PUBG Online Romance of the Century

Chapter 112: Left 桢 x Lu Xiuhe

Lu Xiuhe returned home, took a bath, ignored Lu's cry, and turned into the room.

He lay on the bed, and the whole man was trapped in the bedding.

"All said, buy such a soft mattress, sooner or later to sleep badly ..." He said to himself for a long while, and gradually disappeared.

He picked up his mobile phone and saw that the news of the support society had been 99+. It was estimated that it would take a long time to turn the page.

He blocked the group. The reason why he was prompted was because someone was in the group.

[Lu Lu, why don't you talk? 】

[Why haven't you tweeted? Otherwise, let Lulu inquire? Isn't he just in Manyang? 】

[Officials don't give news, how can you let you inquire at will. 】

Lu Xiuhe opened the keyboard, just typed two words, and stopped.

He has been removed from the fandom, and what is still jumping around here.

It was still removed by the lord, and it is estimated that it was the first time in the entertainment industry for thousands of years. It is said that there are more cards out.

He thought about it, but there was no gleam of joy on his face, and Zuo Zhe's words floated in his mind, lingering.

Just closed the group, and immediately came out with new news.

[Da Fan: Lu Lu, are you there? 】

The news of others can be pretended not to see it, but Da Fan generally talks about him late at night in private, and he hesitates or returns.

[Hey, what's wrong? 】

[Da Fan: There are so many of you in the group, why not bubbling. 】

[I just took a shower and didn't see it. 】

[Dafen: Oh, I just told you, the hand office was taken down. You gave me the address at home, and I will send it to you when things come down. 】

Lu Xiuhe even thought about where to put it. His room is a typical college boy's room, which is horrible and can be placed next to the computer.

He glanced at the computer subconsciously before he responded by tapping his phone.

[Well ... I don't want to, you see who likes to whom. 】

[Big Pink :? ? 】

[Da Fan: Are you drinking? drunk? 】

[... No, I'm at home. 】

Lu Xiu and Lazily typed slowly.

[Well, I took off the powder and will not follow you afterwards. 】

[Big Pink: ...]

[Da Fan: What's your situation? How long have you been powdering, and then it's off? Can you ask why? 】

The speed of reply is getting faster over there.

Although there are many fans in Zuo Yan, and the news of the fan base is also unreadable, there are really few male fans, and there are just a handful of interesting and capable male fans like Lu Xiuhe.

Because he was chatting with a stranger, he let go a lot and talked blindly, thinking what to say.

[Nothing, I did something sorry for me, I'm guilty, I don't deserve fanfare. 】

[Dafen: ... what, have you climbed the wall? Climbing the wall is actually nothing. Normal, you just have to take care of yourself. There is no need to take off the powder. 】

[Hey so good, no one deserves my climb. 】

[Big Pink :? Then why did you suddenly remove the powder? I'm going to be solo soon. Have you watched his "Jiang Shan"? Although it is a supporting role, the acting is really bursting, and it is incomparable with ordinary traffic, and he can't be wrong ...]

[Of course I've seen it, that classic line thief is exciting! 】

[Large fan: Right, right, otherwise you think about it, don't take off the powder. 】

Lu Xiuhe said, that was not what I wanted to get rid of.

I want to be a fan of him.

But I regard him as an idol, but he **** wants to sleep with me!

It's too difficult to chase the stars.

[I'm really off, I have a certificate to take the exam in a month, and there are a lot of things waiting, but I can't get too busy. I still like it, it's because the fan group support will be retired. Sorry. 】

Da Fan persuaded for a long time, but in the end he couldn't persuade him, so he had to do nothing. In the end, he was allowed to study hard for the examination.

Lu Xiuhe connected the phone to the charging cable, pulled the quilt directly above his head, and closed his eyes for a while.

For a moment, he was suddenly lifted and picked up his mobile phone.

[... Well, you can still send it to me, I think about it, I'm still not willing. 】


After the meeting, pz will return to Jincheng the next day.

"Brother, don't you come back with us?" Xu Min sat next to Zuo Xun, cross-legged, and asked while playing with his mobile phone.

He is the oldest member of the team. His family background is not small. Being an idol is of pure interest. This group is the most peaceful in this fight group, so he is also the one with the best relationship with Zuo You in the group.

"No," Zuo Yan took the medicine, and said, "I took annual leave for three days."

Xu Min put down his mobile phone: "Isn't the event that two days later made Lin Jia stand again? That was a big event."

Zuo Yan shrugged and did not speak.

He always doesn't care about them, no matter where they stand, they all jump. They have a small team, and even if they are at the end, they can be seen.

