Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 60 Happy Cooperation (3K)

The tall and elegant chandelier casts a gentle white light.

Amid the leisurely melody, the micro-nozzles hidden in the nutrient soil spray water mist regularly, dyeing the clusters of flowers with a layer of glittering luster.

Yes, around this compartment on the top floor of the building, large tracts of flowers are growing. After special color design and gene-oriented adjustment, these flowers have different colors but are not messy, and they guard the central compartment together--

At this moment, in the compartment.

"Don't you want to try it? This is the inventory of the "Fengmao Food Banquet" back then. I asked someone to bring it specially."

Dennis pointed to the red wine on the table.

Looking at the silent opponent, Dennis didn't care and slowly swallowed a piece of steak that was still bloody.

"On the menu of the restaurant in this 'garden', all the raw materials of the food are naturally cultivated, just like this steak taken from tenderloin. We can trace the growth process of this cow to an artificial grassland island in the north - this is not the kind of inferior product that takes fast-growing hormones."

"Enjoying is not what a researcher should do."

Vedani finally spoke.


Dennis smiled, put down the knife, first wiped his mouth slowly with a napkin, and then said: "According to our asset audit, your teacher, Kenge, has a total asset of more than 5 million credit points in his name, which is not consistent with what you said."


Looking at the silent other party again, Dennis sighed.

"You postponed my first invitation for two days before agreeing. To be honest, I really don't have much patience."

He stared at the woman in front of him: "My dear Ms. Vidani, let's get straight to the point. Do you want to avenge your teacher?"

Vedani narrowed her eyes.

"I am the person in charge of the entire 'Kenger' incident. Do you understand what I mean?"

"You actually want to use this as a bargaining chip?"

Vedani's expression changed slightly, and she said coldly: "Have you really thought it through? The teacher is an M6 position staff member of Jade Pharmaceuticals. If you dare to do something like this, the higher-ups will never let you go!"

The accidental death of an M6 staff member.

No matter what the truth is, this is a provocation against [Jade Pharmaceuticals], and facing those who dare to provoke, giant companies never hesitate to destroy them.

——Delaying and deliberately letting go of such "face" matters is a big taboo.

"This is your understanding problem."

Dennis chuckled: "I never said that I would not arrest the murderer."

The next moment, the man snapped his fingers, and the entire compartment directly entered the "anti-peeping" and "stop recording" modes.

"I have locked the identity of the person who killed Kenge. You are no stranger to that person, a kid named 'Song Shi'. Of course, there is a considerable discrepancy between his resume and performance, which is also very strange to us."

"Of course, for you, this is not the key-"

Looking at the man who deliberately lengthened his tone, Vidani said coldly: "What is the key?"

"Director Gabey is very optimistic about this guy."

Seemingly very satisfied with the other party's astonished eyes, Dennis pulled his collar and continued: "Do you need me to be more straightforward?"

"According to the company system, the head of each department has considerable autonomy, which also means that a person's preferences can affect many things-unfortunately, our security director is a 'psychic' Loyal fans."

"Among the five senior executives, two of them are psychics, except me."

Dennis sneered and said lightly: "The supervisor has taken a fancy to this guy and plans to recruit him into the security department. How about it? How does it feel to be a colleague with the enemy who killed the master?"

"I know what you want to say."

Without waiting for Vidani to speak, Dennis said simply: "The person who killed Kenger must be killed. According to the public opinion analysis and estimation of the propaganda department, they will decide whether to announce it in the news and whether to release the execution video online. But the true identity of this person is just an insignificant matter."

With the authority of Jade Pharmaceutical, it is not difficult to change everything about a person from birth to the present.

I believe that "Song Shi" will also accept it with pleasure. After all, this is an opportunity to enter a giant enterprise and bathe in supreme glory from then on.

I don't know how long it has passed.

After a long and uncomfortable silence, Vidani slowly raised her head.

".What do you want?"

"Although the supervisor has an idea, if someone insists on refusing the invitation, is unwilling to associate with us company dogs, and resists arrest by force, then "accidental killing" is unavoidable."

"In this case, I think even the supervisor will not be too harsh."

Dennis picked up another piece of steak, and the strong fishy smell caused by the coldness made him sigh.

So he threw down his knife and fork, pushed the things on the table away, and began to look at Vidani's whole body with an almost wanton look.

"What do you want? Don't you know it clearly? I only need you."

It can't even be described as "wanton".

