"Is there a need for such a grand opening?"

Li Hao actually didn't want to be too high-profile. In the beginning, his Haotian company was only there to cover up the origins of the Congee Dew, but later on, he also happened to be able to use this place to provide the yellow-skinned dog and his lackeys with a proper job. Thus, he decided to formally establish it.

"It's necessary, of course it's necessary!"

Zuo Fei Fei and Zhuo Yan Yu said at the same time.

"Ugh …" "Fine."

Li Hao touched his nose, nodding slightly.

"Think about it, as the saying goes, tigers and leopards come from different groups, once the market for Condensing Dew opens up and it becomes popular throughout the country, your Haotian Industrial Company is definitely not some ordinary second-rate or third-rate company. It is a company that can directly challenge first-rate companies like Ming Zhu!"

Zuo Fei Fei said with a smile, "With such a starting point and potential, how could the first shot not be loud?"

"Yes, yes!" It has to be done, and it has to be done in a big way! "

Zhuo Yanyu nodded and continued, "Big Brother Hao'er, those merchants are the same as the people who buy stocks. As the saying goes, you can't buy anything, but you can't buy anything, and if you open a business and start a competition, those guys will definitely think of ways to get you into trouble. But if you, a merchant, can get into trouble, then everyone will have a whole new level of respect for you."

Zuo Fei Fei and Zhuo Yanyu's suggestions were very meaningful. Although he was like the Fairy Doctor Bian Que who spoke of natural saints, whether it was in terms of their learning ability or intelligence, they were indeed much more experienced than him.

This was all from experience. Zhuo Yanyu and Zuo Feifei had grown up in the upper class, and his childhood had always been at the bottom, so he naturally didn't understand these things.

"In that case, let's do it!"

Li Hao was not a shy person. After making a decision in his heart, he waved his hand and nodded: "This is a grand operation!"


Zuo Fei Fei and Zhuo Yanyu were not gentle and quiet girls, and when they saw Li Hao nod in agreement, they excitedly said, "In terms of inviting people, you can leave it to us. At that time, even if we don't invite all the famous people from Ming Zhu to come, their appearances will definitely be good!"

"Okay, thank you."

Li Hao was very confident in their connections in the circle.

After that, Li Hao also told Liu Yuying about his decision and sure enough, she agreed to it.

"Don't worry, I will help you support the scene. After the opening ceremony, I will set up a feast for you at the Ru Yi House. I believe that no one will go without you."

Liu Yuying smiled. She had never held anything back about her brother.

"Dad, I don't care. In any case, you must find time to accompany me to the opening ceremony of my friend three days later!"

Zhuo Yanyu stood on the second floor of a luxurious villa and looked down at her father who was watching television in the living room. His pout was so small that it could fit a bottle of oil.

"Darling, at least I, your dad, am a head of public security in Pearl City, right?"

Zhuo Yanyu's father, Zhuo Yishan, didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he looked at his daughter. He smiled bitterly and said: "Normally, your friend would be of some help, even if daddy can help. But to attend someone else's opening ceremony, this isn't a simple matter.

"Aiyo, dad!"

Zhuo Yanyu flew down the stairs and dove into her father's bosom. She was already in her twenties, but she still held her father's arm and acted like a spoiled child.

"She's already got a guarantee vote with her friend. If you don't give her the honor, then her daughter will lose a lot of face!"

Zhuo Yanyu looked at her father with watery eyes and pouted, feeling wronged.

"Alright, alright."

Zhuo Yishan couldn't do anything about his precious daughter, and finally relaxed after Zhuo Yanyu pestered him: "Then I'll go with you and show you my face, this is already giving your friends face!"

"Thank you, Dad. Dad is the best!"

Seeing that his father had finally agreed, Zhuo Yanyu's delicate and pitiful expression finally revealed a smile. She leaned over and fiercely kissed his father on the cheek, then happily ran upstairs.

"This girl …"

Zhuo Yishan looked at his daughter and scolded her with a smile, but his eyes were filled with a doting look.

"Aunt, Li Hao's company is about to open soon. As their first partner, shouldn't we attend as well?"

Within Zuo Shi's medical company, Zuo Fei Fei Fei leaned against the door frame, looked at the top quality young woman who was buried in a pile of documents, and said indifferently.

"Can't you go?"

Zuo Yu Ling raised her head from the mountain-like document, adjusted the bangs on her forehead and said, "Look, look, your dad gave me the pearl business, I'm almost tired out. I eat grass, but I squeeze it into milk!"

"No one wants your milk!"

Zuo Fei Fei glanced at her aunt's ample breasts, curled her lips and said: "You can do it, ha-ha. Three days from now, at 8 am, I will drive you there."

"Stupid girl, once you have someone you like, you can forget about your own aunt's life!"

Zuo Yu Ling ground her cute fangs and pretended to be fierce as she yelled at Zuo Fei Fei's back.

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly took out a mirror from the drawer of her desk, carefully examined her face, and mumbled to herself, "Hmm, on that day, I will have to dress up beautifully, I definitely won't let my first niece steal away my limelight! "Hum, hum, hum!"

At the outskirts of Pearl City, in Hua Fei's private villa, he looked at the bright red invitation card in his hand and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"Master, are you ready to go?"

Xiao Xue gently massaged Hua Feiyu's shoulder and asked.

"Go, of course we have to go."

Hua Feizhong smiled as he flicked the invitation card in his hand onto the tea table and said plainly.

"But if you contact Young Master Li Hao, aren't you afraid that it will attract the attention and suspicion of the Eldest Young Master?"

During this period of time, Snowy had become the most trusted subordinate of Hua Feiyu. Although in the eyes of outsiders, Snowy was just playing the role of the "Flower Aphrodisiac's" tool, but in reality, she had already become someone he could depend on.

So, Snowy knew that although her young master looked glorious on the surface, he was actually living a very difficult life. With such a big brother on his head, he had to be very careful in every step of his life or else he would be killed!

"If I don't go, it will arouse my brother's suspicions."

Hua Fei closed his eyes and said: "Previously, when you were arranged to be here, the public's excuse was that I was the one who ordered Li Hao to make a big ruckus at the Ru Yi House. Big brother can't possibly not get the news, and since he already thinks that I have something to do with Li Hao, this time, I will naturally go there openly.

"If my silly little brother were to suddenly become cautious in his eyes, wouldn't he be even more suspicious?"

Hua Feizhong laughed bitterly. Seeing the figure of A'Mei walking towards this room on the screen in front of him, he turned his head to Xiaoxue and apologetically smiled: "Sorry, I'm going to have to inconvenience you again."

"This is what Snowy should do."

Snowy's beautiful face blushed as she nodded in understanding. Then, she opened her mouth and let out short, seductive moans.

"Ah, ah, ah …"

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