Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 320: Mysterious blessing

After being smashed wildly in a row, the white-haired boy no longer has a presumptuous mentality. He put his hands on the ground at the moment of landing, and rotated himself out of control, quickly retreating, and temporarily avoiding the edge.

Turning to look at Jiang Han, who looked indifferent, his scarlet eyes carried a bit of solemnity: "I didn't expect your basic growth to be so domineering..."

As for the basic growth star, he thinks that he is alone in the world, and there are very few people who can stand by his side. As a result, it is rare to enter a peak trial today as a gatekeeper, and he has encountered such a terrible enemy.

"Where are you from?" Jiang Han did not choose to answer, but instead asked his doubts.

The other party's growth star is extremely high, and he should be famous all over the world, but he has never seen the other party in Tianheng Continent.

Faced with the inquiry, the white-haired boy seemed to have not heard of it, and said to himself, "You are qualified to let me show my true skills!"


In this peak strength, he felt unprecedented pressure!

Jiang Han: "…"

How could this child be so ill at such a young age?

That's it!

If he was lucky, he met Jiang Shenyi, who was hanging a pot to save the world.


Suddenly, wisps of red light appeared from the white-haired boy's body, and the blood in his body flowed rapidly, causing blue veins to burst all over his body, and a morbid blush appeared on his pale face.

Seeing this, Jiang Han frowned slightly.

In the peak trial, you should not be able to use skills!

But if it's not a skill, how can you explain the state of the white-haired boy at the moment?

"call out!"

In the next instant, the white-haired boy swept towards Jiang Han, his speed soaring, almost surpassing Jiang Han's sight.

Although it is difficult to understand the reason, Jiang Han did not hesitate, and decisively punched. As a result, the attack passed through the boy's body, but unfortunately failed, and the latter gradually dissipated.



Jiang Han was hit on the back and rushed forward involuntarily.


Six-figure damage jumped out of him.

"call out!"

Before Jiang Han could react, the white-haired boy appeared in front of Jiang Han again and punched again, unstoppable: "You can force out my true strength, you are enough to be proud!"


He kept his big hand in front of his fist, caught it firmly, and clenched it tightly until his fist clucked.

White-haired boy: "?!"

got caught?

If you have the blessing of divine power, how can the other party catch it?


Huo Ran raised his head, Jiang Han's expression was indifferent, and there was a strong red light in his eyes.

what happened?

He doesn't even know it himself!

Only Sen Ran's killing intent was like a tide, as if to drown his reason.


System prompt: You are blessed with special power, which is beyond the limits of peak trials!

"It's the power of the red spar!"

"What kind of spar is it that can break through the limit of peak trial?"

"How can he be recognized by that spar?"

The five people in the unknown space naturally understood the reason, and couldn't help but look at each other, all seeing the incredible in each other's eyes.

Although they don't know what the red spar is, they are all too familiar with that kind of power.

It's just that they never thought that the power level of the spar is higher than the peak trial!

"you you you…"

The white-haired boy was extremely shocked.


The sound of bones breaking was eerie, and the white-haired boy's elbows were bent at irregular angles.

However, before the boy screamed, Jiang Han's palm had already grabbed his neck, as if he had lifted a chicken and dragged it into the air, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger, the more he grasped it.




The damage is gradually increasing!


Jiang Han was panting heavily, his emotions were confused, and he tried hard to control the killing intent, but found it difficult to contain, and strange black markings appeared all over his body, spreading from his arms to his whole body. Own it.


System prompt: Since you devoured the [? ? ? ], the base growth star gets a small boost!

"Tell me your name!"

Grabbing Jiang Han's iron-like wrist, the white-haired boy's face gradually became hideous.

He knew why the system suddenly chose him!

The person in front of him is his old enemy!

Jiang Han reluctantly used his reason to suppress the killing intent, his tone was cadenced, and the answer was very difficult: "Exploring... explorers..."

Say your real name?

That's too stupid, it's equivalent to forcing himself to set an unpredictable danger secretly, which is not in line with his usual style.

"I'll find you!" The white-haired boy showed a weird smile, with awe-inspiring killing intent, "Then... eat you!"


After saying that, he disappeared into the peak trial and directly chose to admit defeat.

If he stayed a little longer, he was afraid that the foundation would be permanently damaged!

When the white-haired boy left, Jiang Han immediately felt that the killing intent in his body quickly subsided, and the black markings on his body subsided without leaving any changes, as if the strangeness just now had never happened.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Han returned to a state of stillness.


In the light blue space with no opponents, Jiang Han stood there and moved, falling into silence.

The situation just now was inexplicable, but he could clearly perceive that the root cause was the blood-colored beam of light summoned through the Stone of Divine Guidance when he once fought against Lin Xuan.

What the **** is that?


System prompt: Congratulations, you have passed all the levels of [Peak Trial], and you will get rewards: four basic growth stars have increased by 5★, special material [Devil Slayer Stone]!

Without a clue, Jiang Han could only give up the investigation for the time being, and turned his attention to the spoils.

Opening the career panel, Jiang Han found that the star upgrade was not 5 stars. It seemed that he had accidentally swallowed the power of the white-haired boy before, and added a few more—

[Original Evil] (special exclusive occupation)

Introduction: Inheriting the root of evil, the potential is unpredictable, but at the end of the root, few people touch

Health: 60★ (+10★)

Attack: 64★ (+10★)

Defense: 56★ (+10★)

Speed: 62★ (+20★)

Although the young man only added one more star to each of his surroundings, but it was also his heart.


Suddenly, the scene in front of Jiang Han changed and he returned to the Haixin City discussion hall.

"It turns out that the peak trial mounts can't participate in the battle?" Jia Jiajia was downcast, "It's a pity."

Peak trials are too rare in today's Tianheng Continent, and it is rare to encounter opportunities. She still wants to see and experience, but she is greatly disappointed.

"Nothing to see." Jiang Han shook his head and smiled, "But..."

"But what?"

"But there are indeed things worth talking about."

Jiang Han recalled his experience in the peak trial, and said with emotion: "You didn't see it, at that time, the cold water of the river was invincible, the immortal power was surging, and the heavens were broken with one foot, and the demons were slashed with one sword. , Shenwei is extremely terrifying!"


Jia Jiajia was curious: "You are the plot in that novel, I want to go and see it."

"This is not a novel!" Jiang Han shook his head, "It's a few words I excerpted from the historical classic "The Autobiography of One River Cold Water", it should be adapted from a true story!"

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