Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 249 The Third Ring [Control]

Chapter 24 [Control]

When the meaning of the "road" is understood, the "self" is born from the mortal body, and the psychic power is [awakened].

——The first ring · [Awakening].

When the psychic has a deeper understanding of the psychic power he possesses, he transforms it from an instinct that he originally didn't know why into a power that he can drive freely, and with the accumulation and tempering of experience, he makes it a part of himself that he [masters].

——The second ring · [Master].

And the third ring.


If the first ring is to obtain psychic power, and the second ring is to regard psychic power as a tool, to understand it deeply, and to use it skillfully.

Then the third ring is to integrate this tool with oneself, and there will be no difference from then on. Everything is in the flow of the mind, and the "psychic power". No, every part of the "self" is controlled in the palm of your hand.

No longer a "confused person who awakens psychic power", nor an "individual who uses psychic power", but a simple and pure [psychic]!

"I" is a psychic, and "psychic" is me.

According to the definition of some classical factions, only the third ring is a true [psychic].

If it is in the Vanpusta Empire, no matter how poor the origin is, no matter how humble the family background is, when the other party is promoted to a third-ring psychic, he and his blood can be crowned with the name of "noble" and accepted by the nobles - those respected psychic nobles.

Even if these changes in power and status are not taken into account, just talking about the individual itself, this is also an absolute "supernatural". If they must be called a species, then their only title is [psychic].

If the first ring to the second ring may be hard-earned by time, then the second ring to the third ring is a difficult door that must be crossed head-on. And most psychics cannot even glimpse this door before they die.

How long did it take me to get to this point in my previous life?

This thought came to Song Shi's mind. Without searching his memory, the young man remembered the answer.

——Five years.

It took him nineteen years to reach the peak of the fourth ring, and before that, it took him five years from [Awakening] to [Control].

Those days, I really miss them.

After being kicked out of the orphanage before he came of age, he first moved goods at the dock for a few days, and then worked in the kitchen of a street restaurant for a while. Then, because he did not compete with the new employees who volunteered to take a pay cut, he was fired at the speed of light.

After that, he became a mechanic apprentice, a bar waiter, and a transport shuttle driver. In fact, being a bar waiter was quite easy, but unfortunately he could not help the troublemaker and cut his throat in public. In order not to cause trouble for the boss, he had to run away overnight.

I like the climate of Fangdu very much. I can't say that the food in Galanla tastes good, but the locals I met are very enthusiastic. Cangxi is full of martial arts, and I learned a lot of fighting skills there. Unfortunately, for various reasons, I couldn't stay in these counties and provinces under the jurisdiction of the Pan-Eastern Continental Union for a long time.

In the end, I was desperate and almost planned to join the army in the [Beiting Defense Front].

Although those guys are a little crazy and their brains are not very good, they are quite human compared to the other forces of the Pan-Eastern Continental Union.

Unfortunately, before I could sign up, one day when I was walking at night, I accidentally ran into a group of three fully armed robbers who were fleeing in an alley. The latter wanted to kill them, but I killed them with the help of the terrain. After the SWAT team arrived late to confirm the scene, detained and questioned them, and gave me a bounty, the idea of ​​joining the army disappeared.

It was at that time that I was surprised to find that bounty hunter was a very promising career.

But later I thought that more than half of the bounty was secretly deducted, probably because I was too young. But it was also a lesson, which led me to pay special attention to this point later, and basically no one owed or deducted it.

After that, I was promoted to the second ring and finally left the Pan-Eastern Continental Union. From then on, I traveled around the world with my skills and met masters from all sides.

Song Shi suddenly realized that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

So, the young man opened his eyes.

His eyes were facing the ground under his feet, as if touched by his eyes, and the mirror-like ground was slightly rippled, and the fine water lines spread out, and soon returned to calm.


Then, Song Shi raised his head.

The unimaginable world unveiled the curtain for the visitors, and the brilliant stars hung high in the sky, dragging out traces of brilliance. The silent space seemed endless, and there was no trace of the edge.

——This is the final destination of every psychic.

Is my past self also hanging there at this moment?

Song Shi took a last look at the starry sky, and then walked forward.

In front of the straight road, there stood a huge door, blocking all the eyes that wanted to peek at the scenery behind.


Before really touching the door, just approaching the road, there was a sudden burst of pressure, and every step forward required a greater pressure. Even the mirror-like landing place below could not bear the weight and made a slight shattering sound.

This is the resistance to promotion.

But Song Shi's movements did not stop for a moment.

In a trance, it seemed that there was a flame rising, and the whole space was filled with pure red gold!

But when he really looked at the young man, there was no flame at all. His appearance did not change at all. Song Shi just calmly moved forward step by step.

Then, the huge and terrifying pressure slowly dissipated as the young man moved forward -

No, it was not "dissipated".

Just like throwing a red-hot copper ball into a pool full of solidified butter, the pressure that became more and more terrifying as the distance increased and almost turned into substance was clearly melted through.

Even before it really touched "Song Shi", it would be completely burned out.

It was not a flame at all.

At this moment, Song Shi had become the "flame" itself. Under the outer contour of the young man, there was a red-gold flame that was constantly surging and rising, and would never go out!

——Control of "self"?

——Control of "psychic power"?

This requirement, in this life, the moment when I awakened my psychic power again, I had already grasped it in my hand without any shackles!


When they were one step away from the door, the pressure had reached an unprecedented level, even Song Shi stopped for the first time.

Amid the slight sound of tearing cloth, Song Shi gently raised his right hand and stared at his five fingers.

Inch by inch, the winding cracks burst out from the surface of the skin and spread across the young man's body, with pure red gold flowing in between.

But at this moment, if someone else was watching, they would be surprised to find that these cracks did not bring the slightest sense of injury.

On the contrary, it was more like a shell that had long been overwhelmed, finally bearing the limit and about to release the existence that had been bound.

The ultimate goal of the Great Source [Great Source] path is to achieve the "Great Source" that can evolve everything with one's own achievements. Even though this goal has not been truly successfully confirmed by any psychic so far, and Song Shi's current psychic power is also very far away from this goal.

But to some extent, at this moment, he has completed some reproduction.

—— [Song Shi], reshaped from the "flame", born from the "flame"!

The mortal body in the past had been burned up in the fire, leaving only the "will". With the "will" as the core, a new body was reshaped in the fire.

From then on, Song Shi, who belonged to the [mortal], disappeared, and Song Shi, who was a [psychic], was born.

The third ring was achieved at this moment.

Song Shi nodded slightly.

He did not care about the cracks on the surface of his body that were slowly closing up as the promotion was completed, but crossed the last distance and stood in front of the door.

The young man's index finger touched the door, and then pressed his whole palm on it. Pushing it open was easier than imagined.

In silence, the door slowly opened, and a bright light burst out from the gradually expanding gap, sweeping towards the space in all directions, lighting up every corner. In front of the ocean of light, even those magnificent stars dimmed -

and from the endless pure light.

A nearly fragmented steel sword suddenly burst out!

Breaking the sea of ​​light, shattering the door, and piercing the atmosphere.

——With a sharpness that surpassed all previous moments, it penetrated into Song Shi’s chest!

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