Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 188 Equivalent Exchange

On the frozen ground where the sun cannot step, the streets that were originally covered with thick frost and snow and made even breathing tremble were now filled with misty rising steam.

The next moment, the violent tail flame smashed the steam, and a single-soldier rocket hit the prosthetic clinic on the corner of the street. After a brief pause, the dazzling flames rose up, most of the wall collapsed, and the nearby glass windows were shattered.

A security police officer who used it as a shelter fled out of the clinic in a panic. Just as he was about to retreat, he suddenly saw a high-speed trajectory that even the prosthetic eye could not catch and hit him.

The police was stunned.

He slowly lowered his head and saw that his lower body was broken into two pieces, as if it had been "rubbed" by something extremely sharp. The subcutaneous carapace purchased with a loan was as fragile as a biscuit. Along the cross section, large sections of intestines flowed out.

The next moment, the remaining half of his body was smashed to pieces by the barrage that followed.

"——The enemy has a restricted prosthesis! And also carries heavy firepower! Request support! Request support!"

In the communication channel, a special police officer yelled loudly while pulling the trigger tightly. The rifle in his arms violently spewed plasma bullets, but he could never hit the figure in the distance who was constantly turning at high speed.

The latter obviously implanted a high-specification neural acceleration prosthesis, and the high-frequency serrated knife in his hand was a magical weapon. With high-speed maneuvers, it only took a slight pass to penetrate conventional armor and cut people off in the middle. It has only been a short time since they were on duty, and they have already lost three people!

The other party's two accomplices were not ordinary people. I don't know where they got a semi-single-soldier metal storm. For a while, the firepower suppressed them so much that they couldn't raise their heads. Two police cars were instantly blown up, and the ground and buildings along the street were riddled with holes.

No wonder this group of mercenaries killed the regional manager of the Municipal Energy Supply Bureau, and they were able to kill their way out after their whereabouts were leaked.

"We can't delay any longer!"

In another communication channel, someone was also yelling: "If we can't get a vehicle, retreat! When the follow-up support comes, we will all die here!"

"-- Never mind!" In the channel, someone cut the wall again with a knife and growled: "You retreat a little! Get a car immediately! I'll deal with them!"

The companion was shocked: "You want to use all your strength? Some of your 'super organs' are already unstable! If you use all your strength now, what if you lose control--"

"You don't need to remind me! I'm the second ring transcendent! But if I delay any longer, I'll die if I don't lose control!"

The man took a deep breath, and under the enhancement of psychic skills, the spine prosthesis on his back lit up one by one, and the nerves accelerated to the limit, and the time of all things stretched in an instant.

Then, his five fingers merged with the tightly grasped high-frequency serrated knife, like the bite of a mechanical structure, and like the fusion of biological beings.

In a stagnant world, the originally solid sawtooth blade suddenly softened and extended, turning into a roving front line that silently cut the air apart just by existing.

——Psionic skill, [Synaptic Sharpening]!

——Psionic skill, [Property Superposition]!

The former allowed him to turn the neural acceleration prosthesis inserted into his spine into his extraordinary organ, truly becoming a part of "himself".

The latter changed the properties of the high-frequency sawtooth blade, or in other words, on the basis of the original, it gave this weapon the properties of "single molecule line".

He shook violently, and the front line with both "single molecule" and "high frequency" properties swept past in an instant, and the nearby buildings were like a piece of slippery tofu, which was easily cut apart.

An outdoor anchor who was hiding in a building and broadcasting the riot scene live was caught off guard and split into two halves.

But no one noticed him.

Seeing several buildings in front of them split in half, as if they were flying in the air, the SWAT officers nearby were shocked at the same time, and all of them tried their best to retreat to the rear - but their speed was too slow.

The front line swept past, swept and stirred, and instantly split the two SWAT officers into pieces, leaving behind a burst of fire and explosion on the spot.

Several drones occupying the sky moved, and the rockets they carried roared out, bombarding the ground wildly, but they could never hit the high-speed maneuvering figure. They could only rely on the aftermath of the explosion to indirectly cause some casualties.

"Did you get the car!" Feeling the constant tremor of the spine on his back, he coughed up a mouthful of blood and roared in a low voice: "I--"

The man raised his head suddenly.

In the dim sky, three dazzling "light stars" suddenly lit up.

In the next moment, in the striking air ring shattered, three streams of light violently shot down from the sky!


The man barely turned his head away, and before he could sound a warning, an unimaginable light came towards him. It was pure light and heat, and also terrifying kinetic energy.

But he dodged it!

Under the transformation of psychic skills, the long-alienated synaptic structure brought an efficient nerve conduction system, and with the acceleration of the prosthesis, the man dodged to the side before the light hit.

He jumped onto the second floor where the nearby wall collapsed and the interior was open, took a deep breath, and his whole body was full of danger.

In the middle of the street, where he was just now, everything disappeared, replaced by a large pit with a radius of five meters.

The frozen soil was broken, and then melted into dust by the huge heat energy, and large groups of rising steam.

And from the center of the pit, there was a sword blade that seemed to be made of pure light and as clear as glass.


The mist was suddenly disturbed, and the straight "light sword" trembled slightly. The blade that had sunk into the ground withdrew inch by inch and slowly returned to the owner's side - it was a slender but powerful outline.

This exoskeleton armor that fell from the sky was painted dark gold, and the polished lines of the outer armor were very smooth and sharp, with a delicate balance between mechanical and bionic sense. It has a humanoid appearance, but inexplicably, it still has an irrepressible sense of heterogeneity.

She raised her hand gently.

