Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 54 Dark Forest

"No, you dare to charge 4,000 credit points for a second-hand network processing terminal?"

Song Shi held a data tablet slightly larger than his palm in his hand and raised his voice: "You don't make money this way. Are you really taking me for a fool?"

"Hey, you can choose not to buy it."

On a recliner not far away, Ami Kaba changed to a more comfortable position, sank into the recliner, didn't even raise his eyelids, and said with a long tail tone: "You think it's too expensive? Then what are you doing here? I only sell high-end products."

"Who said I won't buy it?"

Song Shi suddenly laughed.

Hearing this, Ami Kaba's heart tightened for no reason, and then he heard the other party say again: "This "Mint T5" network terminal is indeed worth 4,000, I have no problem, but is there something missing on it?"

"What do you mean?"

Ami Kaba pricked up his ears cautiously.

Song Shi sighed: "I like this board very much, I really want it, but it lacks some ornaments, which is quite regrettable."

"For example?"

"A "micro-supercomputer component" that enhances computing power."

Ami Kaba sat up from the recliner, stared at the person in front of him for a long time, and then said: "Damn it. You're doing this again? You still want to fleece me?"

"Absolutely not." Song Shi's face was frank: "Sincerely."

Ami Kaba was silent for a few seconds.

He had to admit that the price offered by the other party was indeed still within his psychological bottom line, and he could still make money by giving away a "micro-supercomputer" - but where did this kid who was so knowledgeable and difficult to deal with come from?

"Do you want this thing that was dug out of a cyber hacker's brain?"

"Remember to disinfect it."

Ami Kaba stood up with a curse and walked into the warehouse at the back. After a while, he came out with a black block the size of an earphone box and threw it to Song Shi: "A temporary supercomputer component, it can only last for 20 minutes at a time. If it lasts longer, it will be overloaded and the circuit will probably melt down."

"No problem, no problem--"

Song Shi stuffed the network processing terminal and the supercomputer component into his arms, and then smiled again: "Speaking of which, do you have any opinions on bulletproof vests?"

"Still coming--? It's endless, right!"

Five minutes later, Song Shi pulled on his coat.

At the cost of sacrificing a certain degree of protection strength, he chose this half-body bulletproof suit made of composite chemical fiber material, which is mainly light and portable and concealed. After wearing it, it is no different from an ordinary base shirt.

When the coat is closed, it looks no different from an ordinary person-the price is 1,300 credit points.

Glancing at his account balance that had hit the bottom again, Song Shi sighed and turned to leave the prosthetic clinic.

When he was about to push open the door, Amiqaba's voice suddenly rang out behind him.

"Hey, kid."

Song Shi stopped pushing the door.

"I'm not interested in finding out your true identity, nor do I care what you want to do. But remember, after you step out of this door, everything about you has nothing to do with me."

Amiqaba paused and sneered: "What? Are you surprised? Are you surprised that I can tell that your face is made up? Do you think I've been doing prosthetic surgery for so many years for nothing?"

"No... "Makeup" is nothing, it's just the words that come after."

Song Shi turned around and looked inside the clinic. The middle-aged man was leaning against the metal table with his arms folded, casting a cold look.

"I thought you would say something like 'This boy is extraordinary' or 'I'm optimistic about you'."

"You think too much."

Amiqaba sneered and said without hesitation: "People who died in Palose and are as pretentious as you can have an open-air orgy. I just remind you not to bring trouble to me, understand?"

Song Shi raised his eyebrows.

But Song Shi didn't say anything else, he just waved his hand and pushed the door out.

Watching the other party leave for a long time, Amiqaba slowly let go of this posture and sank back into the recliner.

"Another idiot who gambles his life for the future."

"Damn. You guys..."

"Why don't you understand the value of life!"

Cheap hotel, room A312.

Drip, drip, drip.

"Although in theory this is the core territory of the Cross Tigers, it is indeed too difficult for a group of street thugs to establish a complete, three-dimensional defense and early warning system."

Looking at the flat map of the Cross Street District provided by [Cotton Valley Hamster], Song Shi shook his head.

In addition to the map, the other party did not provide the corresponding defense deployment.

Because there is no such thing in the Cross Street District.

After all, the "Cross Tigers" is just a small street gang with a mixed group of members. Someone guards the same location today, and the next day this person may be temporarily out of contact because of being too drunk - in a sense, this is also a very powerful defense mechanism.

After all, even they themselves don't know the specific deployment of each day, let alone the enemy.

Therefore, leaving aside a few core locations like the "freezer door", the personnel deployment of the entire Cross Street District is in a chaotic state.

Drip, drip, drip.

Song Shi tapped the table lightly with one hand, and sometimes stretched and enlarged the flat map with the other hand, and sometimes zoomed out to overlook the whole map.

Although the full terrain projection of the three-dimensional modeling cannot be presented due to the limitation of the equipment function, it is not a big problem for Song Shi.

As his sight moves on the flat map, in Song Shi's mind, buildings rise from the ground and slowly outline their own contours.

One after another, criss-crossing action routes emerged, and then disappeared with the fluctuation of thoughts - until finally, these intricate lines overlapped and turned into a curve that meandered between various buildings.

The route is set.


Song Shi closed his eyes and took a long breath.

He picked up the data tablet with his right hand and pinched his eyebrows.

"Tsk, I'm really not feeling well right now. Just a small thing like this actually made me feel a little dizzy."

Drip, drip, drip.

But immediately, suppressing this emotion, Song Shi closed the data tablet and looked out the window with the curtain wide open.

The night in the distance is deep, swallowing the earth silently.

In this deep moss area, which can be considered a remote place, irregular power and water outages are commonplace. Large areas of houses merge into darkness, with occasional light flickering and extinguishing quickly.

Maybe thousands of years have changed nothing.

As the sun sets in the west, this steel forest made of reinforced concrete and intertwined with old pipelines is still plunged into boundless darkness just like the natural creations with the same name that were covered with vegetation and swamps thousands of years ago.

How many hunters and prey are wandering in the dark forest?

Drop, drop——

One hand reached out, pressed restart, unplugged the charging cable, silenced the annoying charging sound, then picked up the device and moved it towards the cover.

The face of the flat mirror, whose surface was mostly broken, reflected the true face of the person in front of him.

The black coat carries a sharp blade, a gun hangs on his waist, and a shoulder bag slanted across his body.

The next moment, a "mask" embedded with LED lights and an LCD screen completely covered the young face in the mirror.

The image on the mask jumped a few times and turned into pure black.

Tonight, Song Shi joins the hunt.

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