Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 377: Go to the stage to chat

At the scene of the game, ignoring the surrounding noisy environment and the eyes with all kinds of thoughts pouring in from everywhere, the two talked and laughed.

What are you wearing?

So you're pretending to be too realistic, aren't you?

A pot of old wine could not help but slander.


The man sitting in the third seat was sturdy and wearing denim underwear. He could not help snorting when he heard the inexplicable remarks made by the two of them. His face was slightly gloomy. Examining means: "Hidden head and show tail!"

His words were not concealed, and the voice was not low, just enough for Jiang Han to hear, causing the latter to raise his eyebrows slightly and shift his eyes slightly: "Slaughter the world?"

He still had some memories about the slaughtering world.

The reason why he was able to join the dark camp is that the League of Heroes is the first!

Back then, when he was in crisis, it was the Slaughter World's order to send 2,000 players to come to support him and save him from water and fire.

"Knowingly asking!"

The Slaughter World didn't give a good look.

The League of Heroes led by him has been "cared for" by Yijiang Hanshui in the early stage of the game. Although it has developed later, the obstacles it has encountered are not small.

Fortunately, Yijiang Hanshui was playing and playing against the NPC, and even turned the entire Tianheng Continent into a pot of porridge. .

"I remember that you seem to be a holy knight of the Holy See of Light, right?" Jiang Han smiled.


Hearing this, Slaughter Human's heart skipped a beat, and he almost jumped up from the chair, suddenly turning his head to look: "What do you want to say?"

"Do you dare to name your mentor's name?" Jiang Han said frankly, "I want to visit Yi or Er."

A pot of old wine: "…"

Listening to the gunpowder-smelling arguing of the two, the president of Tushen Pavilion, who was sandwiched in the middle, was under great pressure.

Visit one or two!

It was the first time he had seen such a blatant threat.

If the slaughtering world dared to say the name of the mentor, it is estimated that the black-haired person will send the white-haired person tomorrow.

"I don't mind your presence here." The Slaughter World resolutely confessed.

Misfortune comes out of your mouth!

He knew he couldn't do anything, but he still knew how to restrain himself.

"Ha ha…"

Jiang Han smiled lightly and stopped looking at him: "This is the real way to hide your head and show your tail."


The slaughtering world was speechless, his face flushed, his fists clenched tightly, and he did not dare to be angry if he wanted to.

The other party is eloquent and eloquent. If you really want to talk about your mouth, ten of them can't beat a river of cold water.

The opening ceremony has not yet been officially held, and the contestants arrived at the scene one after another, gradually filling up the empty seats.

Since he was sitting at the top of the front row, and as the host, the area was in the center, Jiang Han had a good time, silently watching the officials who were close at hand trying their best to prepare and test various equipment.

At times, officials looked at him with a bit of reverence that left him confused.

"Brother Hanshui?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in Jiang Han's ears.

Turning his head to look, he saw a young man with good features and thick eyebrows, with the help of a servant, pushing a wheelchair past him, with a warm smile on his face.

Although the young man's legs were covered with blankets, Jiang Han could still easily find that his legs were extra thin compared to his healthy upper body, and he couldn't do much.

"Can you see who I am?" the young man asked deliberately.

"Only Chandor!" Jiang Han responded with a smile, "Nice to meet you!"

He didn't know about the reality of Wei Chandor. Everyone in the game came from all over the world. Even if they met by fate and gathered together, they would not ask more about the source.

It's just that he vaguely remembered that he had heard Vichandor reveal that he had some physical problems in reality, but the latter gave the details.

"Chandol, are your legs okay?" A pot of old wine couldn't help but interject, looking concerned.

He didn't have a deep relationship with Vichandor in the game, but they knew each other anyway, and there was no conflict.


Wei Chandor smiled and didn't care: "It's just that both legs are congenitally paralyzed!"

"Yes, very optimistic!" Jiang Han was speechless.


A pot of old wine nodded in agreement.

It's just that both legs are congenitally paralyzed...

