Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 198 Methodology

Under the long-term genetic engineering modification, every Groden has an outstanding posture.

Gloria is no exception, or in other words, as a "whole person" she is the best among them.

As one of the well-known features of Groden members, her appearance is exquisite and beautiful, and her figure is extremely tall, with a height of nearly two meters. With the outstanding temperament brought by the peak of the second ring [Beyond], she can make others feel inferior just by standing there.

But at this moment.

Obviously speaking of height, the young man in front had to raise his head slightly to see his opponent clearly.

But when the other party raised the straight knife inch by inch and spoke with a smile, he seemed to be looking down on him.

——That is an unabashed, "condescending" attitude!

So, there was no more words.

The outline of Chasing Light Fierce almost disappeared, leaving only four high-speed intersecting pure-color gold flows.

In the reflection of Gloria's pupils, there were only pure flames left. In the world that had been reduced to [scorched earth], they were raging and gushing out. The earth was melting, buildings were collapsing, and they all invariably pressed down on the figures running among them.

Like a flower made of flames, it is closing.

And the next moment, interlaced golden traces appeared on the surface of the blazing "petals", and then pure golden light suddenly bloomed, smashing all nearby flames into slag!

If a natural person were watching at this moment, he would be able to see such a scene. The staggered slashes created by the four light-seeking sharp edges would leave a blurry afterimage on his retina because they were too fast and would last for several seconds.

However, if he was truly a completely natural person, he would probably have been blinded by the too intense light before that happened.


In the belated clang sound, accompanied by this sudden slashing attack, all the flames within a radius of several meters with Gloria as the center were destroyed, and turned into a short "vacuum zone" in the sea of ​​​​fire!

But this "short-term" is enough.

The road ahead is clear.

Gloria's eyes were neither happy nor sad, and three Light-Chasing Blades shot out forward, opening the way for her, and she suddenly clenched the last Light-Chasing Blade, and her whole back suddenly lit up. ——That’s a scorching light that even the exoskeleton armor can’t conceal!

Inside the exoskeleton armor, on Gloria's body, from the cervical spine to the chest, back and tailbone, buried under the skin, a total of forty-three translucent "spines" lit up at the same time, as if there was golden liquid in them. flow.

The top level of this psychic skill is the extraordinary organ called the "Sublight Speed ​​Neural Transmission and Control Center", which is an area that can only be reached by the fifth or even sixth ring. What Gloria holds at this moment is, at best, a front-end position.

But even so.

This also gives her extremely superior nerve reflexes and transmission capabilities, and she can easily perform all kinds of incredible movements. And when she actively activates this spine—this extraordinary organ—the latter's effect will increase again.

Indirectly achieve the effect of "neural acceleration"!

The next moment, Gloria turned into a stream of pure golden light and rushed forward!

In front of the pure and dazzling stream of light, even the sea of ​​flames was forced to be divided into two parts, and the sound disappeared, as if holding one's breath, leaving only the straight "light" that became more and more dazzling, head held high and forward!

Then, it stopped abruptly.

Also from the silence, a wisp of "fire" quietly emerged.

And in an instant, it roared and expanded, turning into a devouring rage, swallowing up all the brightly blooming "light" that came towards us!

"Zhuguang Liefeng, do you know?"

It was no longer clear whether what Song Shi was clenching tightly with his five fingers was a "straight knife" or a "flame".

The original outlines of the weapons on both sides could not be seen clearly. Only the blazing fire and the dazzling light kept colliding, dragging red and golden winding trajectories in mid-air.

"In the Pan-Eastern Continent Commonwealth. No, before the Commonwealth was established, thousands of years ago, the ancient psykers there created a path."

Gloria slashed again, but was blocked again by Heavy Killer. The remaining three Light-Chasing Fierce Attacks also failed to take effect. They were avoided at the critical moment and could only become three deep holes extending for tens of meters and cutting through the earth. crack.

——It’s very troublesome.

Gloria thought.

With the blessing of psychic skills, his speed and reaction have already surpassed his opponent's, and in a battle of this level, the slightest difference can often affect the outcome.

But at this moment, he was in a stalemate and failed to establish a victory.

- Quite tricky.

The opponent used [Scorched Earth] and [Rendering] to completely transform the nearby environment and create a home field.

