Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 682: quite a coincidence

Leaving the event site, Jiang Han returned to Moonlight City where he was currently.

He scrupulously went through the list that Bai Yunan prepared for him one by one.

Knowing that his family is poor, everyone is willing to help, and those who have points will give points, and what is more, they will give both points and gold coins, and give their love where they can.

"The points should be almost there."

Jiang Han stopped what he was doing, and took the teleportation circle to the place where Dongfang Yixin was.


System prompt: You have entered the map [Tingxuan City] (secondary city)!

Tingxuan City is located by the sea, and the salty sea breeze blows the hair tips, bringing a little bit of refreshment.

At this moment, it is sunset and dusk, the sky is full of red clouds, and the afterglow is shining, which is quite poetic.

At the appointed place, a slim young girl appeared in Jiang Han's field of vision, with a slender figure and a beautiful appearance. She wore the same white robe as always, and was as elegant as ever, but she never got tired of seeing it.

Hastily stepping forward, Dongfang Yixin smiled sweetly: "You didn't come all the way here just to make me keep my promise?"

In fact, she didn't have to be the key to Yijiang Hanshui's victory in the pet challenge before she was willing to be honest with each other, otherwise how could she have given the other party a chance to succeed in the previous few times.

The reason why I say that is mainly because it is mostly a joke.

"How can it be!"

What kind of person Jiang Han is, how could he allow a woman to smear him, and immediately retorted: "I am mainly worried about your safety, where is Leng Xiyu now?"

"She left when she taught me many sword skills." Dongfang Yixin explained, "But I still keep the jade pendant that can summon her. In times of crisis, I can ask her to help!"

"That's good!"

Jiang Han stepped forward and said sternly, "Whether she teaches you sincerely or not, the future will be an enemy rather than a friend!"

"Must we kill all the protagonists in the world?" Dongfang Yixin frowned.

"That's not true." Jiang Han shook his head, "Isn't the God of Wealth the protagonist of the universe? I don't have any intention of killing him. If Leng Xiyu is willing to join the guild, I'm happy to see it happen, but..."

In the middle of the conversation, he paused, and then added: "I'm afraid she won't be willing to be inferior to others!"

The reason why the God of Wealth surrendered was more because of his gratitude for rescuing Shen Gonghu and his admiration for his strength, both of which are indispensable.

But Leng Xiyu is different.

One is that the other party will never think that his strength is far superior to his own, and the other is that because of the great formation of Qiangu Rebellion, the two have already formed an enmity, and they do not have a good relationship with him like the God of Wealth.

"I don't know the final outcome." Jiang Han confessed frankly, "But those protagonists in the world and I must have a death battle, this is a fate that cannot be escaped!"

"I will help you!"

Dongfang was determined and determined, his face was full of persistence.

"I know, but I don't trust you to act alone." Jiang Han reached out and rubbed her head, his eyes were full of soft light, "You are my weakness!"

This is not false.

He is really afraid that some guy will point his sword at the people around him, and he will not be able to support him in time.

He didn't want to wait until that kind of thing happened to make up for it. He should have stopped that kind of thing from happening in the first place.


Knowing what Jiang Han meant, Dongfang remained silent.

"After the race competition is over, build a city, face the group of enemies, or wait for the group of enemies to attack!" Jiang Han said solemnly, "There is no need to run around, you and I are on the same battlefield, if we win, we will forge into the future together, If you lose, we will go to the underworld together!"

"Come here specifically and tell me to accompany you to die?" Dongfang Yixin smiled.

Jiang Han said awkwardly: "That's what I said, if you really want to lose, I will definitely leave you a way out!"


Dongfang Yixin restrained his smile: "If we die together, let's die together!"

"One heart, you..."

Jiang Han's face was moved, and he was deeply moved. He couldn't help reaching out his hand to wrap around her waist, which he couldn't hold tightly, and was about to bow his head to kiss her, but her fingertips were on Jiang Han's mouth, preventing him from succeeding.


What happened again?

"Emotions are in place, it's time to strike, right?" Dongfang Yixin blinked playfully, "Young hero has a good routine, and the little girl admires it!"

Jiang Han: "..."

People are hard to tear down!

Yixin, no matter how good my routine is, young hero, it will be difficult for me to deal with you who are smart and clever!

"I should admire you, and I admire you." Jiang Han was discouraged.

This woman is too smart, ordinary methods are ineffective!

Dongfang Yixin withdrew his finger: "Is there any other way?"

"It's gone!" Jiang Han felt helpless.

"Then I'll do it!"

As the fragrant wind blew, Dongfang Yixin took the initiative to get closer, stood on tiptoe, and soft lips were printed on it.

Jiang Han: "!!!"

not good!

Was attacked?

Fight back, fight back!

With his battle-tested instincts at work, Jiang Han tightly hugged the girl in his arms, pried open his teeth, and demanded wantonly.

At first, Yixin wanted to dodge, but how could Jiang Han give up, and immediately activated the gossip array to trap him, not giving him any chance to escape.

Today is so rare!

Could it be...

Do swans want to eat toad meat too?

Under the setting sun, a man and a woman kiss passionately, which naturally attracts the attention of others.

"No shame, no shame!"

"The world is going down, people's hearts are not old!"

Quickly pushed Jiang Han away, Dongfang Yixin's fair and pretty face was blushing under the sunset, making people want to take a bite.

Just when Jiang Han didn't know what to say, his voice was like a mosquito, and he said in a low voice: " another place!"

Without saying a word, Jiang Han straightened his waist unconsciously, grabbed her palm and walked towards the nearby inn.


Must change!

"Guest officer, do you stay at the tip or stay in the hotel?" the npc Xiao Er asked politely.

"Ahem, stay in the store!"

Jiang Han was very nervous, and Dongfang Yixin next to him was also a little nervous.

Staying outside with different ideas feels a bit different.

"One room or two rooms?" Xiao Er continued to ask.

Jiang Han: "..."

Can't you see how many rooms there should be?

Garbage system, I thank you and my family!

"Of course it's one room!" Jiang Han stared, "Quickly arrange it!"


Entering the room, Jiang Han barely resisted the urge to fight, and acted very rationally: "Do you wash first or should I wash first?"

"You go first!"

Dongfang Yixin was a little shy: "Don't be like this, I've embarrassed you, isn't that what happened!"

"It's mainly because it's my first time, so I'm a little nervous!" Jiang Han told the truth.

"Your first time?"


" first time too..."

"Aha, that's quite a coincidence."


Jiang Han embarrassedly went into the bathroom to wash and shower, wishing he could slap himself twice.

People have stumbled, horses have stumbled!

This conversation is so embarrassing!


What a big deal!

Jiang Han took a full five minutes to take a shower, thinking that being naked was not good, so he put on his clothes again and went out: "I'm done, you go wash."


Dongfang Yixin got up and went to the bathroom.

Sitting on the head of the bed, listening to the sound of rushing and slowing water, and vaguely seeing a graceful figure inside the screen, Jiang Han took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and confirmed that the window was closed.

Lovely and charming, don't be disturbed!

Ten minutes later, Dongfang Yixin finished bathing and changing clothes, wearing thin clothes, revealing a slender calf as white as a lotus root, and walked out with a fragrance that made people "impatient and impatient", with a shyness in his clear eyes, calm Sitting quietly beside Jiang Han.

At the same bedside, Jiang Han put his hands on his thighs and sat obediently.

Looking at the girl with her hair falling like a waterfall, he felt so amazed that his heart beat faster and his mouth was dry.

The time is right!

When it's time to do it, do it!

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