Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 698: main contradiction

After a brief interlude, Jiang Han suppressed his laughing emotions, and while sparring with Jia Jiajia, he seriously studied the combo.

It is worth mentioning that when he enters the personal practice mode, all his skills can cancel the cooldown state. If you want to use it several times, it will be automatically interrupted as soon as other creatures appear in the range, or if you feel hurtful.

"God-slaying strike is the foundation!" Jiang Han first selected the additional skills of the weapon.

To say that his strongest method is undoubtedly God Slashing Strike, as a skill attached to a super god-level weapon, it is extremely powerful—

[God Slaying Strike] (ssss level)

Introduction: With the blessing of the Ring of the Sky, this is a sword capable of killing gods, and few people in the world can block its edge

Skill effect: Causes 2000% damage to enemy units based on its own attack, and has a high probability of knockback, tearing, serious injury, cutting and other effects

Additional effect: If the opponent's total HP is lower than 50%, the damage will be increased by an additional 1000%

Skill cooldown: two hours

Quite a sword against the sky!

Adding the defense reduction, damage increase and self-improvement of the extreme and doomsday catastrophe, it is enough to block and kill gods in a true sense, and Buddhas to block and kill Buddhas!

In addition, Broken Star increases damage by 800%, and the effect of Pure Yuan Xin Jue is to increase movement speed by 30% and attack by 20%, which may not be much now, but it is better than nothing.

Then before all the skills are cast, the bonus skills are placed at the top.


System prompt: Because some of your skills are too high-level, the effect of [Pure Yuan Xin Jue] disappears, and the effect of [Broken Star] is weakened by 50%!

Suddenly, the system bell rang in Jiang Han's ear.

"It seems that if the intensity is too low, you will be rejected!" Jiang Han felt regretful, but at the same time took it for granted.

If all low-level skills can be connected, he doesn't mind learning b-level or c-level skills everywhere, and using the characteristics of the original evil to increase the strength of the skills and enrich his own background.

From this point of view, the same is true for augmented skills.

When your boost effect reaches a certain level, if you use s-level boost skills, the effect will probably disappear.

"Then the god-slaying blow I launched earlier with the blessing of the Pure Yuan Heart Art is equivalent to nothing!" Jiang Han understood.

Fortunately, he got the combo, otherwise he would still be in the dark.

After doing a lot of research, Jiang Han finally worked out the final version—

Ultimate Evil Reincarnation + Forbidden Blue Thunder + Forbidden Primordial Evil + Extreme Doomsday Catastrophe + Broken Star + God Slashing Strike!

He took away the Pure Yuan Xin Jue, and Broken Star's power was weakened by 50%, but it still had a 400% damage increase, which should not be underestimated.

As for the "Blood-devouring Devil Tiger Claw" from the advanced Tiger Claw Kung Fu, it has no effect at all.

Not only combo moves, but also when he is in full power, it is very difficult to use the blood-devouring tiger claw to make further progress, but the 25% physical blood-sucking effect is very good, and it will perform well in group battles .


System prompt: Do you want to lock the current combo?


Jiang Han chose to agree.


System prompt: lock successfully!

You're done!

Jiang Han heaved a sigh of relief and was about to leave when the system bell sounded in his ears again—


System prompt: Due to the high strength of the selected skill, your skill [Combined Moves] (ss level) has been advanced to [No Thought] (sss level) based on the characteristics of the original evil and your own talent!

No thoughts!

With a "shua", Jiang Han's face instantly turned pale, and all thoughts were lost: "I will still miss you!"

"What's wrong?" Jia Jiajia was confused.

Jiang Han almost choked up, tears rolled in his eyes: "It's gone!"

At this moment, if Jia Jiajia hadn't been by his side, he would have been unable to control his emotions and completely collapsed.

Although it only accompanies him for less than an hour, he will never forget the joy brought to him by "Combined Moves"!

"Didn't the combo succeed?"

"No, it's advanced."

"Then why are you frowning?"

"It's not the combo I know anymore, it's changed!"


Jiang Han felt helpless.

Just after choosing a combo, it will be strengthened. Isn't this making things worse?

After going through all kinds of polishing, I no longer have the original intention!

After thinking for a while, he re-entered the martial arts hall.

Since Wu Shan is willing to teach him combo moves, he will not hide them. Anyway, combo moves are just a simple bridging skill. How strong it really is depends on who is using it.

"How's the harvest?" Wu Shan asked with a smile.

"Benefit a lot!"

Jiang Han went straight to the point: "The combo is advanced to sss level, do you want to learn it?"


After a short period of confusion, Wu Shan replied decisively, her face flushed with excitement, her lips trembling: "Really...really advanced?"


Jiang Han smiled softly: "But you want to learn, I have a request!"

"Please speak!" Wu Shan said solemnly.

As long as he can improve his martial arts, let alone one request, he is willing to ten requests.

"I have only one requirement. You can't teach it to others. After all, this is the housekeeping skill I use to make a living."


Wu Shan was stunned.

These words sound familiar!

Did someone say that?

He taught Wu Shan to have no thoughts, and Jiang Han drifted away.

He is not afraid that the other party will renege on his promise and become fat, because the rules of the system will restrain Wu Shan, and his no-mind, which is out of the scope of combos, can also be taught to others.




Just as Jiang Han was about to find a place to make the final adjustments for the Race Contest, an abrupt system bell sounded in his ears—


System prompt: The grocery store owner Fang Youde is looking for you!

"I can't live in peace!"

Jiang Han can only go back to Wanxia City to meet Fang Youde.

This npc is a strategic partner, so the relationship cannot be severed.

"Brother Hanshui, the point exchange activity is over. Some players have nothing to turn to. They want to report me by collecting information about the adventurers who won the lottery!" Fang Youde looked bitter, as if extremely anxious, and cut straight to the point when he saw Jiang Han, "What should I do, my The reputation is about to plummet!"

"That's it?"

Jiang Han was speechless.

He thought it was a big deal, such a small trouble, why does Jiang Shanren need to do it himself?

"Credit damage, isn't that a big deal?" Fang Youde wondered.

"Your grocery store is still a small store!" Jiang Han patted the counter, persuading, "It's a big deal to send an apology, just admit the mistake."

"Then I'm not going to close down?"

"Closing the door, it's called the golden cicada escaping its shell!" Jiang Han could only explain the situation a little more clearly, "You change the store, change the place, and then hide yourself behind the scenes, become a shareholder, where should you open?"

"Adventurers probably won't let it go!"

"So what, if you want to pay, it's the system that loses money, not you!"

"But didn't I apologize?"

"What I ask you to apologize is for bringing bad experience to users, instead of asking you to apologize and admit your mistakes!"


After pondering for a while, Fang Youde suddenly realized: "It seems to be such a truth, thank you Brother Hanshui for your pointers!"

In a few words, Jiang Han successfully persuaded Fang Youde.

"It's hard to cheat the leeks now!" Jiang Han was filled with emotion.

What is the current main contradiction?

It is the contradiction between the increasingly enlightened wisdom of the people and the backward brainwashing techniques.

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