The three lightsabers were recovered and returned again, slowly rotating beside the exoskeleton - the two gangsters who had fierce firepower not long ago, they and the metal storm were accurately hit by the lightsabers and completely destroyed.

In the field of vision of the surrounding special police, bullet windows appeared at the same time.

[Goliath Groden, Special Mobile Defense Force of Casting Light City]

"Everyone retreat, leave this to me."

The head armor of the exoskeleton retreated silently, revealing a beautiful and serious female face. The gorgeous red hair was tied into a bun, and she looked very capable.

"This mercenary has a second-ring psychic. If you want to succeed in taking him down, the casualties will be great. Don't lose your life in such a place." She repeated: "Everyone retreat. From now on, I will officially take over all the operational authority here."

She slowly cast her eyes not far away.

A total of four "light swords" were rotating around her body, ready to burst out at any time and tear apart all enemies - the special weapons from [Fubo Energy] and her own psychic skills allowed her to suppress the whole scene alone.

This is the confidence in her heart, and it is also an objective fact.

The man was silent and tightened his front line.

Seven breaths later.

He once again used a lightsaber to penetrate all defenses, forcing the man into a desperate situation - and immediately afterwards, from the top of the other three lightsabers that were hovering, scorching beams suddenly lit up and shot out, piercing the latter's lower abdomen, left arm and right leg.

The winner has been decided.

"——Operation is over."

While Gloria raised her hand to recall the lightsaber, she turned on the headset: "The suspect has been suppressed. Please take him in as soon as possible and transfer him to the court for appeal and judgment."

After confirming these, she turned and left. The vector engine group on the back of the exoskeleton began to spit out blue flames and was about to rise into the sky again.


The man half-kneeling on the ground vomited blood. The opponent was merciless. The only restriction was "not to kill directly."

Even though they were both second-ring psychics, he quickly fell into a slump in the short fight, and had almost no power to fight back, and was defeated.

"You are. Gloria Groden."

Looking at the dazzling red hair, he panted and barely stood up.

Hearing this, Gloria stopped the action of rising into the air, turned her head, and looked down at him quietly.

"I've heard of your name."

The man grinned: "You are 'Justice Groden', your brother is 'Rebellious Groden', your reputation is not small. You are both good people, one of the few consciences in Groden."

"Hehe." He whispered, showing a mocking sneer: "Good people? A bitch, a bastard. Groden's conscience?"

"-First of all, [Eshua Groden] is not my biological brother, he is just my cousin."

Goliath stared at him: "Secondly, I know what you want to say."

"You want to tell me that everything here is caused by us, right?"

The frosty wind whistled.

Just a moment later, the steam that rose up due to the melting of the crossfire solidified again, turned into turbid dust and sank. The gloomy sky, as always, indifferently sprinkled the heavy snow and drifted into the broken streets below.

It also gradually covered the broken limbs and broken prosthetic parts on the ground with a layer of red frost.

She shook her head and said calmly: "--This is caused by you."

"You were hired to kill a regional manager of the Energy Supply Bureau. After your whereabouts were exposed, you retreated here in a firefight, causing at least 100 injuries and 15 deaths."

"You despise life and ignore the law, but you have no intention of repenting." Gloria paused: "It's really disgusting."


As if he heard something humorous, the man's shoulders suddenly began to shake. After a long time, he stopped and sneered: "Where is your mother?"

"You bastards have covered the sun. How many people are frozen to death here every year? Guess how many people are frozen to death here every year?"

The man sneered: "Of course I'm not a good thing, but it's not your turn to teach me a lesson with a mouthful of "morality"! How to squeeze more money out of people before killing them, you are the real experts!"

Gloria frowned slightly, but seemed to understand something and slowly relaxed.

She said, "You are still wrong."

". Covered the sun?"

"What a frivolous statement, without basic morality, and without awe of things you don't understand, you take it for granted and talk big, making short-sighted and ignorant remarks. You are worse than I thought."

"Fubo Energy spent a total of eleven years to build the [Macro-state Light Energy Matrix], and invested trillions of credit points and a huge amount of resources. Countless people have worked hard and worked hard for this."

"——This is an equal exchange."

"The bread on the supermarket shelves is produced from wheat, and wheat also grows in nature. Can bread be picked up without paying?"

"Paying costs in exchange for profits is the undisputed operating logic of society. If this is ignored and so-called cheap 'goodwill' is given, it will lead to real consequences."

“If bread is distributed for free, no one will want to buy the bread on the shelves. Without sustained profits, bread-making workshops are destined to close down - and by that time, where will people eat bread? "

"We have indeed collected the 'sunshine', but it has never been piled up in the warehouse and unwilling to be released. We have complete supporting energy supply facilities, excellent full-process services, and targeted supply for all walks of life. The Rokal Plain is large enough, and there are many jobs. It’s enough. As long as you put in the effort, how can you end up freezing to death?”

"They are lazy people who do not want to work, but only place their hopes on the free charity of others. I will still feel sad about their death. After all, this is a life, but it can only go so far. My power is limited. , we must fight for the remaining people who are trying to survive.”

"The so-called kindness in the moment will only bring evil in the long run." Gloria said lightly: "Only systems, rules and morality can bring real prosperity. In recent years, it is precisely because of the entry of Fubo Energy , Zhuguang City became the comprehensive metropolis it is today.”

"But people like you won't understand, nor are you willing to understand - you and your accomplices will only wield weapons at others for your own selfish desires."

Gloria gave the man one last contemptuous look, and then never looked at him again.

Without hesitation, she turned around and rose into the sky.

Two in one, make up for your last leave.

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