Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 529: Dragon Dragon Gate

Sword Domain, in mid-air.

"What happened?" Dongfang Yixin approached the two of them and immediately sensed the tense atmosphere.

Dongfang Yuan put away the big sword angrily: "Daughter, you go back first and let me and your friend chat alone."

He really took it.

How could this little **** have no shame in using his precious daughter as a shield.

"Yixin, take a look at your insatiable father!" Jiang Han said with a bitter face, "He said that he would use that door-panel sword to slap me into flesh and let me die without a burial!"

The savior came just in time.

Just now, he almost suffered inhuman abuse.

Dongfang Yixin frowned: "Dad, this is your fault!"

Dongfangyuan: "…"

This is the beginning, right?

"Daughter, you can't believe everything he says!" Dongfang Yuan asked Cangtian speechlessly, "If you go on like this, you will be deceived by him, and you have to count the money for him."

Dongfang Yixin shook his head slightly, and said with certainty, "He won't trick me."

"Senior Dongfang, I think I have made it very clear about Emperor Yuan's trophies. Do we really need to confront him?" Jiang Han asked.

The Yuan Emperor's home was hollowed out by the four major families, and the ranking reward for the first competition was divided up by them. This is not a petty profit.


After hesitating for a moment, Dongfang Yuan sighed and said meaningfully, "You are smart enough!"

He really never thought that Yijiang Hanshui would be able to talk freely even under his coercion, and even refuted him speechless in the end.

Calling his daughter, just don't want to make a standoff, give both sides steps to go down.

In addition, in order to prevent "accidents" from happening, Yijiang Hanshui came with the mysterious shadow body, coupled with his own unique means, there is really no need to be afraid of facing the powerful kings.

To put it bluntly, wait for ten days until the realm reaches the seventh level of the heavenly realm before he is willing to come out.

"Senior, don't blame me." Jiang Han was quite polite.

After that, everyone returned to the city, walked through the bustling streets, and entered the mansion of the Dongfang family.

In the spacious waiting room, Dongfang Yuan sat at the front, crossed Erlang's legs, took a big cup of tea, and then spit out the tea leaves in one breath, and then asked impatiently, "Tell me, what are you doing here?"

"Senior, how do you make the Gate of Time?" Jiang Han went straight in.

Now, there are less than twenty days left for him, and the time cannot be delayed. He must find a way to quickly improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

The function of the Gate of Time is very precious, and the efficiency of a hundred times cannot be ignored. If it can be remanufactured, it is more suitable.

You must know that he now has six red spar, and once again enters the gate of time, the speed of the realm's improvement may exceed the past.

A light flashed in Dongfang Yuan's eyes: "I knew that your kid has done a lot of evil, and he will never be safe."

"Senior, please don't attack personally!" Jiang Han shook his head, not angry.

Those who do not know are innocent!

Anyone who knew a little about him would be too ashamed to say such excessive words, and would like to find a crack in the ground and get in quickly.

A pot of old wine nodded: "Senior please don't insult Brother Hanshui, you don't know him well enough!"

Do many evils?

Isn't that looking down on people?

What did people do in eternity, you know?

"Okay, I know your brothers are deeply in love!"

Dongfang Yuan stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the point: "To tell you the truth, the Gate of Time was made by Emperor Yuan himself."

"But I didn't find the recipe in Emperor Yuan's storage ring." Jiang Han shook his head.

A pot of old wine answered: "Me too."

"How can such recipes usually be recorded, they must be kept in my heart." Dongfang Yuan said helplessly.

"The Gate of Time should be impossible to reproduce..." Jiang Han frowned slightly, "Is there a way to make it similar to the Gate of Time?"

He is not stubborn to get the recipe of the Gate of Time.

The reason why he came to the Dongfang family was that he was one of the four major families, and the other party knew more than him.


Dongfang Yuan nodded: "The dragon gate of the dragon family has the same effect."

"Dragon Race...Dragon Gate..."

Hearing this, Jiang Han's heart moved slightly.

Since it was Ding Yu who arranged the reincarnation, Dongfang Yixin turned to the Dongfang family. The one who originally belonged to the Dragon Clan, wouldn't he also be reincarnated in the Dragon Clan?

"call out!"

Just as Jiang Han was thinking about it, a young man in a blue robe entered the waiting room: "City Lord, why didn't you take me with you when you ran?"

【Relph】(First Layer of Heaven Realm)

"The situation was special at the time, but I believe you must be fine." Jiang Han chuckled.

In his opinion, Ralph is Ding Yu's apprentice, and naturally there is no danger.

I just didn't expect him to appear in the Dongfang family. Could it be...

Suddenly, Jiang Han unleashed his divine might and disappeared in place, while behind him, Ding Yu's outstretched hand just touched the afterimage, instantly catching the thief's plan in vain.


Ding Yu was shocked: "Second man?"

Even his attacks can be evaded, the speed of a river of cold water is outrageous.

Why come another one?

When the figure appeared next to him, Jiang Han had a headache: "Senior Ding, since you are here, you should have heard clearly what Senior Dongfang and I said just now. The small head that should be given has already been obtained, so don't be greedy."

"just kidding!"

Ding Yu went to another chair and sat down without provoking: "The most urgent task is to deal with the chaos."

He didn't talk nonsense any more.

Everything requires a degree of attention.


Jiang Han nodded.

After everyone was seated, Dongfang Yuan returned to the original story: "The dragon family lives in the dragon domain, and the dragon domain is hidden from the world, and few people know its location today."

"It's okay, I have the core of order." Jiang Han replied, "You can forcefully find out their whereabouts."


Ding Yu wanted to complain about one or two things, but he held back when he thought about it.

Not just a core of order.

Sprinkle water!

"Besides, the dragons in the Dragon Region are extremely disliked by our human race." Dongfang Yuan said solemnly, "Convincing them to lend the Dragon Gate is as difficult as going to the sky!"

Hearing this, Jiang Han turned to look at Ding Yu: "That black dragon named Atticus..."


Before Jiang Han could finish speaking, Ding Yu nodded.

It is also very necessary to arrange backhands in the dragon domain.

"Atticus is still a dragon?" Ralph stared, "I'm sore!"

From the false world detached to the real world, still a member of the dragon family, Atticus's luck is much better than him!

"Why, being my Ding Yu's apprentice made you suffer?" Ding Yu's tone was dissatisfied.

"No no."

Ralph smiled shyly: "It's a bit boring to stay in the forbidden land for so long."

From an ordinary person's point of view, he seems to have spent a month in the forbidden land of the wind, but that's not the case.

He was "pulled out" from birth by Ding Yu's secret technique, and became a teenager. It does not mean that those times do not exist, but that he has been in a special space where time flows faster for a long time.

That is to say, he and Ding Yu have been dependent on each other for more than ten years. It can't be said that he suffered a loss, but it can only be said that he suffered a big loss!

"Well, now that everyone understands, let's act quickly." Jiang Han got up and said, "With Atticus as a traitor, our Longyu group will be much simpler."


Ding Yu, Ralph, Dongfang Yixin, and a pot of old wine nodded.

"Wait a moment!"

Dongfang Yuan raised his hand and said, "What Atticus, can you explain it more clearly?"

He was confused.

How can I say it, it seems that he is the only outsider in the audience?

Jiang Han clasped his fists: "Senior Dongfang, farewell!"


Everyone clasped their fists.

Dongfangyuan: "…"

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