Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 101: Enemies stand in the way

After that, Flashstar also demonstrated her psychic skills.

In simple terms, her first-ring psychic skill is "self-balance", which can keep her state stable and reduce the interference of external factors, including mental states such as fatigue, dizziness, and unconsciousness, as well as physiological states such as body temperature and wounds.

The most typical point is that when Flashstar considers network implants, she considers performance more, and heat dissipation, mental oppression and other aspects will be given a very low priority.

The second-ring psychic skill can be simply explained as "interfering with electromagnetic waves to a certain extent".

The essence of network signals is "electromagnetic waves".

In front of everyone, Flashstar just snapped her fingers without activating the implant and brain-computer interface, and the nearby TV screen turned on.

The four psychic skills of the second ring together form the "interference electromagnetic wave" effect.

In a network war, if Flashstar is willing, she can even create a one-way "silent network domain" to isolate the opponent without affecting herself, or simply act as a "human EMP shock" to destroy other people's electronic equipment and prostheses.

——Real staring kills.

In terms of specific network operations, combined with the excellent talent of Shanxing herself in hacking, this also allows her to further understand and operate code, data, network protocols, etc., becoming the best among the depth 3 [Demons] of Palose.

Even, she has begun to try to step into the depth 4.

If she is willing to join a company, even a giant company, she can get a treatment equivalent to "Deputy Director of Regional Network Security", M5 level.

——This is a completely different path from her own.

Song Shi understands this.

For Shanxing, the identity of "psychic" only exists to assist "hackers", and psychic power is just a very superior tool, just like replacing the Twilight Boundary III type specialized network warfare prosthesis on her right hand.

She is "the hacker of the Enlightened One" Shanxing, not "the second ring [balance] psychic" Shanxing.

Song Shi has no intention of judging who is right or wrong. This is a self-selection, and no one is qualified to comment.


On the old wall, most of the pipelines that should have been buried deep were exposed, and the outer rubber layer had a dullness that was unique to oxidation.

This is an abandoned passage that leads to the outside world, remote and damp.

At this moment, Song Shi leaned against the wall, turned his head and looked at the man beside him.

"What do you want to do with me?"

——And, he deliberately avoided other people.

After the conversation ended not long ago, Harold and Shanxing went to rest one after another, but Alnan quietly hinted that he would stay.

Alnan did not speak first, but handed over a data tablet.

On the data tablet, the official application of the Palose Daily has been opened, and what comes into view is a banner headline of "Breaking news! Palose's well-known entrepreneur Cland suffered a terrorist attack". Click it casually, and a row of neat related push notifications pop up, including but not limited to expert online interviews, on-site blockade photos, coded live room videos, complete timelines, etc.

In the comment area, there was a heart-wrenching accusation and condemnation, angrily denouncing the extreme terrorist armed organization "Enlightened", and even digging up old accounts and listing a large number of past crimes.

When Song Shi finished browsing, Alnan spoke: "Song Shi."

"What do you think? Do you think what we did was a terrorist attack in the form of a 'live broadcast of killing', or something else?"

Song Shi frowned.

He looked at the man in a strange way, and pointed at the data tablet a few times: "Let's not talk about this, this and this, the comment area is almost all the water army of Yijian Company. Even if these people are their true thoughts, so what?"

"If you have made up your mind, you will advance without retreating. What does others count for? Anyone who stands in the way is an enemy, and you will be killed if you don't let him." Song Shi paused and asked back: "What's more, you are the commander of the Palose Enlightened, are you still confused by such things?"

"Of course not."

Alnan shook his head.

He also leaned against the wall, slightly raised his face, and looked at the mottled, dripping ceiling on the wall: "I just feel a little emotional."

"Want to guess, why Harold doesn't call me commander, but is used to calling me boss?"


Song Shi chewed on this word and said: "He is from the streets, some of his behaviors are obviously in the style of gang members."


Aarnan nodded, and didn't think much of the former's observation - Harold himself didn't hide this too much, or this style was a kind of concealment.

And with the qualities shown by "Nan Dou", it is not surprising that he has such observation skills.

"Harold joined Enlightened three years ago. The process of his joining was quite complicated and there were some coincidences. But he was willing to join initially because of the allowances we provided."

Alnan smiled: "Many of our members are like this. They don't dislike Enlightened, but most of them want to make some extra money. After all, most of our funds have been laundered and can withstand inspection. As long as we don't do anything stupid or too ostentatious, there will be almost no problems."

Song Shi nodded slightly.

He knows this. Faith is precious, but material things are equally important. The Enlightened Ones of Palother will provide members with a basic allowance of 1,500 credits per month. There will be additional subsidies when going on missions, as well as some similar prosthetics. , rare drugs and other resources.

That’s not high, of course, but considering the average income in Paloser, it’s pretty good—everyone has a real job! As a part-time job, this is simply too generous!

"Of course, that's not the point."

"At the very beginning, even though he had joined the Enlightened Ones, Harold still had a certain amount of hostility toward us."

"He did not believe the company's propaganda and believed that the Enlightenment was an 'extremist terrorist organization'. In other words, he did not fall into the first layer of public opinion constructed by the company."

Arnan said softly: "But he believes that we may have had some beliefs and done some things, but in the final analysis, we are just using a noble banner to deceive people into committing suicide and seeking benefits for ourselves, and even serve as bargaining chips to negotiate for employment with the company." The organization of conditions—this is the second layer of public opinion propaganda built by companies.”

"Complicit. Ha, complicit."

Arnan laughed softly and shook his head slightly: "It's just that it's not his fault. No, it can even be said that his thoughts are normal. After all, he gathers others in the name of 'ideal' and uses them as steps to climb the rebel army. There are too many anti-corporate organizations and mutual aid societies.”

In the layers of public opinion networks and information cocoons that companies have built day after day with big data, short videos, news, tweets, and trolls, under the influence of the vast ocean of information, with a firm belief in self-awareness Among the "real" judgments made, what is the difference between "true" and "false" in all things in the world?

Arnan let out a slow breath.

"I'm sorry for making you listen to some venting words." The man showed an apologetic expression: "By the way, Song Shi, do you have anything to ask? At least about Palother, I am quite sure."

"Well Palother, it's not bad."

Song Shi pondered for a moment and cast his gaze on the other person's neck: "Let me ask a personal question, why didn't you have a prosthetic body implanted?"

Song Shi noticed this as early as the first time he saw the other party.

——The commander of the Palother Enlightenment, there is almost no trace of implants on his body!

"Guess you'd ask this."

Arnan smiled and pointed to his head: "When I was twelve years old, I suddenly fainted at school one day. After being sent to the hospital for examination, I found out that I suffered from a rare congenital disease. Nervous System Disorders.”

"To put it simply, my nervous system is far more fragile than ordinary people and cannot withstand the nerve connections of implanted prostheses - it is said that Jade Pharmaceuticals can cure me, but unfortunately I have no money, so I had to remove the original prosthesis. Become a natural person.”

"how to say"

Arnan smiled and spread his hands: "Except for some discrimination and inconvenience, there is actually nothing wrong with being a natural person. Ah, there are also things like not smoking, eating spicy food, being emotional."

after this.

The passage fell into silence until Arnan spoke again, breaking the silence.

"It's getting late, Song Shi. Your room has been tidied up. Go and rest first." The man said, "But remember to get up early tomorrow. We need to confirm the next plan."

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