PUBG Online Romance of the Century

Chapter 110: Left 桢 x Lu Xiuhe

Lu Xiu and Hun took the machine horribly. After being stirred up, there was a thin layer of sweat on his back. Seeing that the tail of the car was invisible, he looked back.

The sign of the lantern is Zuo Yan's signature. No wonder he just wrote it for so long. It turned out that there was a sentence on the signature.

Thank you for your love. ——Zuo Yan.

Because of this lantern, the little girls were boiling. When Lu Xiuhe returned to God, he saw the girl who had originally given the lantern to him, standing in front of him, looking forward.

Lu Xiuhe responded, and quickly gave her the lamp card: "This ... lamp card, thank you."

"Ah." The girl froze and asked in shock, "Do you want to give me?"

Lu Xiuhe said: "It was originally yours."

"I thought ..." The girl hurried over and moved, "Lu Lu! Thank you!"

"It's okay." Lu Xiu and waved.

After sending Aidou to the car, the event was over. He just got ready to say a few fans, and he wanted to buy the autograph pen left with him, and it started at 10,000.

Looking at these junior and senior high school little sisters, Lu Xiuhe couldn't help feeling that the current child is really rich, and his parents in the junior high school gave 50 yuan a day to make a fortune.

For ten thousand yuan, he could buy those sneakers that he had seen for weeks.

Anyway, he is not a true fan. To him, it is basically equal to the windfall.

Lu Xiuhe thought about how to spend the 10,000 yuan hundreds of times in his heart, but the exit was: "Sorry, this ... I don't sell."

Since being the organizer, naturally it was necessary to send the fans safely to the car. After the last fan got in, Lu Xiuhe just stopped the taxi home.

The window was open and the wind blew his hair around. Lu Xiuhe sat there for a long time and finally couldn't help but pulled out the pen in his pocket.

It is a simple black signature pen. If there is anything special about it, it may be that it stayed in the left pocket for a while.

This appreciation has become a signature pen starting 10,000.

No, did he just faint? Why didn't 10,000 sell? ?

Lu Xiuhe said that it must have been frightened by Zuo You's saucy operation, not for any other mess.

If he were given another chance, he would--

The phone rang.

[Lu Lu, do you sell that signature pen twenty thousand yuan? I've been chasing for years, I really want this pen very, very much! Begging begging you qqaqq, I will remember you forever! 】


He must ...

[Zuo Jiajun_Uncle Lu: Sorry, do n’t sell, yes, sorry, qqqaqqq]

After sending this sentence, Lu Xiuhe expressionlessly put the signature pen back in his pocket, and quickly deleted his os from memory.

After closing the dialog box, he only found out that he had been blasted by the backup group Aite. The thing left by Zuo to sign him alone had been spread in the fan circle in just ten minutes. excitement.

[Lu Lu, what's the smell on my body? !! Could you send an empty bottle with some smell and send it to me? 】

[Lu Lu, can you touch that pen? ? 】

[Lu Lu, what's it like shaking hands with You? What's his temperature? 】

With that said, Lu Xiuhe really remembered something else.

Zuo Xun's palms were very hot, much hotter than hiss, and he didn't know if it was his illusion.

[No smell, you can touch it, come to my house to find me? I don't know the temperature, I'm hot anyway. 】

Because it is in the group, Lu Xiuhe has no worries about speaking. When someone opens his mouth to buy from him, he talks about his feelings for Zuo Zhe as if there is nothing in the sky. He says he wants to sleep with a pen tonight, and The pen was handed to his grandson for safekeeping. Anyway, as much exaggeration as there is exaggeration.

He said that the rejected girls would not feel much jealous and envious. This kind of thing that can cause a lot of controversy in other fan circles, when Lu Xiu and this, he was turned into a word It's beautiful.

So in the afternoon, when Lu Xiuhe brushed up on hot topics about himself on Weibo, he did not respond.

# 死忠 男 粉 喜 提 左 桢 工作室 笔 #.

He was too lazy to read the large string of Weibo texts, but there was also a picture on the Weibo, which was exactly what Zuo Yan was holding his left hand and was signing his signature.