"Brother, even if you want to take a few days off, you don't have to stay in Manyang." Xu Min blinked and asked, "Otherwise you go back with us, how many days do you go to my newly opened resort?"

"You don't have to test me," Zuozao said, "you know why I stay."

Xu Min leaned back on the sofa and snorted, "Don't you say that person doesn't like men?"


"Then why do you still like him?" Xu Min said, "Brother, I really want to persuade you. It's not easy for you to get to this step, but don't get too big because of small things, don't you think I'm talking badly ... he I do n’t like you, and naturally I wo n’t protect you. You like men. As long as a little bit of wind is heard, something will happen. Have you thought about it? ”

Why Zuo Yan never thought about it.

No one knew it better than he thought.

Xu Min continued: "Lin Jia is looking for you everywhere now, for such a person ... no need, brother, it is really unnecessary."

Zuo Yan stopped his movements and suddenly interrupted him: "Xu Min."

Xu Minyi: "Ah?"

"Your family is so rich, why do you want to be an idol?"

"Just ... interesting."

"Well," Zuo said, "this matter is of interest to you, but it is a job for me."

"The company knows your background, so it never forces you. But I'm different."

"In order to work, I worked as a trainee for two years and made my debut for three years. In these five years, my words, deeds, even hair styles were the company's master. They said that I have pink and bright eyes. Never got out of this color. "

When Xu Min heard a word, he always thought that Zuo Xun liked pink, so his hair color would not change for a hundred years.

"I left everything to work." Zuo Yan's tone was calm. "Only this last point is broken, I want to be my own."

"..." Although they had a good relationship, Xu Min never heard Zuo Zhe talking about it. Until the character on the phone was beheaded and killed by the enemy, Xu Min returned to God. "Brother, I was suddenly curious ... ... what do you like about that person, aren't you just netizens? "

After asking, he felt uncomfortable again and busyly said, "I just ask whatever ..."

"A lot." Zuo narrowed his eyes.

"He's cute, funny, and just. I like them all."


"Wow, this stuff is so **** interesting, right? You open Weibo and watch this blogger called" Entertainment Express "."

At night, a loud male voice broke the quietness of the bedroom.

"Why Weibo? The youngest, at night, the voice is lower. Is it the welfare car number?"

"Can you be full of yellow scraps in your head? It's left-handed news!"

"Who is left?"

"Just that pink hair!"

Lu Xiuhe held the mobile phone, stumbled to hear Zuo You's name, immediately took off the headset, and the whole person sat up: "What?"

"Why are you so active ..." The third old man froze.

"So what did the marketing account say to Zuo?"

He laughed twice, "He said he was wrapped up by a peerless boss for two years!"

Lu Xiu and Anger: "He shit!"

He was so full of anger that he scared the people in the bedroom.

"I rely on, Kazuko, what are you so excited about?"

"This dog / day marketing number is that the lawyer's letter is not enough to eat, so you are not afraid to walk on a quilt and a fat meal on one day." Then, "I do n’t treat stars as people every day, I write this and I write it, sooner or later, the **** will be punished!"

The third old man said: "I think, dare to say so detailed, it won't be groundless, it must be a bit of a shadow, you see below, even pictures."

"Just two people walking side by side are also called photos?" Lu Xiu said, "I walked with you together, did I support you?"

Lao Sanyi said: "Fuck, what the **** is this, we are not gay! Look at this Zuo You, it looks like homosexuality, the entertainment industry is chaotic, and being nurtured is not unusual ... And you see this The resources listed in the marketing number are indeed better than others. "

Lu Xiuhe said coldly: "Whether he's **** or not, you can't blame him for being raised."

"Why are you filling such indignation, I'm just telling the truth." The third man looked at the negative / comment below Weibo and felt that each of them made sense, "I heard that he has injuries all year round, which is what the peerless boss has to do So hi, these days of rest are also ... I have been tossed out of trouble. So I look down on this kind of person most, what a man with a hand and a foot is not good, run to sell ... "

The third child just finished talking and suddenly felt that the bed was shaking.

Before he could react, he saw the people on the bunk burst into bed.

He froze: "Hezi, why, go to the toilet ..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt his collar lifted.


A fist fell to the side of the third man's face, and he was sober.

The people in the whole bedroom didn't respond, and Lu Xiu was so angry that he leaped into his teeth, and his teeth were gritted: "Do you **** know him? You don't know him, why do you vilify him so behind?"

"I grass your mother!" The third man immediately counterattacked, waving his hand afterwards, "Do you know him? Do you know he hasn't done these things? Are you sick to beat a star?"

