Chen Huan rode the castrated white tiger and led all the beasts to gallop towards Qi'an City.

He got a shocking data from the NPC youth.

"One million taels of gold."

To become Wenqu, you need to build a temple, and building a temple requires one million taels of gold.

And in the entire secret realm, only Fatty has one million taels of gold!

The kind that can't be spent or destroyed.

"I don't know where the Escape Talisman has taken him."

The birds in the sky scattered and searched everywhere.


The black-robed men outside the city were still running very fast, probably because the fat man was not too far away.

The nine men almost whipped their horses’ butts until they were bleeding, and they rushed back to the place where they met the fat man.

Then they quickly chased after him following the footprints.

At this time, the fat man’s throat seemed to be smoking, and his lips were dry and cracked.

He himself didn’t know how long he had been running. He only knew that any civilian he met on the road would join the army chasing him.

There were still nearly a thousand people chasing him behind him.

He had no physical strength left, and was running purely on willpower.

There were more and more types of people behind him, especially hunters.

They had bows and arrows in their hands. If it weren’t for the gold notes on his body that made him invulnerable to swords and guns, he might have become a corpse by now.

The heat caused his internal organs to become hot, and the endless running caused his muscles to dissolve.

""Brother, I tried my best!"

The fat man said this and fell headfirst. The Dao Heart Oath he made was about to die before it was fulfilled.

Thousands of people saw the fat man fall down and immediately became enthusiastic.

They rushed over quickly.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves was heard.

""Heavy rain pear blossoms!"

Countless fine needles like cow hair were like spring rain blown by the wind, directly covering the thousands of people behind.

After being stabbed by the fine needles, the refugees and bandits all stopped on the spot.

Then, the sound of rushing water was heard.

Thousands of people turned into blood in an instant!

Kurosawa turned over and got off the horse, quickly stepped forward, fumbled around the fat man, pulled the hemp rope apart, and found gold bills one by one.

He counted the gold bills and looked overjoyed.

"One million taels"

"Speed Return"

"Do you still want this fat guy?"

Hei Ze recalled the experience of being slapped in the face just now, and finally waved his hand and said:

"Bring it to me!"

He ran into the city again.

When he got there, the fat man was already on his deathbed.

Kurosawa knocked on the door of the middle-aged craftsman again.

""Open the door! We have money! One million ounces of gold!"

The door suddenly opened, and the middle-aged craftsman appeared again.

He saw the unique gold note in Kurosawa's hand at first sight, and his eyes lit up as he reached out to take it.

"Okay, where should it be built?"


Li Tingzhi also returned to the capital.

Looking at the ruined city in front of him, he couldn't help but frowned and said:

"Has this secret realm gone so crazy in order to deny its master?"

Soon after entering the inner city, Li Tingzhi took a deep breath.

The accumulated official spirit burst out instantly!

The purple official robe on his body turned into a red court dress, almost at the same time as he was promoted.

A eunuch suddenly appeared at the corner, holding the imperial edict and coming to Li Tingzhi.

He spoke in a shrill voice:

"The rivers in the country are clear and the world is at peace. The people are at peace and all nations are submissive. Prime Minister Li Tingzhi is a man of noble character, strong and unyielding, and unmovable. He is the pillar of the country. The imperial edict said: Summon Prime Minister Li to the palace immediately to meet the emperor and reward him."

Li Tingzhi glanced at the dilapidated inner city and smiled.

He just followed the eunuch quietly, step by step towards the palace. The city outside was almost destroyed by the earth dragon.

On the other hand, the palace suffered much less damage, as if it was built to withstand earthquakes.

In the palace.

Huang Feiyu has asked the emperor to kill several promoted prime ministers in a row in the past few days.

"What's going on in the inner city? Someone is rebelling."

He asked the emperor while hugging the two concubines.

He was scared these past two days and didn't dare to come out of the secret passage of the palace. Today he came out to get some fresh air.

"The Lord is a man of destiny. When the army was defeated, a dragon suddenly appeared and annihilated all the rebels."

"The army has been reorganized and there is no major problem."

"That's good, let the imperial kitchen prepare some delicious food to calm you down."

Huang Feiyu let go of the two concubines and half-lay on the lunch couch.