And below Weibo, there is a group of sisters in the group who like to grab the front row and rush up-

[Congratulations Lulu Xiti's autograph pen! 】

[I didn't expect that one day I would be happy because someone got my signature pen for Idou. Maybe I really love Lu Lu. 】

[Let's show you what is a deadly loyal male fan [picture]]

Lu Xiu opened the picture and almost did not faint.

This group of people actually gave his chat record to po!

He blew the rainbow fart for half an hour, and he was literally put on a picture. He also posted a comment on Weibo! !!

Although Mosaic notes were given to him, his head of the sand sculpture emoticon is still hanging on it. If Zuo Xuan saw this picture, Bacheng would recognize him.

How is this different from public execution? !!

Lu Xiuhe suddenly felt some myocardial infarction.

He opened qq and was about to ask which little sister po went to the chat history, and found that the group was already discussing the next time they should help.

Just tonight, pz will host a small meetup in a small gym.

Because this is a temporary event, on-site tickets are not sold through normal channels. In addition to work in the group, the fans have to communicate with the pz management, and finally got a small number of tickets.

The meeting is not the same as the pick-up. The time spent with Aidou alone is much worse, not to mention that the meeting will be at night, and the big guys are off work, so the number of applicants this time is directly burst. Da Fan is said to have been private Can't talk back.

Lu Xiu and the typing action, thinking about it, still do not distort everyone's topic. He was about to turn off qq, and saw that the chat interface suddenly stopped.

[Zuo Jiajun_ always uses all mutes. 】

[Sorry everyone, the reason I didn't reply was because of an emergency. Let me explain to you now. 】

[Tonight's event, I wo n’t be here for some reason. I know everyone cares about the reason, but the mouth on the management side is tight and I do n’t ask anything. There are still tickets, if you are interested, you can chat to me to get them. 】

Will not attend?

Everyone has arrived in Manyang. Why didn't I suddenly attend the event?

Not only was Lu Xiuhe confused, other fans also frowned on the news.

[Too sudden, right? !! This doesn't say the reason, do you want to die for us? 】

[Peerless is a garbage company, every day pit me! 】

[I want to ask, who is c tonight if He is not here? 80% is Lin Jia, right? Is this intentional by the company? Seeing that I'm going to be solo soon, quickly lift Lin Jia to the top? 】

Lu Xiuhe just held the mobile phone and watched it for an afternoon. Everyone talked about it. For a long time, they couldn't discuss anything. Zuo Zhe and the peerless company's Weibo did not move, as if nothing happened. No, Ren Fan did not get any response when he asked below the comment.

"Don't eat well, what's the matter of holding a mobile phone?" Father Lu couldn't help but criticized him.

Lu Xiuhe had to put down his phone.

"Go out with me tonight, and we'll go to your uncle's house." Lu Lu said, "Your nephew has taken a good college exam, and is discussing over there. He will give him a college wine and tell me to go out idea."

Lu Xiuhe said: "I can't go. I'm going to find Xiaoyan tonight. Something happened to him. I'll accompany him."

"What happened?"

"Some things are broken, anyway, I'm going to accompany him to talk, so that he is not in a bad mood."

"Let's do it." Father Lu didn't force it.

Who knows that at night, a message exploded in the left fan base.

[I got inside information! !! I seem to be attacked by illegitimate rice! Just an hour before the announcement this afternoon! Because of the internal staff involved in the fans and leaked members, the company is not easy to explain! !! 】

The illegitimate meal can be said to be a roundworm of the pink circle, which refers to the fans who invade the celebrity's private life. The behavior is very extreme. In order to satisfy their idol likes, they track, sneak shots and even harass the idols.

Many celebrities have been attacked by illegitimate meals. Some of them are of a bad nature, causing fans to feel disgusted, nervous, and scared when they hear the word illegitimate.

[Fuck, this group of illegitimate meals is Chinese New Year biss! !! Is n’t that hurt? 】

[Oh my god, if it's just a candid photo to follow the car, shouldn't the trip be suspended directly? I heard before that an illegitimate meal broke into Aidou's house to sneak shots! !! 】

[This is pretty good. I heard that there are illegitimate fans who kiss and fumble, because they were afraid of affecting the idol's reputation, and they were sealed by the company. 】

Lu Xiuhe could see a heart rushing up and down, his heart couldn't stop beating.

