After the door of the hotel suite opened, Ye Cunxin walked in with a document.

Yang Mi would be wearing pajamas and looking down at her phone. After opening the door, she hurried back and looked like she didn't want to be disturbed.

"Sister? What are you looking at?"

"Husband's game, yeah!! Killed another one, Ness!"

Seeing Yang Mi's happy appearance, Ye Cun put the script on the table directly:

"Then I'll put it on the table, take a look. I'll go first."

"Well, good night, good night, Xiao Ye bye."

Yang Mi didn't lift her head, her eyes still fixed on the phone screen. At this moment, a message popped up in WeChat:

"Sister, are you there?"


Yang Mi looked at the news, and after checking the time, she put Liu Han's game aside for the time being with some doubts, and clicked on WeChat:

"Suwan, what's the matter? Why are you looking for me? Are you busy over there?"

"It's noon here, sister, just finished the rehearsal this morning."

"Oh, I'm watching my husband's game, what's the matter with you?"

"That...sister, I want to talk to you about something."

Seeing Yi Suwan's vague words, Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"You said. What's wrong????"

"This seems like I've had a good time."

Seeing this news, Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and then she seemed to think of something, and her eyebrows wrinkled directly:

"What date did you come last month?"


"How do you feel now?"

"No, there is no feeling of falling at all, and it is not bloated, just like a normal person."

After Yisuwan, who was far away in Milan, sent this message, she seemed a little scared and uneasy, but at the same time, she hurriedly sat down on a chair with a coffee cup, and then waved to the staff not far away and shouted:

"Go get me a pair of flats."

The staff came from Bangguo, and after seeing their boss speak, they quickly asked:

"President, what you are wearing...isn't suitable for flat shoes?"

Saying that, he took a look at the figure that made him, who was also a woman, feel jealous. But Yi Suwan shook her head:

"Go get it now. Let the soles be softer!"


The staff trotted to find flat shoes for the boss, and Yang Mi's message came back:

"When will you be done?"

"It's fine tonight. After the press conference is over, I can leave. Someone else will do the finishing touches."

"...Don't go back to Bangguo, I don't trust the hospital over there. Just go home and I'll take you to the hospital... Forget it, don't book a ticket, I'll find someone to pick you up."

Just after Yang Mi's message was sent, Yi Suwan's mood was calmer, but her phone vibrated again.

"Take care of yourself, don't worry, go check it out and you'll know everything. It's a family, you should understand what I mean. You must be very careful, understand? I'll send someone to pick you up, you wait for my call, Keep it open all the time!"

Seeing the last message, Yi Suwan smiled unconsciously.

She smiled happily, and then placed her hand on her stomach softly, her eyes full of anticipation.


"Open your mouth."


"I'll feed you a big dick!"

"Are you sick, give me apple cores?"

In the villa, Wang Shichong and Sydney were sitting together, and the SLI PUBG game was being broadcast live on the TV.

When he saw Liu Han kill a player again, he said to Sydney:

"Nine heads! A watch! Don't let your debts go!"

Sydney rolled her eyes:

"Yes, yes, it's not bad! Look at your stingy Bala, isn't there another head? Maybe Liu Han will be shot to death in the next second, look at how much he is~"

"Cut, is that adding a bet?"

"Okay, who's afraid of who!"

"Then add..."

"Ding ding ding..."

Before Wang Shichong could finish speaking, the phone rang.

The principal picked it up and took a look, and said to Sydney:

"It's Miss Honey."

After talking, the phone is connected:

"Hey, Sister Mi, have you watched the game yet? Your man has turned on the God-killing mode again. I told you... um, what did you say... What?! Really? Don't lie to me!... Um, Got it, it's alright, it's easy to say. The old man has been in the magic capital recently, and he doesn't need a plane... um, okay, I'll make arrangements by calling now. Mmmm."

"What's wrong?"

Seeing her boyfriend hung up the phone, Sydney asked with some doubts.

Wang Shichong held back for a long time... As soon as the TV turned off, he took his mobile phone and pulled his girlfriend's hand to go to the second floor.

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