Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 690: See through the purpose

The game is still going on step by step.


System prompt: The system has matched you with an opponent—[Lord of Strength·Zheng Yunfei] (Rage Beast King), please prepare for the battle!

Soon, it was Jiang Han's turn to appear again.

"Who did you match?" Dongfang Yixin asked.

"Zheng Yunfei!" Jiang Han said, "He should be a powerful person!"

Originally ranked sixth, after Ling Yi won the runner-up in the Pet Challenge, Zheng Yunfei fell to seventh, but his strength is worthy of recognition.

You know, in addition to the ranking list, the opponent's mount is also on the list—

3. Rampage Behemoth Emperor Xuan (Owner: Zheng Yunfei)

"Zheng Yunfei is the supreme powerhouse of the giant clan!" The God of Wealth obviously has many sources of information, explaining, "He and Ye Nan are strong men of the same era. Known as the number one person under Ye Nan!"

"Can you play even if you can't beat it?" Ralph was startled.

"It also depends on who the opponent is!" The God of Wealth laughed, "In other words, if you are the first person under the city lord, isn't it worth bragging about it?"

"The first person under the city lord?"

Ralph turned pale in shock: "Then am I invincible?"

Everyone: "..."

"Shua! Shua!"

Entering the arena, Jiang Han saw a tall and thick man with bronze skin, strong body, bulging muscles, clear outline, more than ten meters tall, and holding a sharp black axe. clan" name.

"Short guy, let me see if you are qualified to be Ye Nan's opponent!" Zheng Yunfei compared his height, laughed loudly, his voice was thunderous, and his tone was mocking.

Jiang Han: "..."

Dare to mock me?

Do you know who you are mocking?

With a glimmer of light in his eyes, Jiang Han opened Yuan Bao's pet panel, and Yuan Bao understood and launched his unique skill.


System prompt: You used the skill [Mirror Flower and Water Moon], and because the copied skill level was too high, you got the skill [Tiangang Transformation] (ss level)!

Looking through the mirror!

It's not that he has forgotten this skill, it's just that he doesn't want to show off all the skills.

[Tiangang Transformation] (ss level)

Introduction: A reduced version of the power copied from Forbidden Qiankun, but the effect is the same, but the strength is reduced

Effect: The size can be changed, and all attributes change with the change of body shape

Duration: half an hour

Cooldown: one hour

Tiangang change, activate!


The whole body burst into black light, and Jiang Han's size rapidly became larger.

In front of countless audiences, under Zheng Yunfei's shocked expression, he turned into a fifteen-meter-tall giant, even shrouding him in the shadow.


System prompt: You use the skill [Tian Gang Transformation] to increase your body size by 800% and all attributes by 50% for half an hour!


Surrounded by sword intent, Jianghan emits a clear light, which is connected with the master's mind. With the blessing of the magic, it is naturally not a problem to scale it up in equal proportions.

"That's all you have?" Jiang Han looked down at Zheng Yunfei, "Just change the name to Dwarves!"

Xia Zuo: "..."

Blog post: "..."

How come there is a feeling of lying on the gun?


Zheng Yunfei's face suddenly changed, but he didn't dare to attack.

He has watched the opponent's battle process countless times. He thought he had a general grasp, but he didn't expect to be given a big surprise when he first met.

The size is nothing more than that, and the total attribute has increased by 50%, which puts a lot of pressure on him.


System prompt: The game begins!

God mighty thousands of miles!

Not in a hurry to launch the strongest means, Jiang Han took out his signature skills, and simultaneously superimposed Stepping on the Wind, Forbidden·Primary Evil, Forbidden·Green Thunder, appeared beside Zheng Yunfei in an instant, kicked heavily, The latter didn't even have time to react, his head was tilted sideways, his body was twisted, and his face came into contact with the ring in embarrassment.


As we all know, the bigger the body, the more serious the injury caused by the fall. With the violent shaking of the ring, half of Zheng Yunfei's head was almost embedded in the ring, his skin was ripped apart, and the floor was even more broken. Cracks like spider webs spread rapidly.

-1235, 6687!

With just one kick, Zheng Yunfei's life value plummeted by one-tenth after taking out various bonus skills.


The evil dragon slashed out, depriving the opponent of millions of life points again, Jiang Han backed away before the opponent counterattacked, avoiding the attack.

Getting up from the ground, Zheng Yunfei waved his hands: "Just let the horse come over!"

"as you wish!"

Jiang Han swung his sword again and stepped forward, grinding against him slowly, not in a hurry.

Even if he was the number one person under Ye Nan at that time, how could he not show enough respect.

Seeing this, Zheng Yunfei frowned and swung his big ax to fight it.

Father, like son.

Seeing the two people coming and going, swords and axes colliding fiercely, many strong men laughed dumbly: "I want the other party to launch a unique move, but it's a pity that they were seen through!"

"Chick! Chick! Chick!..."

Jiang Han sneered secretly as he kept swinging his sword to draw wounds on Zheng Feiyun's body.

There were very few people who dared to mock him before the game. After all, everyone knew how strong he was, and Zheng Yunfei's provocative words meant that he wanted him to unleash an extreme catastrophe?

It just won't let you wish!

Are you angry?



With the rapid decline in health, Zheng Yunfei finally couldn't hold back: "Dixuan, come out!"


A flaming lion appeared next to Zheng Yunfei. It was huge in size, with a violent breath and a strong murderous aura.

The moment it appeared, a shield appeared on Zheng Yunfei's body.


System prompt: The Lord of Strength Zheng Yunfei summons the mount [Rage Behemoth Emperor Xuan], and obtains the blessing of the mount. The damage received will be reduced by 90% within 5 seconds, and the HP will be recovered by 2% every second for ten seconds!

Turning over and sitting on the flaming lion, Zheng Yunfei's health and attack soared, and he swung an ax to kill Jiang Han.

It turned out to be damage reduction!

Jiang Han's heart was like a mirror, and he said with a smile, "Then I'm coming!"

"Go ahead!" Zheng Yunfei's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly, "I'll just wait for you to go all out!"

"I'm really coming!"


Without hesitation, Jiang Han resolutely launched the God-Slaying Strike attached to the weapon, and the Doomsday Catastrophe was superimposed with Broken Stars, which multiplied the power several times.

Falling into eternal darkness, Zheng Yunfei showed a triumphant expression: "You actually dare to use this trick in front of me, stupid, extremely stupid!"


The sword energy pierced through the air, passed through Zheng Yunfei's neck, causing his head to be decapitated, and a column of blood spurted out, which was horrible.


System prompt: Congratulations on your first victory!

"How dare he?"

Ralph, who thought the opponent really had a hole card, was speechless.

"It's a bluff, I want the city lord to think that he still has a hole card to resist this sword!" Changfeng explained, "But if he really has a hole card, why not call the mount to help the battle when his health drops to 80%, so that he can just recover Full blood, and get a mount bonus, like a tiger with wings."

Summoning the mount when the remaining 60% of the life value is not appropriate!

This shows that Zheng Yunfei was very hesitant in his heart, and was very afraid of the sword of the city lord, but later found that the city lord had already noticed his plan, so he had to change his strategy.

"You really dare to launch it?" Zheng Yunfei had an ugly expression.

His acting skills just now weren't realistic enough?

"On the line, it's all about the details!" Jiang Han smiled, "I've seen through your underpants!"

Playing acting skills in front of him, isn't this looking for abuse?

Zheng Yunfei: "..."

"It seems that I need to show you what real acting skills are!" Jiang Han said slowly, releasing the might of the Emperor of Heaven.

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