Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 241 Suishi, Flint and Blessing



"Sui" and "Sui".

The meanings of "Sui" and "Sui" are completely different.

In the past, there was Suiren, who used wood to make fire and brought the first flame to the world.

The psychic skill [Flint] is the reproduction of this "first flame". The holder can call out "flame" and forcibly maintain the state in any situation, even at the bottom of the abyss, in the magic-free dead zone, or when the psychic energy is dry and the power is exhausted.

In essence, the effect of [Flint] is "breakthrough" and "maintenance". With the combination of the two, the holder's power flows continuously. Even if it suffers a great blow, it can still retain the last wisp of flame and will not be extinguished.

This is by no means bad.

You must know that in high-intensity battles, how to maintain your own psychic energy is a very important issue. Many times, the power is interrupted and weakened, and then called to resume, even if it is only for a short moment, it may allow the opponent to seize the opportunity and instantly lead the battle to a disadvantage.

Moreover, relying on the effect of maintaining a wisp of "flame", at a critical moment, the psychic can even use [Flint] to try to hold on to life and hold on until others rescue him.

——However, Song Shi can't use this.

Whether it is "breakthrough" or "maintenance", even without [Flint], he can still do it, maintaining the power continuously and circulating all the time. When the battle reaches a certain level, this is just the most basic requirement.

As for "holding life", it is even more useless.

This kind of "holding life" is impossible to work for an opponent who can bombard himself to the point of lingering.

But [Sui Shi] is different.

Song Shi thought.

At the beginning of ancient times, who preached it——

If it is said that [Flint] is just a simple reproduction of the achievement of "Once upon a time, there was Suiren, who broke flint to make fire" and gave birth to the first wisp of fire.

Then [Sui Shi] is the achievement of Suiren from the simple "birth of fire" to "preaching", and the intention contained is more than one step further.

It is said that the birth of this psychic skill was originally the result of an ancient psychic who was dissatisfied with the fact that [Flint] had such a big name, so after traveling around the countries and integrating his cultivation, he was angry and created it - he deliberately changed "Flint" to "Sui", both for the purpose of establishing a purpose and for distinguishing it.

Even if we ignore these past rumors whose truth or falsehood is no longer known, we will not discuss the difference in the purpose of the two.

In terms of effect alone, there is also a gap between the two that can be called "art" and "method".

——Psychic skill · [Sui Shi].

It has only one effect.

In ancient times, it was called "Zhen Yu", and in modern times it is called "Suppression".

The holder of this psychic skill can forcibly suppress any energy and matter other than himself, weaken the burning of flames, delay the freezing of ice and frost, make metal and iron lose their sharpness, and make rocks brittle and fragile - if the psychic realm is high enough and the understanding and application of [Sui Shi] is deep enough, it can even go a step further and suppress illusory things like "spirits".

At the beginning of ancient times, who preached it? How can we examine it when there is no shape above or below?

Who can reach the end of the darkness? Feng Yi only has an image, how can we know it?

The essence of this spiritual skill is to regard oneself as a "preacher"! Even the great way is explained and passed down by oneself, so naturally, everything in front of oneself should be bowed and restrained.

Even Song Shi, after hearing about the origin of [Sui Shi] in his previous life, couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

——The psychic who created this spiritual skill was really arrogant.

Although for various reasons, [Sui Shi] still failed to reach the most ideal effect of "At the beginning of ancient times, who preached it", which truly suppressed everything.

But this is still an absolutely powerful spiritual skill.

And the key is that I really don't know what the ceremony of obtaining this thing is.

"Sui Shi."

Song Shi exhaled slowly.

He has left the base of the Enlightened One and returned home.

Chakoro's plan only has a general direction, and the specific details of the action still need to be slowly discussed within the Enlightened. After all, in a sense, how to evacuate safely is more troublesome than ruining the performance.

——The power of Fubo Energy cannot be ignored.

Rather, if Chakoro had not been here in person, then Fubo Energy, which has been entrenched in and controlled Zhuguang City for decades, would undoubtedly have the overwhelming advantage.

A few months ago, the defeat in the deployment of the geothermal power plant branch had caused Fubo Energy's stock price to fall briefly, and many investors and business parties suspended further cooperation and planned to wait and see for the time being.

