Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 227: two ants

Qingfeng Town.

Outside the Tibetan Sword Pavilion.

"Why are you so rich?" Ralph wondered, "It's just that the chaebols on the side of the Tianfeng Dynasty took out all their belongings!"

banknote capacity?

But don't you **** have the ability to make money!

A full one million gold coins, it is simply rich!

Jiang Han replied with a smile: "I earned it with my own hands!"

In fact, just as he thought, the era when the Sword God made a poisonous oath must have been tens of thousands of years ago, and the gold coins of the past must be more "valuable" than the gold coins after the advent of adventurers.

One million in the past is absolutely unimaginable wealth, enough to make the guardians of the Dragon Domain excited.


Ralph's face turned dark, and it was difficult to ask questions, but ten thousand people didn't believe Jiang Han's words.

Seeing this, Jiang Han laughed.

So far, all the plots are going according to his plan.

Why must Ralph go to Changfeng to "give gifts" instead of the moonless east?

Because Ralph's position of the dark camp is more convincing, and he can "frankly" admit that his purpose is to consider the future of the dark camp, so he arranged in advance, so that Dongfang Wuyue, who may become the next generation of sword gods, will stay in the poison oath The next flaw.

Dongfang Wuyue can't do it, she represents Jiange, and Jiange belongs to the bright camp, which will inevitably make Chang Feng suspect that the bright camp is testing the dragon domain. After all, the trouble he needs to deal with is the emperor of the bright camp, so it is not easy to accept this gift. .

In addition, the forces of Longyu tend to favor the bright camp, and Changfeng's acceptance of the gold coins may mean that Longyu can no longer maintain a relatively neutral and ambiguous attitude.

At the same time, the atmosphere in Hidden Sword Pavilion was a little weird.

"For justice?"

Lin Shang's eyes twitched, and he was almost choked by the other party's words.

What did he do?

How can such a broad definition of justice be involved?

"Your Majesty, you don't have to push too hard..."

Chang Feng walked slowly into the Tibetan sword pavilion, his face was ruddy, and his face was full of spring breeze, as if there was something happy.

"As the guardian of the Dragon Domain, you want to intervene in the internal affairs of our Bright Camp?" Lin Shang's face sank, and his eyes swept across the Jiange people.

Thinking from his point of view, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, Jiange, please move Changfeng to speak for the East.

"It's not a meddling." Chang Feng shook his head and said indifferently, "Jiange throws his head and shed his blood, and made great achievements for the bright camp. Now that the war has faded away, if Your Majesty is pressing hard, it will be a little... chilling!"

The last two words are somewhat meaningful.

This is equivalent to saying that if Longyu joins the bright camp in the future, will he also face the same fate as Jiange.


Lin Shang's heart moved, he quickly waved his hand, and said with a loud laugh: "No, no, don't worry about this, Longyu, the reason why I have to fight hard is because Dongfang Yixin has a special status, not deliberately targeting Jiange."

Having said this, he added with a seriousness: "The disciples of Jiange have worked hard and made great contributions to open up the territory for my bright camp. I will never forget it. When the situation stabilizes, there will be many rewards!"

"That's good."

Chang Feng nodded happily: "At the moment, Dongfang Wuyue's daughter has made a poisonous oath, and there are a few omissions, which may not be a sign of His Majesty's magnanimity. Maybe one day, you will remember Dongfang's loyalty and loyalty, and give her freedom, but regret for forcing it today. too tight."


Sorry shit!

Lin Shang sneered at Chang Feng's remarks, but he still had a smile on his face: "Chang Feng, you are right, it's because I didn't think about it carefully, and that's it."

Although there are some loopholes in the oath, since Chang Feng said so, no matter how hard he pushes him, it does make Huilongyu a bit afraid, so he can only give up for the time being.

Chang Feng clasped his fists and said sincerely: "I will come to visit Jiange again in the future. I hope Your Majesty will not let me... let Wei Chen down."