This understatement sounds very inspirational and moving, the only pity is that it becomes a bit strange when Chandor emphasizes "two legs".

Afterwards, chatting for a while, seeing that the event was about to start, Chandor reminded the servant to help him push him to his seat.


The fire was shining and the colorful lights were flickering. In the spotlight, young and beautiful popular female stars came to the stage to sing and dance, creating a lively atmosphere and attracting tsunami-like cheers from outside the venue.

"Wife! Wife!"

"Which female star is this, so beautiful!"

"Don't you know Liu Xingyue? I came to see her to preside over the opening ceremony. Who is the serious person watching a bunch of big men play games!"

After a song and dance, the host with a strong voice came on stage with a professional smile: "Hello everyone, I'm the host, Chen An."

"I'm Liu Xingyue, my friends at the scene, and the audience in front of the TV, hello."

The actress with light makeup on her face and a little short of breath because of dancing followed closely and greeted everyone, receiving many cheers and responses.

Seeing that the two people on the stage began to praise each other and chat awkwardly about the hot field, Jiang Han acted as if nothing had happened, and only hoped that the game would start soon.

However, the camera teacher next to him made him a little speechless.

"Dude, there are so many professional players on the scene, can you stop shooting me?" Jiang Han turned to the huge camera and reminded, "I'm wearing a mask, this is not my real face."

If there is no projection at the scene, he doesn't care. The problem is that he can see himself on a big screen when he looks up, and the director is slow to cut, so he can't laugh or cry.

The crime is handsome!

My fault!

"Idol, I don't want to. Many people watch the live broadcast for you. The director asked me to shoot you hard, otherwise the popularity will be a lot less." The photography teacher quickly apologized.

Jiang Han: "…"

have to!

It's all for living, and it's not good to care about others.

After that, the two of them chatted awkwardly on stage for a long time, and the host suddenly changed the topic. Just when Jiang Han thought he was going to release the rules of the game, he suddenly pointed at him: "Everyone knows that the most popular player in "Eternal" is Yi Jiang Hanshui , Today, we are also fortunate to see Yijiang Hanshui coming to the offline competition, so the host wants to invite him to come up and talk to everyone, what do you think?"

Jiang Han: "…"

It's not enough for two people to chat awkwardly, but also invite me together, who wants to watch this?

Everyone is here to watch the game, right?

"it is good!"

"I can finally see the deity today, the thief is so excited!"

"Is this dog care the official tool person?"

In an instant, the opening ceremony was pushed to a climax, and the popularity exploded. On the screen about the popularity of the live broadcast, the number of viewers rose rapidly.

Helpless, Jiang Han got up on stage and greeted the audience: "Hello everyone, I'm Yi Jiang Hanshui!"

Suddenly, there were countless screams, causing the contestants in the audience to laugh wryly.

Eternal Son, this description is not a vain name!

"Hello Yijiang Hanshui, although everyone knows that you have achieved extraordinary achievements in "Eternal", you must also encounter many difficult things during the game. What do you think is the most difficult period so far? When is it?" The host Chen An quickly aroused the topic, so as not to be cold, "Can you share it with everyone?"

"The hardest time..."

Jiang Han groaned and said, "That should be the novice period."

"Why do you say it's a novice period?" The host continued to discuss the topic.

"Because at the time, I took the first kill of the full-service bronze in Novice Village, and then transferred to the only hidden occupation, and also obtained S-level skills." Jiang Han told the truth.


Everyone: "???"

This is clearly a plug-in start, where is the difficulty?

"So, where is the difficulty?" Liu Xingyue was also intrigued.

Yijiang Hanshui's answer was really unexpected and made her want to know the answer.

"Later Longteng Wanli wanted to buy my head for 5 million. At that time, I chose to continue playing. It was really difficult." Jiang Han sighed, "If he is willing to pay tens of millions, I might sell it."

At the time, it was really hard!

Every time I think about it, I don't know how I got through it.

Longteng Wanli: "..."

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