This is not that they really think that [Fubo Energy] will go bankrupt and disintegrate, but if the latter's struggle with Enlightened cannot be resolved for a long time, the content of their cooperation will inevitably be affected in the future.

Fubo Energy is a big family and business, so it doesn't matter, but they are different. Sometimes, even if the business is only affected and the delivery is delayed for one day, they may become paupers overnight and go to the slums to eat roasted maggots.

Groden's glory cannot replace their payment of liquidated damages.

In this case.

As a long-standing tradition of the Lightcasting City, no, the Rokar Plain, Fubo Energy will definitely pay great attention to the [Sun Festival] that can demonstrate its absolute authority over the Lightcasting City to the market.

——If it weren't for Chakoro sitting here, both parties stipulated that units of level 5 and above could not enter.

Fubo Energy is afraid that it will pull out multiple fourth-ring psychics to sit around the clock to ensure that the entire Sun Festival is foolproof.

Of course, now, even if Fubo Energy said something like "there will be no unnecessary actions, and we will withdraw as soon as the celebration is over", if we really use this as an excuse to allow the level 5 units to enter the Casting Light City - if they dare to enter, Cha Keluo will dare to kill them.

However, even if there are no level 5 units, this top-level individual soldier who can change the terrain by himself.

But half a month later, Fubo Energy's garrison force at the Sun Festival will definitely reach a very high intensity. It is really a big problem to retreat safely in such an occasion.

"Forget it, leave it to the Enlightened One to study."

Song Shi stretched his body and sank into the sofa.

Lapis Lazuli temporarily stayed at the Enlightened One base. It had to undergo a whole set of strengthening and maintenance procedures, and strive to return to the third ring as soon as possible - it would also participate in the actions of the Sun Festival to stand out and gain reputation.


Message notification sound.

"Another push advertisement?"

After several seconds, Song Shi reached for the mobile phone beside him.

The message notification sound just now came from [Wind News], which was very recognizable.

Song Shi didn't use this most popular social platform of the enterprise alliance, but he specifically followed Cha Keluo, adding another number to the latter's 32 million followers.

Clicking on [Wind News], there were a bunch of official announcements about the Sun Festival, promotional videos, bloggers' vlogs, etc. It was obvious that Fubo Energy's marketing department had begun to work hard.

Song Shi glanced at it and had to admit that these promotions were indeed very beautiful - they even provided simulated recordings of some programs of the past Sun Festival, which could make people feel immersive.

Private message column.

Clicking on the red dot, the user marked "account cancelled" sent a picture to himself.

Looking at the time, it was the night of seven days ago, but for some reason, it was not displayed until now.

The photo was taken in the evening. Under the thick red clouds like fire, someone stood on the edge of a rugged cliff.

It was a teenager.

He was dirty, and even the prosthetic limb that replaced his right hand had pits and bumps on the surface, but when he looked at the camera, his face with a winding scar showed undisguised excitement.

Behind the boy was a middle-aged man.

He looked at the camera calmly, and seemed to nod gently. On his chest, there was a badge - on the badge, there was a half-closed eye outlined with complicated strokes.

That was the symbol of the [Society of the Silent].

And Song Shi also recognized the boy in the picture.

"Not bad," Song Shi suddenly laughed out loud, his tone was obviously light: "Agalemar, you actually succeeded."

Although the appearance was different, and the dress was much more embarrassed.

But the person who took this picture was the confused boy "Agalemar" who had made a fortune in Shatu Town before he arrived at Zhuguang City!

At that time, I left him an account of [Wind News], but I didn't expect it to come in handy.

Song Shi smiled and threw the phone away.

——【The Silent Society】has its own system.

They were willing to delay the news for seven days to allow an outsider to receive the news. I am afraid that they also took into account that they seemed to be familiar with the【The Silent Society】, had saved Agaremar's life, and the latter's request.

As for what will happen next, before the end of Agaremar's "inspection" and "internship" period as a newcomer, there will probably be no more news.

"Ha, you really managed it. OK, OK."

Song Shi clapped his hands and said lazily: "Then I wish you will become a 'secretary' when we meet next time."

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