Zuo You, a big man like this, shouldn't be kissed or touched ... or something?

But if it's all right, why don't you even go to the event?

And many illegitimate meals are in groups of three or two. One person may be able to resist resistance. What if there are too many people?

Lu Xiuhe wondered while searching for the dirty stories of illegitimate meals on his mobile phone. The more he saw the more infiltrating, until he saw the news that a star was suffering from a mental illness due to unbearable harassment, and he was finally disappointed. Living.

He turned out the phone number that he had dialed the other night, and his heart was full, and he called.

There was a long beep on that end, and when Lu Xiuhe thought that the call could not be reached, he heard a gurgling sound and connected.

It was very quiet there, and there was no sound.

Lu Xiuhe had thought of several excuses, such as making the wrong call, accidentally pressing the wrong one, etc., but once the call was made, he just asked: "Hey, Zuo? Are you all right?"

Zuo Yan was silent for a while, as if confirming something.

After a long time, he said, "There is something."

His voice was very deep, and it was a very standard subwoofer. It was even more scary at the moment. There was still a lot of husky in his voice, which sounded like crying.

Lu Xiuhe already made up in his head for Zuo Zhe ’s captivity. When he heard this voice, he was anxious and blurted out: "Do n’t you cry, is n’t it just being touched by a kiss, it wo n’t take off Skinny! Doesn't the company care? Otherwise, let's call the police! "

Zuo Ling was lying in bed with a splitting headache, too lazy to think about what he was talking about.

"You don't care about me," he said, "how can the company manage me."

I'm not the owner of your company. I don't care what you do with the company? !!

Lu Xiuhe felt inexplicable, but also afraid to say that it would hurt Zuo's heart. He said, "I care about you, oh, how do I care about you ..."

He scratched his head, really didn't know how to go down, and just wanted to ask Zuo Zhe if he needed to call the police, he heard a beep and hung up the phone.

Damn, is this guy hooked on his phone? !!

Lu Xiuhe was anxious at first, but now he was a little bit upset, and just about to call back, the mobile phone slammed aloud, and a text message appeared on the screen.

[138xxxxxxxx: Mansion Zisheng Hotel, Room 2101. 】


What does this mean.

Can't go, he has made an appointment with Xiaoyan, not to mention what is the situation, he came to the door so hastily, wasn't it a hassle to be photographed.

Besides, his relationship with Zuo You did not reach this level at all.

Twenty minutes later, Lu Xiuhe calmly rang the doorbell of Room 2101.

After pressing several times, I heard a heavy footstep inside.

As soon as Zuo Zhe opened the door, Lu Xiuhe aggressively planned to go inside. Zuo Yan raised an eyebrow and took the lead to block the gap in the door, covering his way.

Lu Xiuhe looked up and asked, "Is that person still in there?"

Zuo Yan frowned, seeing his situation, half a while before asking: "... how, come to arrest?"

"Catch ... what the hell?" Lu Xiuhe stunned quickly, "I mean illegitimate food!"

Zuo Zhe only reflected for a moment and then came over.

Only then did Lu Xiuhe see that the other's cheeks were a little red, and his lips were still tight. He didn't talk for a long time.

"You get away." Lu Xiuhe came back to God, his words flashing, "You are a star, it's not easy to do it, I can, I can help you stab them, you may not see it, my junior high school fight thief is awful No one dares to mess with me for ten miles ... "

"Wait." Zuo Yan said.

He remembered the Weibo that he saw this afternoon, his eyes narrowed, and he put his gaze at Lu Xiuhe's pocket, and suddenly asked him, "Which autograph pen is not with you?"

Lu Xiu hesitated: "When is it all, and what pen?"

"Are you there?" Zuo Xun asked, his face flushed, and he couldn't help but cough twice.

"..." Lu Xiuhe noticed that he wasn't right, and asked him, "What's the matter, is the pass still impossible?"

"It's a pass." Zuo Yuan stared at him, seemingly affected by the temperature of the recipient, his eyes were glowing.

"If you sell it, don't come in."

The author has something to say: Happy New Year's Eve. 2k novel reading network

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