network, reviewed members, and stabilized Qiming internal situation and reconstruction funding channels——

To this day, Arnan is still responsible for doing these things and has achieved a lot of results.

However, due to the failure to fully recover and the betrayal of the traitor, the members of the Enlightened Ones in Palother are currently distributed independently. From individual members to the various teams, most communications must be relayed through "Arnan" .

However, as the strongest force of the Palother Enlightenment, Arnan and the First Action Group, based on "Collaboration", are indeed qualified to serve as the "Command Center".

"Commander, our goal is to break into this place?"

Quemu hesitated for a moment and said cautiously: "The defense force of the First Research Institute is very strong. Once they react and switch to positional warfare, we will be in trouble whether we continue to attack or retreat."


Shovel stared at the three-dimensional projection and spoke slowly: "It is impossible for us to confront Jade Pharmaceuticals head-on, and we will never be the main force to stop the three-phase base plan."

He looked at Arnan: "Arnan, our goal is just to enter here and make the evidence in the host public?"

"There is no need to make it public." Flashing Star narrowed his eyes: "We only need to prove through the host that the 'Three Phase Base Project' may indeed exist, and the Scientific Ethics Committee will have enough claims to intervene in the investigation."

"Enter the underground of the institute, take out some data from the host, and publish or transfer it to the scientific ethics committee."

Tabitha concluded with her hands pressed in front of her.

The Enlightenment's mechanic has replaced both hands with industrial prostheses, barely maintaining a bionic appearance. At first glance, it looks like two dark iron arms. Her upper body was wrapped with a large bandage around her chest, and she was sitting on the sofa wearing a coat with colorful graffiti.


The "Fighter" said nothing. He stood silently on the side like a tall iron tower - with his mass of nearly half a ton, I am afraid that the sofa will be completely crushed the moment he sits on it.

But this heavy exoskeleton armor obviously brings not only "quality", but also the most powerful firepower and defense among the entire Palother Enlightenment.

With a precious "miniature nuclear fusion engine" placed on the chest as the energy core, it supports the thick armor plate and all-alloy power frame, and can even deploy a "repulsive stance" to block most conventional kinetic energy weapons.

In addition to the honeycomb rocket launcher and the back-mounted heavy machine gun, the main weapon is the electric energy halberd that is connected to the exoskeleton through pipelines and uses a thousand-degree high-temperature plasma flow as a "halberd blade", which is enough to easily defeat conventional protective measures.

Both are exoskeleton armors. Apart from mobility and long-range firepower, Dennis's "Light Cone" is weaker than the Fighter in other aspects. Once the two sides are dragged into close combat, the former will be easily torn apart - of course, how to approach the former and force it into submission? Entering close combat, this is another problem.

But there is no doubt that the "Fighter" is the best among the third-level units, a powerful frontal attacker.

To a certain extent, because of the life support device, this exoskeleton armor is the implanted prosthetic body of the "Fighter", and the two have long been inseparable.

"Sounds like a special infiltration mission this time."

Harold pondered for a moment: "But the core areas of the institute are all placed on the internal network, and the remote support of Flash Star will be greatly interfered with."

"But this is our greatest advantage." He paused.

"There is only one chance. Once it fails this time, the 'Three-Phase Basic Plan' will never have a chance to be exposed again."

Song Shi raised his head and looked at Arnan: "I don't care about gambling, but Arnan, you don't look like someone who would put everything down and put his hope in a big gamble."

"——Apart from 'special infiltration', what is the backup plan?"

"Frontal attack."

Arnan nodded: "Harold, you are responsible for sneaking into the research institute in advance...Song Shi, I would like to ask you to sneak in with me, is that okay?"

"Of course you have to do this in person."

Song Shi pressed his knuckles.

Even if we don’t talk about the ritual requirements of [Burning Blood], just looking at the matter itself, there is no need to refuse.

Without experiencing any so-called "adventures", how can you forge a weapon that has been tempered for thousands of times?

Hearing this, the man nodded and said:

"The remaining enlightened ones will arrive in batches twelve miles outside the institute. After you sneak in, they will launch a frontal attack on the institute, causing chaos and creating more opportunities for you."


Shovel's eyes changed slightly: "This is too risky. You should understand the importance of the institute. Once a frontal attack is carried out, the troops of the Security Bureau and Emerald Pharmaceutical will come out in full force and rush towards the institute. This is to let others go Die."

"First, they are feigning an attack and will not go too deep. As long as they confirm that they have obtained data or the casualties exceed a certain level, they can retreat directly."

"Shovel, what we are going to do, it is impossible to completely avoid casualties - this is not a lone hero movie, someone will eventually sacrifice."

"What we have to do is make this sacrifice worthwhile."

Arnan's face did not have the usual gentle smile, but was replaced by pure calm.

"Second, if we are unable to prevent the formal implementation of the Three-Phase Base Plan, more people in Paloser will fall into the quagmire in the future and be trapped in the petri dishes built by 'Emerald Pharmaceuticals' for life, serving as experimental subjects and consuming their excess productivity. Tool of."

“We are the Enlightened Ones – we cannot sit back and let this happen!”

"But you are right Shovel, the armed forces of Emerald Pharmaceuticals and the mobile special police of the Security Bureau cannot be ignored."

Arnan looked around at everyone, paused, and said slowly:

"So, I will lead another group of enlightened members before you, responsible for attracting the attention of the entire Palother."

"Code name, Operation Moth."

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