In fact, he is reluctant to call himself a Weichen, such an attitude is too low, but for a million gold...

For the sake of justice, I still have to grieve myself.


Lin Shanglong was very happy, and patted Changfeng on the shoulder enthusiastically: "Don't worry, today's affairs are indeed a bit reckless, and of course I won't do things that will chill the hearts of my ministers again and again, Changfeng, you have to go to the fearless canyon again, right? I will help you to triumph."

Thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was okay to have a little loophole. As long as the Heavenly Power Order was kept well, the Dongfang family would not be able to escape from his palm.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty!"

"hold head high-"

The silver dragon fluttered and flew away with the guardian of the dragon domain.

Afterwards, Lin Shang left with a group of god-level powerhouses greeted by the Jiange forces.


Seeing Dongfang Wuyue walking towards him, Jiang Han asked about the situation.

"Even if everything goes as you wish, there is only one way to obtain the decree of heavenly power." Dongfang Wuyue still feels that the situation is not optimistic, "Are you sure you can win the decree of heavenly power from Lin Shang?"

"It depends on how fate is arranged." Jiang Han shook his head, then turned and left.

What he can do, he has done his best, and then he will see how the mirror of time-space distortion will change the future after returning to the future.

Ralph was surprised: "You just left?"

"if not?"

Jiang Han did not stop.

Now that the plot is over, the only thing he needs to do now is to die non-suicidal, but he can't let Ralph or Dongfang Wuyue do it, after all, it's really hard to explain the reason.

"Thank you little brother for your help, today's kindness will be repaid in the future!" Dongfang Wuyue bowed and clasped her fists, looking extremely grateful.

Better to have bugs than none at all, and…

She vaguely guessed the other party's origin.

"Wuyue, the matter has come to an end, now let's go to see the duel between Changfeng and Daniel?" Ralph suggested, "I heard that Daniel's strength has broken through to the **** level, this time Changfeng took the initiative to challenge!"

"it is good!"

Dongfang Wuyue agreed.

Dongfang Yixin's poisonous oath to Lin Shang was only known to the inside of the sword pavilion. Strictly speaking, it was only done in secret.

The decisive battle between Changfeng and Daniel was a major event that attracted the attention of countless powerhouses.


Jiang Han paused, turned his head sharply, and asked, "Where are they fighting?"

"Fearless Canyon, but your strength is too weak, you may die in the aftermath of the battle, so don't go to watch the battle." Ralph said casually.


In the gray sky, a thunder light suddenly slashed down, illuminating the world.

Rushing to the Fearless Canyon in a hurry, Jiang Han stood on the top of the mountain and overlooked the bottom. It could be seen that the canyon was dark and dead, and the fog filled the valley. Chang Feng and Daniel seemed to be fighting in the distance, making the dragon's roar faintly heard in his ears.

"hold head high-"

Suddenly, the dragon's roar became clearer and clearer in the distance, and a huge silver dragon with a body length of more than a kilometer rose into the sky, rolled up a turbulent airflow, and rushed towards the position below Jiang Han.

The man in the gray robe did not know when, appeared in the canyon below Jiang Han's location, kicked the silver dragon at will, and a perverse smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Even if the dragon **** kills himself, he will only perish here, long. Feng, you dare to challenge me, but are you ready to die?"


Chang Feng snorted coldly, pierced the fog with sword energy, slowly approached, and fell into a fierce battle with Daniel.

"It was fun..."

Silently watching the two of you come and go, making all sorts of familiar moves, Jiang Han couldn't help but mutter to himself.

It seems that the system has taken into account his behavior and has specially arranged for him...

A chic and quick way to die!

Should I say something to attract attention?

Seeing the two of you coming and going, Jiang Han actually ignored his terrifying existence. He couldn't help standing proudly on the top of the mountain with his arms crossed, pretending to look down, and sneered, "Hmph, two ants!"

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