Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 222: each with a purpose

Skywind City.

The only super city in the Eastern District.

At this moment, in the corner of the splendid palace, a particularly depressing atmosphere enveloped the small study room.

Prince Lin Xuan respectfully stepped forward and handed out the decree of heaven's authority: "Father, the child has completed the task!"


A middle-aged man wearing a golden robe nodded slightly. The man's appearance was ordinary, but his eyebrows were not angry and arrogant, and his tone was low.

Without taking the decree of heavenly authority, he said lightly: "This token is temporarily handed over to Xuan'er for your safekeeping."

"Thank you, Father!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help himself.

Holding the decree of heaven's power in hand means that the sword **** Dongfang has to be loyal and obey him, its value can be imagined, and the behavior of the father emperor is of great significance in his opinion.

"Tell me."

Emperor Lin Shang's gaze turned to Dongfang Yixin behind Lin Xuan, and his tone slowed down: "Why do you have to help the Dark Swordsman in secret several times?"

"What could be the reason, don't you know?" Dongfang Yixin restrained his usual casual temperament, and his tone was calm.

"I know that you have a lot of dissatisfaction with me, but you must understand that as the emperor of a dynasty and the lord of a country, I can't help myself..."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Dongfang Yixin was too lazy to pay attention to it, and said bluntly: "You don't know what the Holy See of Light is doing?"

"These are naturally seen in my eyes, and I also feel disgusted, but there are innumerable relationships between forces, and one hair can move the whole body. Even if I am an emperor, I cannot easily do something to them."

"To put it bluntly, it's not that you are afraid that your own interests will be damaged." Dongfang Yixin frowned, "You want a painless cleansing, is it possible?"

A coldness flashed in Lin Shang's eyes, and his attitude gradually became impatient: "When did you become so concerned about the country and the people?"

"Let's not talk about state affairs, the sword pavilion has been in the ascendant until now, but it's all thanks to you!" Dongfang Yixin said indifferently, "You made me indifferent?"


Lin Shang was furious, slapped the table, and scolded, "Go down and reflect on yourself!"

"If it weren't for the poisonous oath of the past, I would have cut off your head long ago!"

Clenching his fists, Dongfang Yixin took a deep breath and turned to leave.


Lin Shang laughed in anger and didn't take it seriously: "Unfortunately, you can't do it in your life, and, let me tell you good news, I have decided to let Xuan'er marry you!"


In the next second, the sharp sword was unsheathed, and the sharp sword intent overflowed the entire study. Before a move was made, shocking sword marks appeared on the wall, and more and more.

"The emperor said, step back immediately, and don't destroy the palace!" Lin Xuan was shocked, and decisively took out the order of heaven's authority.

The strength of the Sword God is indeed tyrannical, but the power of the oath is enough to hold her down.

Dongfang Yixin was expressionless, his icy eyes swept across the father and son, and he had to withdraw his sword.

When Dongfang Yixin left the study, the atmosphere became quiet again.

"Father, calm down." Lin Xuan stepped forward and poured tea.

"Xuan'er, what do you think?" Lin Shang tapped his finger on the back of the chair and said solemnly, "Sword God has lived for tens of thousands of years, but his strength is only one step away from breaking through to the **** level, and his true lifespan cannot be predicted. , and her appearance can be called stunning, the reason why she doesn't show off her beauty is that she doesn't like to dress up on weekdays, so I don't feel wronged if you marry her."

Lin Xuan was pleasantly surprised: "Father, do you really want me to marry the Sword God?"

He thought that what the father said was just angry words.

The opponent's strength is the strongest sword **** in Jiange's history, and his appearance is good, which makes him full of desire to conquer, saying that he doesn't want to win, it must be false.

"Why, Xuan'er, you don't want to marry?" Lin Shang joked.

"Yes, yes!"

"very good!"

Lin Shang looked at the prince with a meaningful gaze, and a flat smile evoked the corners of his mouth: "That time... it will be after the competition..."

After eliminating the demonized porcupine, Jiang Han picked up the gold coins that exploded, and then found the next refresh point as soon as possible.

It is true that he can use his flying ability to overlook the whole situation from a high altitude, but the green forest is luxuriant, the vision is blocked too much, it is very troublesome to find, and the efficiency is not as good as the ground.


Brushing the demonized porcupine step by step, a breeze suddenly blew up around Jiang Han.

Turning his head to look, Ralph, dressed in blue, had come to him at some point.

"Are you really going to have a battle with the prince that can't involve outsiders?" Ralph frowned.

After thinking about it, he still felt that Jiang Han's behavior was a bit inappropriate.

"That's right."

"But why do I always feel that your kid has ghosts?" Ralph looked at Jiang Han suspiciously.

Taking the initiative to put yourself in danger is not quite like this kid's style.

"How could it be? I can guarantee with my own life that everything is for the purpose of saving the Sword God and fulfilling the wishes of Senior Dongfang!" Affected by unwarranted doubts, Jiang Han's words were impassioned, and his body burst out with a spirit of righteousness. "Sword God's strength is terrifying. If you can betray the light camp, it will be a great blessing for the dark camp. As a member of the dark camp, I, Yi Jiang Hanshui, will sacrifice my life for justice!"

At this moment, he had to admit that his true feelings were revealed.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Hearing this, Ralph sighed three times in a row, and almost burst into tears: "Your ideological awareness is very high, it is a blessing for the dark camp!"

Completely ignoring the fact that the other party may have selfish intentions, as soon as these words came out, to be honest, he cried to death!

"Then tell me, how are you going to let me and the prince fight without interference." Jiang Han asked curiously after expressing his uncontrollable true emotions.

"In three days, the Eastern District will hold a grand competition." Ralph explained, "The champion of the competition can express his request to the emperor of the Tianfeng Dynasty. As long as it is not excessive, the emperor will will satisfy your request."


These words were quite brief, so short that Jiang Han could easily know Ralph's plan.

"Are you... serious?" Jiang Han couldn't help laughing.

By making a request to the emperor, let yourself and the prince fight a battle that cannot be disturbed by outsiders?

Such behavior is tantamount to courting death!


Ralph nodded: "Don't worry, the request you made is recognized by the power of rules. Since the emperor can do it, he can't choose to refuse."

For example, asking the emperor to commit suicide, or asking the emperor to help him kill someone, will naturally not be recognized by the rules, but it is just a one-on-one battle with the prince. For the emperor, it belongs to the category of achievable.

"In a large audience, when I meet the emperor of the Tianfeng Dynasty, isn't it courting death?" Jiang Han expressed his concerns.

"I have a way to make it impossible for the emperor to see through your disguise in a short period of time. As for the safety issue, you can add a sentence to your request. No matter who wins or loses, neither side can prevent the other from leaving safely in the next few hours." Lei Elf added, and then hesitantly reminded, "Such a request may not be recognized by the rules, it's just..."

Having said that, he hesitated.

"It's just that this is the only chance to fight the prince, I have no other choice?" Jiang Han took over.



Jiang Han fell silent.

To be honest, it's not quite what he imagined, and...

"Is the date of the competition event the result of your secret manipulation, or was it originally planned to be held in three days?" Jiang Han asked.

"the latter."

Ralph told the truth: "I can only be responsible for disguising you as an aborigines so that you can get permission to sign up."

"That's really a coincidence!" Jiang Leng smiled, and immediately saw the truth, "This is a drama of inviting you to enter the urn and borrowing a knife to kill!"

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