In this case, the enemy is like being in the deep sea, and every movement has to face resistance, and the closer to him, the stronger this resistance becomes.

With the help of this repulsive resistance, the opponent succeeded in increasing his speed and reaction to the point where he could cope with it. Even if it was still slightly exceeded, it would be difficult to change the overall situation.

However, he couldn't delay it.

A fully deployed Dayuan, not to mention that the opponent still holds [Embers] and [Boiling Blood], the incoming flames consume shields, armors and spiritual energy all the time. If it goes on for a long time, even if it is It's hard for me to bear it either.

"Serve the iron and gold essence of the gods to build the body of the law, and condense the spirit and pure thoughts to form the sword embryo."

As he spoke leisurely, Song Shi slashed down heavily without hesitation, and a line of terrifying flames flowed down, forcing Gloria to retreat.

The two stood apart from each other again. Song Shi did not attack first, but continued to speak: "——That is the way of transcendence called 'Sword Cultivation'."

"Those guys claim to 'break the tribulation and defeat the enemy, all in this'." Looking at the person in front of him, Song Shi said: "But I have thought of a way to deal with the 'Sword Cultivator'."

"They claim that with one sword strike, they can defeat all kinds of magic and make all the fields pure - to be honest, they are indeed quite powerful."

"So the way to deal with it is also very simple. As long as you don't retreat or avoid when those guys' swords come out,' and smash their swords head-on, you can easily deal with these sword cultivators - in my experience, The success rate is extremely high.”

"Of course, you are definitely different from them. The sword they forged already belongs to a part of their 'self', and your Light-Chasing Fierce Blade is still a weapon after all."

"But the principles are the same." Looking at the lightsaber in the woman's hand and at her side, Song Shi smiled and said briskly: "——Why don't you take action yet?"


Gloria slowly opened her hands, as if some restraint had been lifted. Pieces of exoskeleton armor were loose and cracked, like water-soaked walls peeling off. And from the cracks, dazzling golden light bloomed wantonly.

When most of the exoskeleton was peeled off, Gloria shook violently, knocking off the remaining parts at the same time.

The gorgeous red hair was flying in the wind, and Gloria raised her eyes calmly.

After removing all external disguises, the flowing light outlines a slender but powerful silhouette.

Instead of choosing a one-step method of fully integrating an exoskeleton or a mecha to build a body, Gloria took a more classical path, using her original body as the cornerstone to strengthen, reshape and evolve bit by bit.

——This is the true posture of Gloria Groden!


Psychic skills·【Streaming Light Energy】.

The golden light flow spreads on the surface of the skin, forming dense lines. After passing through the whole body, it finally outlines a circle of sun disk on the chest.

Gloria's height climbed again, reaching nearly two and a half meters. She stood in the light, just like the tall and majestic gods in those mythological murals.

The majestic energy flows into the limbs and bones along the light lines, and every inch of skin can feel the full sense of power.

Around Gloria, wisps of slender light filaments fluttered and wandered, which were ripples caused by extremely enriched energy.

This is a temporary strengthening state similar to overload. Even if she has reached the peak of the second ring, she cannot maintain it for long.

But enough is enough.

"...You want to defeat me head-on?"

Finally, Gloria spoke again.

Stretching out his hand, Zhuguang Liefeng meekly lowered his head - they connected with each other and turned into two solid golden swords.


"I think your method is worth a try."

She looked at the young man calmly and raised the corners of her mouth unconsciously: "——Come."

"...Temporary status enhancement?"

Song Shi tilted his head and laughed: "You still have some problems understanding my method."

"The strongest point of a swordsman is that with one strike of his sword, he can defeat all enemies and be unstoppable - so as long as you defeat their strongest point head-on, everything will be solved."

"The emphasis is on the 'strongest point' rather than the 'sword'."

"But it doesn't matter, I can demonstrate it to you now."

Under Gloria's slightly changing gaze, in an instant, Song Shi's "body" in front of her suddenly expanded, covering her at this moment!

No, it's not the "body", it's clearly the temporary illusion caused by the "sense of crisis" the other party brings to him in his intuitive perception.

Song Shi laughed and extinguished four fire seeds.


"——I'll knock you down within three strikes!"

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