Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 693: To Sun City

"You are a typical looking for trouble!" Jiang Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then he thought about it, and slapped Dongfang Yixin's round buttocks with just the right amount of force.



The full flexibility and the girl's involuntary humming made Jiang Han's heart flutter slightly.

This witch wants to eat my Tang monk meat again!

"What are you doing?" Dongfang Yixin hurriedly pushed him away, his pretty face flushed slightly, and water seemed to be dripping from his clear eyes.

Looking at the beautiful and delicious girl, Jiang Han almost couldn't control his distracted thoughts, but deliberately put on a straight face: "Do you feel safe?"

"How do you want me to feel safe?" Dongfang Yixin said angrily.

"not yet?"

Jiang Han grabbed her arm, turned her half around, and slapped her again.


The depth of love, the depth of hate!

Obviously, Yixin was in a mess, and she had to give her some color.

Quickly dodging, Dongfang stared angrily, "Come again, I'm using my sword!"

"If you dare to use the sword, I will use the sword too!"

Jiang Han gave her a self-experienced look, with a strong sense of threat.

Dongfang Yixin: "..."

"Do you feel safe now?" Jiang Han asked.

Dongfang Yixin turned his head away and asked, "What do you think?"

"not yet?"

Jiang Han turned pale with shock: "Report your measurements, and Doctor Jiang must give you targeted treatment!"

"How dare you!" Dongfang Yixin gritted his silver teeth.

He was fine at first, but he didn't expect his image to change suddenly, not only revealing his true colors, but also getting worse!

Sure enough, knowing people and faces but not knowing the heart!

"Why don't you dare!"

Jiang Han was full of vigor, and came to the door of the room, pushed the door open, and signaled: "If you want to fight, I will fight!"

The words were impassioned, and the man's true colors were vividly displayed.

"That's better." The girl said timidly.

"But don't you feel insecure?" Jiang Han was quite embarrassed, "Dr. Jiang has superb medical skills, and I can let you know what it means to be a bird to heal people!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Dongfang Yixin nodded desperately: "Full of security."

"It's good to have it!"

Jiang Han breathed a sigh of relief, and said with concern: "If one day the illness flares up, remember to contact me at any time, and keep your medicine until the illness is cured!"

"Okay, thank you Doctor Jiang!"

"Then I'll go first."

"Doctor Jiang go slowly!"

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Jiang Han, who was full of spring, left the inn.

It has to be said that this meeting was fruitful and injected certainty into the future of both parties.

After that, he cleared his mind and went to the point exchange office at the gate of the city.

It's strange to say that his points were stretched and almost used up, but he didn't expect more than three million points to appear in the package for no reason.

Perhaps, this is a gift from God.

It's better to believe something like a pie in the sky than to believe it doesn't exist.

When he arrived at the destination, he saw beside the points exchange officer in Tingxuan City, and put up an additional sign——

Points and props are exchanged for instant transactions, and there is no delayed arrival. Any delays will be faked, and beware of being deceived!

It seems that no matter what era we live in, there are liars!

Looking at the more than 3 million points in the package, Jiang Han couldn't help but secretly rejoice that he wasn't being targeted.

"Brother, I'm here to exchange points!" Jiang Han approached and chatted with the point exchanger.

"what would you like?"

"Set scroll!" Jiang Han clicked on the mall, selected relevant items, and was clicked on by the number.

[Suit Scroll] x6!

At this stage, his biggest advantage is level!

The level requirement for spirit-level equipment is level 50, which he fully complies with, and he can increase his chances of winning the race competition as much as possible.

"Six sets of scrolls?" The point changer was stunned, and looked at the man in front of him carefully, "And, you also exchanged the space beads!"

Eight million points!

This is a number that many players can't make up, but it turned out to be on one person?

Jiang Han explained: "I am not fighting alone!"

"I see!"

The point changer was stunned.

This player is so popular, he must be easy to get along with, right?

After purchasing, Jiang Han turned around and left, took the teleportation circle to Wanxia City, first went to the grocery store, got more than two million points from Fang Youde, and then went to the Wanxia City point exchange office to exchange five suits Scroll, squander the points completely.

Of course, he has a super god-level weapon and a god-level ring. He can count on all his skills. He only needs seven pieces of spiritual-level equipment, and the other few can be used as incentives for the guild.

Building a city in the future will definitely require a lot of manpower and material resources!

How can a complete guild have no welfare policy to allow members to work overtime spontaneously?


Without hesitation, Jiang Han tore apart the suit scrolls one by one.


System prompt: You use the item [Suit Scroll] to obtain the set part [Thunder Flame Bracer] (spiritual level)!


System prompt: You use the item [Suit Scroll] to get the set part [Lei Yan Great Sword] (spiritual level)!

Using eight scrolls, Jiang Han assembled the entire Lei Yan set, and added an extra Lei Yan Great Sword.

[Thunder Flame Helmet] (Spiritual Level)

Defense: 3000-3250

Life: 50,0000

Features: Life +30%, Defense +30%

Additional: Offset, head damage reduced by 10%

Requires level: 50

Introduction: One of the best spiritual suits, Lei Yan sets, with excellent strength in all aspects

After replacing most of the equipment on his body, Jiang Han's attributes skyrocketed a lot. After all, it is a spiritual suit, which has much higher attributes than the dark gold equipment—

【Killing Blade·A River of Cold Water】(Dark Apostle)

Level: 50

Life: 7512, 2500

Attack: 264420-274170

Defense: 160284-165604

Skills: [Treading the Wind] [Evil Dragon Slash] [Shenwei Wanli] [Mirror Flower and Water Moon] [Broken Star] [The Body of Silence] [Fallen Wings] [Eight Diagrams Formation] [Forbidden · Senluo Vientiane] [Forbidden · Primal Evil] 【Blood Refining Formation】【Original Wrath】【Extreme · Doomsday Catastrophe】【Extreme · Evil Reincarnation】【Extreme · Evil Realm】

Introduction: The Creator of Chaos Can Be the Terminator of Chaos

All aspects of attributes finally improved a bit.

In addition, the introduction has also changed from a question mark back to text.

Perhaps, when the time is ripe, the system also feels that there is no need to hide it. After all, the current him has become the target of public criticism to a certain extent.

Satisfied to close the character panel, Jiang Han thought about it and decided to go to the first-tier city.

Now, the teleportation point of the first-level main city has been completely liberated for him, and he can just take advantage of this spare time to complete the hidden mission given by Fang Youde.

Although it is absurd to trigger the mission with a pot of boiled eggs before he leaves, Fang Youde has benefited a lot from his own influence, so he should not treat himself badly—

[Fang Youde's recommendation] (difficulty: s)

Introduction: Fang Youde was completely moved by what you did, and he decided to help you

Task requirements: Send the letter to [Madman·Wu Shan] in Sunshine City, the first-level main city, and complete the test, you can get the benefits from Wu Shan

Mission Duration: None

mission rewards:? ? ?

Entering the teleportation circle, Jiang Han chooses the location and chooses to teleport.

When the white light flooded his field of vision and changed again, he arrived at his destination.


System prompt: You have entered the map [Sunshine City] (first-level main city)!

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