At this moment, Dennis's eyes didn't seem to be looking at a person, but at a piece of delicious and tender steak, or a laboratory mouse.

——The last one, Vidani is particularly familiar with.

Because some of her colleagues, her teacher Kenge, and even she herself often show this kind of eyes - this is the basic quality that a [Emerald Pharmaceutical] researcher should have.

"Vedani, I have read your file, it is very good, no wonder Kenge values ​​you so much"

As he spoke, Dennis's face slowly showed a chilling smile: "Your genes are indeed good enough, plus my genes, the biological offspring we produce together, ah. It is really hard to imagine how superior it will be."

"That's it?"

Vedani frowned slightly, her intuition told her that the other party's needs were not so simple: "Then I can provide a batch of my egg cells"

"No, no, no, I don't want something like "in vitro surrogacy."

Dennis shook his fingers, he stood up, his hands on the table, his upper body slowly pressed to the opposite side, looking down at Vidani with a condescending look.

"Although there is no accurate paper and basis yet, according to a past statistic, the probability of awakening spiritual power for objects grown outside the "mother body" is lower than that of objects grown from the "mother body."

Hearing this, Vidani was slightly stunned.

The next moment, her basic qualities as a researcher, as well as some rumors she had heard about the person in front of her, made her suddenly realize what the other party wanted to do.

"You plan to cultivate this child's growth and awakening, and then perform organ transplantation on close relatives? No. Not to mention that 'psychic power' will never be transferred in this way, the Science Ethics Committee will never tolerate your practice!"

"Although some psychics' 'psychic power' is directly awakened due to extreme stimulation. But at the same time, some psychics are awakened step by step through meditation and other methods."

"Psychics awakened through the second method will gradually show certain psychic signs before they are officially awakened, and are in an intermediate state between 'ordinary people' and 'psychics'."

"Don't you know? In the past, there have been successful cases of becoming 'psychics' through this method of transplanting 'intermediate organs' of biological close relatives."

"But that's not the key factor!" Vidani looked at the man in disbelief: "Most of these experiments have failed! Even the few who There are successful cases, and the current view is that they can awaken psychic power originally, and the transplantation of intermediate organs only advances and stimulates this process! "

"--So what?"

As if he was amused by Vidani, Dennis's shoulders kept shaking, and the whole person laughed: "Practice makes perfect, don't you need me to teach you this truth? My lovely Ms. Vidani."

"As for the Scientific Ethics Committee"

"What else do those guys do besides nagging in the media all day? Even if they really intend to intervene and take advantage of the issue, can't they be kept in the dark from the beginning?"

"You you."

Vidani opened her mouth, and after a long while, she spoke again: "In this case, why don't you choose women who are already psychics? And with so few samples, the possibility of their awakening..."

Dennis smiled slightly.

So he was not the first object chosen by this guy?

It's just that I don't know how much his other experimental subjects have grown.

Vidani subconsciously fell into thought, but then she felt helpless.

This level of "handle" can only be regarded as a "personal morality" issue at best in Emerald Pharmaceuticals, and it does not affect anything.

As for secretly reporting to the "Scientific Ethics Committee", if the former takes advantage of this issue and causes losses to Emerald Pharmaceuticals, there will be no good end for me - not to mention that I really need the other party now.

It's not just revenge for the teacher, the more important thing is

"I have a fairly interesting discovery about the project under the name of your teacher, Kenge."

Dennis suddenly spoke, and he threw a data card from his arms: "During the period when Kenge was the director of the institute, some public funding was used in an unknown direction, and it seemed to be flowing to a certain channel."

Vedani's expression changed suddenly.

"Personally, I am still very optimistic about this project. After all, let's be honest, the controllable weaponization of 'cyberpsychosis' has always been a very promising topic."

"No need to say."

Vedani's expression turned cold, and she said in a deep voice: "I can promise you, but-"


As if he had already guessed what the other party wanted to say, Dennis raised three fingers: "With our biological technology, it is enough for you to stably achieve triplets. After I get these three offspring, you can choose your future path at will."

"Of course, in the meantime, I don't mind providing some small help."

"For illegal human experiments like this that have not been reported to the company and have not been formally approved, it will be difficult to find the next experimenter without the support of your teacher, the director of the institute, but I can send some over, but-

Vedani stood up and said firmly: "As for the company investigation, I will find a way myself."

"I look forward to the day when you apply for a patent."

So Dennis stood up.

He smiled and stretched out his right hand.

"Well, I wish us a happy cooperation in the future. "

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