



"...don't stick out your tongue."

"...Go to bed?"

"You think too much!"


The conversation between the two was quick, and after Pang Di understood Liu Han's definition of "not excessive", although she had some regrets in her eyes, she was very smart and naturally understood what Xu Xutuzhi was. Because it seems that other people are like this, after all, the brother-in-law's refusal does not mean that there is no bottom line.

However, since you can kiss, it doesn't matter if you stick your tongue out.

Moreover, the kisses have been kissed, is it still far from the next step? It's just a matter of time.

The little girl who had already planned the path for the future suddenly laughed, and then the whole person straddled Liu Han.

Her long hair was loose, and strands fell to Liu Han's face, with a very fragrant smell. And when her hand was placed on Liu Han's face unconsciously, the woman's whole body trembled first, and then fell softly into the man's arms:

"Brother-in-law, let's hug for a while..."


Hearing Liu Han's reply, Fat Di smiled unconsciously in his arms.


Within an hour, when Fat Di was about to gnaw on Liu Han, the other party carried her directly to the bedroom. Then Fat Di, who was so surprised a second ago, was dumbfounded the next second.

Liu Han stuffed her into the quilt, and after fixing it, he directly kissed her forehead and said:

"Okay, it's not good to be too greedy. That's it for today. I'll go back first. Xiao Nuomi is still at home, and Yi Suwan is there, so I'm not worried."


"Shh~ Okay, call me if you have something. I'll go back first~"

Seeing what Fat Di had to say, Liu Han made a gesture of silence, then stroked the girl's eyebrows, then turned his head and walked out of the bedroom.


When the security door heard the sound of closing, Fat Di came back to his senses.

There was a little regret in her eyes at this moment, but more of a relieved joy.

Finally got a result...

She thought about it, then turned around, and suddenly felt a coolness underneath... This situation made her face blushed directly to half the sky, and after spit on herself, she didn't move, but silently moved her hand down go.


Soon, a humming sound came from the house.



The cool evening breeze dissipated Liu Han's a little irritable mood, and after he drove the car out of the community, he directly dialed Yang Mi's number, and when Sister Yu was connected, he wanted to say something. , but in the end it turned into a greeting:

"Are you done? Are you tired?"


"Dear, are you back?"

As soon as Liu Han entered the house, he heard Tuesday saying hello to him. When he saw it, he saw that the little girl was sitting on the sofa. It looked like she had just come back. She was still wearing a wide sweater and jeans, and her little feet with boat socks were dangling like a bait. Teasing the little glutinous rice next to her, she watched "Mother Erhe" twisting the white socks into various shapes.

"Well, did you just come back?"

"Yeah, so tired! Ai Lan and I changed the lyrics a little bit today, and then added some elements into it, and made it for a day. Alas, alas~ I can't bite, I can't bite, my girl, this is a foot~~"

The fish is very cunning, and when Erhu slips away, the little glutinous rice will just bite into her very flexible toes.

Liu Han, who was a little irritable at first, instantly relaxed a lot after seeing this scene. He first walked behind his daughter, watched Er He hug Xiao Nuomi in his arms again, and then squatted down directly:

"Dad hug?"


As soon as Liu Han stretched out his hand, Xiao Nuomi couldn't stay in Erhe's arms completely, and kept running towards his father. On Tuesday, he scolded a little unconscionable, and then handed his daughter to Liu Han.

"Ouch, my little baby~~ Let Daddy kiss first~~"

Xiao Nuomi grabbed his father's chin with ease, and Liu Han kept rubbing his daughter with his stubble. The interaction between the two was very happy.

"Where's Yi Suwan?"

Er He, who has become a lying position, pointed to the upstairs after hearing this:

"Packing your clothes. Honey, are you sure you won't take me with you when you go to Bangguo?"

"...Don't take it, you are so busy here. We'll be done in a day or two, and we'll be back soon."

Liu Han shook his head, making Tuesday He pouted a little unhappily.

My daughter-in-law and grandfather passed away, so I asked for leave.

People left this morning, especially suddenly, I may have less or no more changes in the past two days, please understand.

Chapter 1257 Little Complaint

"Okay, stop pouting. I'll definitely take you with me when you're not busy, okay? You still have to record songs, and then it's May Day, and the album will be released, right? Your first release is not in New York. Is it?"

Liu Han knew very well how busy this girl was.

In other words, among all the people he knew, regardless of men or women, Er He's busyness was top-notch.

Because her popularity is actually very high, not long after she released an album with EMINEM last year, she was invited to the New Year's Eve Times Square performance in New York.

It should have been a very happy thing for a Chinese to receive an invitation for the first time. It's a pity that the two fools are more willful. As soon as I heard that Santa Claus wanted to go on a trip, he immediately pushed it. In the end, Eminem was too lazy to go, and they also wanted to accompany their daughter Hailey during Christmas and New Year's Eve.

And this time as long as the quality of this "Speed ​​7" is no problem, then according to the concept of Paul Walker's "The Leftovers", it will be released at the same time as the movie, and as the ending song "SEE, U, AGAIN" fire is also inevitable.

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