The emperor personally brewed the jujube honey tea and brought it to him.

Huang Feiyu just took a sip when a eunuch appeared and held up the imperial edict and said:

"Your Majesty, Li Tingzhi, the prefect of Qi'an Prefecture, enforces the law impartially, is not afraid of the powerful, does not show favoritism, is honest and upright, has influenced the people, and is respected by the people. He is a high-ranking official and has come to report on his work."

Huang Feiyu was stunned and spit the tea back into the cup.

"Fuck, he really wants to be the prime minister"

"Go to the main hall and get me a screen."

In Taiji Palace, the emperor sat on the dragon throne, and on both sides stood armored guards.

Especially behind the screen in the corner beside the emperor, there were three layers inside and three layers outside, heavily wrapped.

"We are all mortals, is there any need to be so scared?"

The bloody figure suddenly woke up and complained

"You haven't seen how fierce he is!"

"Geniuses in the world are like flowing water. Only those who laugh last are the best. The rest are just floating and sinking."

"A little nervous"

"Don't waste your time, just kill him!"

Li Tingzhi stepped forward and bowed to the emperor, saying:

""I, your humble servant, Li Tingzhi, greet your majesty."

The emperor scanned Li Tingzhi's body, slammed the table, and shouted angrily:

"Li Tingzhi, do you admit your guilt?!"

"What crime have I committed?"

"Liang Qing is a prince of the dynasty, and you, a prefect, dare to kill him directly. Where does the clan affairs office stand? Such an act of exceeding one's authority, where does the law of the country stand?"

"Liang Qing bullied men and women, raped and killed women, committed many evil things, and disregarded the law. Everyone should kill him! Kill him and the people will celebrate."

Li Tingzhi looked directly at the emperor without the slightest fear

"How dare you! Do you think I am the emperor if you kill him? Let me ask you, am I the emperor or are you the emperor?"

The emperor stood up and pointed at Li Tingzhi and scolded him.

"All of our humble officials are dedicated to governing the country and ensuring the safety of the people, and to rectifying the government, and we have a clear conscience in everything we do!"

"Haha, good, a clear conscience.

The emperor laughed and clapped his hands.

"You have a clear conscience, but I can't see clearly in this court."

"I can't tell whether my loyal minister has a clear conscience or has ulterior motives!"

The emperor leaned on the dragon table and looked down.

"Someone come!"

"Dig out Lord Li's heart so I can have a better look at it!"


A lot of footsteps came from behind Li Tingzhi, all of them were the imperial guards with ghost faces and black armor.

They all held iron spears and long swords and surrounded Li Tingzhi.

Li Tingzhi laughed and said:

"The country is in ruins, and all the wise and capable people have been wiped out. Your Majesty, I admit the crime you want to accuse me of."

The soldiers rushed forward and pressed Li Tingzhi to the ground.

The long sword was drawn, and Li Tingzhi did not resist at all.

The sword pierced into his heart and cut it hard, and suddenly a huge gap appeared on his left chest.

The soldier drew his sword and stretched his arms to the left and right, and finally reached into his chest and pulled Li Tingzhi's heart out alive.

Li Tingzhi, lying on the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood, his eyes wide open, as if full of disbelief.

The soldier raised the hot heart with both hands and presented it to the emperor.

The emperor quickly stepped forward to take a look at the heart. At first, it was a little moved, and then slowly stopped.

He quickly walked to Li Tingzhi, felt his breath, and then felt his pulse.

He immediately bowed to the screen and said:

"Master, he is confirmed dead."

At this time, Huang Feiyu slowly walked out from behind the screen and walked to Li Tingzhi's side.

Looking down, he saw blood all over the floor, his pupils dilated, and no breath at all. He was dead and could not die any more.

He could not help but pretend to be old and sighed:

"Tsk tsk, the first golden elixir in Tiannan, the leader of Tianxing Sect, the Seven Emotions Sword, just died here!"

"It's really a matter of time and fate."

He stepped on Li Tingzhi's shoulder and leaned over and smiled:

"Senior Brother Li, Senior Brother Li, the position of the leader of the Tianxing Sect will be held by Huang Feiyu from now on."

After saying this, he turned around and left with his hands behind his back, laughing:

"Hahahaha, throw it out to feed the dogs."

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