"Summer is coming, it's time to cover your skin with a protective film to prevent ultraviolet rays from invading! Fresh moisturizing facial cleanser, not only can it be exfoliated, but it can also moisturize and moisturize at a depth that is not sticky, it can be extracted from pure plants, whether it is male or female or allergic skin, it can be used. With a 30 ml capacity, it will only be used for a price of 100 or more, don't hesitate, let yourself enjoy the whole summer! "

In one of the dorms of the Chinese Medical Academy, Li Hao, who was sitting next to a book, skillfully typed out a string of words in his Wechat Moment. Then, he pasted a few pictures of the products on his Wechat Moment, clicked on the top right side of his phone's screen, and sent the newly edited advertisement to his Wechat Moment.

"Screech!" Haozi has sent you a Wechat Moments again! "

Huang Ning, the dorm mate who was lying on the bed, started to run circles around his friends' friends. He let out a strange cry and recited what Li Hao had just said. After he finished, everyone in the dorm burst out into laughter.

"Hahaha, and it's been so beautiful all summer? Haozi, I didn't know that ever since you bought the WeChat Moments, the heart of this dignified seven foot man has become heavier and heavier! "

Zhang Kun came over to pat Li Hao on the shoulder and joked.


Li Hao rolled his eyes at him in annoyance, and then said, "Dorm leader, this is a complete Korean original, my friend brought it back home! Won't you give your girlfriend one? "

"Forget it! It's better for her to choose her own makeup! "

Zhang Kun smiled and shook his head.

Li Hao was also used to it. There were many ads for this sort of thing, but only a few people actually came to buy it. The bros in the dorm usually didn't look like they were rich, so he didn't expect to earn money from them.

"Fatty, you only know how to play games everyday, how can you not care about Haozi's business? Didn't Haozi say that this product could also be exfoliated? Look at your skin! It's so rough that you can almost be sandpaper! "

Huang Ning who was lying on the bed stood up, looking at Lin Wei who was engrossed in playing the League of Legends, ridiculing him.

"F * ck!"

Lin Wei looked at the black and white screen, slammed his hand on the table and bellowed, "Damn Weasel, your skin is like sandpaper! It caused me to die again! "

"Technical dishes cannot be blamed on society, brother!" I will not take the blame for this! "

Huang Ning lay back down and said: "Haozi, look, they won't even buy if you tell them to buy your things. Now, do you know who our dorm mates are?"

"Tsk, that sounds like you bought it."

Li Hao curled his lips.

"Brother!" "I didn't buy it, but look at you advertising every day, and I'm not blocking your friends' circle. Isn't that true love?!"

Huang Ning sat up from the bed with a pompous expression, clutching his chest, as if he had suffered a great injury.

Seeing this funny guy, Li Hao couldn't help but laugh. At this time, the fatty beside him, Lin Wei, waved his phone and proudly said, "That's nothing! Haozi, look, even when I was fighting in the Summoner's Ravine, I didn't forget to give you a Like. You're asking me how deep I love you.

"Alright, alright. You two are Haozi's true love. As a dorm head, I'll go out and help you buy soap later!"

Zhang Kun's lips curled up into a smile, but he purposely spoke in a serious tone, "Shuozhijia, let my friend's love have no regrets!"

"A bunch of living treasures …"

Li Hao rolled his eyes at his brothers in annoyance, then stood up and said, "I won't be messing around with you guys, I've already arranged dinner for Ling'er!"

"Haozi, since you said that your new product is so good, why didn't you bring your goddess a bottle?"

Zhang Kun looked at Li Hao who had stood up and left, and suddenly said.

"That's right!"

Li Hao's eyes lit up. If he were to bring one of them to Ling'er, she would definitely be very happy.

With that in mind, he picked up a box of fresh moisturizer on the table and headed for the door.

"Ah, the one who falls in love!"

Huang Ning looked at Li Hao, who was rushing to the door and leaving, and pretended to be deep in thought.

Zhang Kun laughed and said, "Single dog, quickly finish this bowl of dog food!"

Li Hao had already arrived at the foot of Ling'er's dormitory, full of anticipation for her appearance.

Ten minutes later, Su Ling, who was wearing a pink dress, appeared in front of Li Hao. When she saw Li Hao, a complicated look appeared on her face as she asked, "You're here?"

"Hm!" "Ling'er, look what I brought you!"

Li Hao smiled as he went up to greet her. Then, he passed the fresh and moisturizing face Cleansing Milk to Su Ling.

"Li Hao, I … Let's break up. "

Su Ling pursed her lips, pushed back the cosmetics in her hand and said in a low voice.


Li Hao was slightly startled. After hearing this, it was as if he was struck by lightning, and he became completely dumbstruck.

"She said she wanted to break up with you. Don't you understand?"

A haughty voice came from behind. Li Hao turned to look and saw Wang Yun leaning against his BMW, dressed like a showcase, looking at Li Hao with a ridiculing look on his face.

"You're here?"

After that, she looked at Li Hao and said once more: "Li Hao, you are very well, but I feel that we are not suitable. Thank you for taking care of me a while ago."

"Ling'er, why?!"

Li Hao's eyes instantly turned red. He grabbed onto Su Ling's arm and asked with a hoarse voice, "You were with him? Just because he has money?! "


Wang Yun pushed Li Hao to the ground, looking at him condescendingly from above, and said with disdain: "Why don't you take a piss and look after yourself. You're just a poor person who's been buying on behalf with your friends every day, and you still have the nerve to be with Ling'Er?"

After he finished speaking, he kicked away both Li Hao's phone and his face cleanser, "Take a look at yourself. The most valuable thing on your body is this trash copious phone, what can you give her? Don't tell me that if you want Ling'er to be with you, the only thing we can do in the future is to use these 100 to 200 yuan worth of cheap cosmetics? "

"Wang Yun, stop talking. Let's go."

Su Ling looked at Li Hao, who was lying on the ground.

"Brat, remember, Ling Er is my woman in the future. If I find out that you dare to pester her, I'll kill you!"

Wang Yun fiercely glared at Li Hao, giving him a warning. Only then did he get on the BMW with Su Ling, leaving amidst the rumbling sounds of the engine.

Li Hao fell to the ground, clenching his fists tightly. Tears started streaming down his face.

As the sky gradually darkened, neither the passing students nor Li Hao noticed that a ray of light had suddenly flashed across the distant horizon and coincidentally disappeared into the phone beside Li Hao …

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