Lu Xiu and yelled, "I **** just knew him! I just knew he hadn't done these things !!"

A few others saw him, and Drowsy ran out immediately, and got up to stop.

The farce is over, it is already two o'clock in the night.

Because it was Lu Xiuhe's hands, he later admitted it when she asked, so he was picked up by his father from the school at two in the morning.

"Okay, why did you fight with someone ..." Father Lu looked through his rearview mirror and just wanted to educate his son. He saw a flush of blue and red on his face, a frustrated expression, and couldn't even say what he wanted to scold.

Lu Xiuhe stared at the mobile phone, trembling terribly.

This marketing account is a Weibo post in the middle of the night. Peerless public relations are estimated to have not been to work. Weibo has not been deleted until now, and there have been 4,000 reposts. There are even a bunch of trumpet below. Zuo Xun, also posted a portal below Zuo Xun's latest Weibo, was afraid that Xun could not reach him.

The backup group is also noisy.

[This marketing number is too arbitrary? After so many lawyers' letters, how dare you do that? ? 】

[It's okay, there aren't many people in the middle of the night. 】

[It's over ... I just checked it with the query app, and now I'm watching Weibo. 】

It's so late. If it's a company account, that Weibo will definitely be closed by the public.

... 80% are on the left.

Zuo Zhe is uncomfortable these days, and when he sees this kind of thing, he must feel uncomfortable.

Lu Xiuhe held his cell phone and was fighting in heaven.

If left unattended, will he still be burned, and his brain will have trouble if he burns for a long time?

Otherwise ... he sent a message to ask?

Even if Zuo Zheng only returned him with a period, he would feel at ease when he looked at that period.

The pain in the corner of the mouth was aching, and Lu Xiu hissed, and opened WeChat with a pinch.

"It's a blackspot rhythm on Weibo. Fans will trust you. Don't worry."

After Lu Xiuhe typed this word, he stared at it for a long time and deleted it.

"Are you on Weibo?"

Delete it.

"Are you better?"

Delete it.

"Zuo You, are you okay?"

that's it!

Lu Xiuhe gritted his teeth, clicked on the send, and the moment his message was transmitted, his heart beat extremely fast.

But immediately, the little excitement he was looking forward to was immediately annihilated, leaving no smoke left.

[Z turned on friend verification, you are not his or her friend yet. 】

Lu Xiu hesitated and stared at the mobile phone for most of the time, but couldn't react.

He ... was hacked?

He took a deep breath and quickly opened qq, trying to find Zuo's friend.


No recent contacts, no friends list, not even the search list.

Even qq has been deleted?

Lu Xiuhe seemed to have been punched hard, and then pushed under the cliff. He held his mobile phone, and for a long time he couldn't recover.

What about their chat history in the past few months?

... is gone? All gone?

He had suffered several punches when he was fighting with his third child just now, and now the pain finally came up, irritating his brain.

At this moment, he really understood that Zuo Xun was determined to completely disappear from his life.

Do not blame what Zuo You did, he gave up first.

very good.

Lu Xiuhe locked the screen of his mobile phone, clutched it tightly in his hand, and looked at the passing lights outside the window, and suddenly felt totally powerless.

He felt like he was transformed into a yellow lotus essence, and the bitterness could be spread outside Sanli.

It shouldn't be.

It was because he didn't want to have anything else to do with Zuo Xun. Zuo Xun decided to give up. He should be happy, and then relieved.

... how shouldn't it be like this.

After driving for most of the meeting, Father Lu stopped talking for a long time and finally stopped in front of the red light. Then he turned back and said, "Your face hurts ... Doesn't it hurt? What's wrong with you?"

I saw Lu Xiu and Zheng bowing their bodies, burying their faces in their palms.

He shook his head: "It's okay, I just ... a little hurt."

Father Lu was anxious: "Oh, whoever asks you to provoke others, it's deserved to be beaten now."

"He scolded me," Lu Xiu said, "I can't bear it."

"That's really unbearable ..." Lu said halfway and paused. "Wait a minute, who is your subject? When is your subject? How old? Your classmate? How about someone? Why not bring it home? Look? "

"Can't take it back." Lu Xiuhe didn't cry. He just felt uncomfortable. After all, the man didn't cry easily. He sat up straight and "separated."

Lu Father stunned: "Why?"

To be honest, Lu Xiuhe said, "That person is so good, I'm not worth it."

Father Lu's expression was complicated, and he felt that the son had been beaten silly. He was silent for a while, and nodded: "Yes. You can't even win a stand, I think you are not worthy." 2k novel reading network

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